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HIV/STD Program Reports

DISCLAIMER: HIV/STD surveillance is an ongoing process of data collection and reporting. DSHS freezes HIV/STD data once a year in July. Those numbers are used to create year-end datasets for the previous calendar year. HIV/STD data from previous calendar years may fluctuate slightly due to ongoing deduplication and quality assurance activities. Learn more.

Texas HIV Surveillance Report 2021
Annual summary of reported HIV infections and AIDS cases in Texas.

Texas HIV Slide Set 2021
A slide set summarizing the epidemiology of HIV infections and AIDS cases in Texas.

Texas STD Surveillance Report 2022
Annual summary of reported chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infections in Texas.

Texas STD Surveillance Report 2021
Annual summary of reported chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infections in Texas.

Texas STD Epidemiology Slide Set 2018
A slide set summarizing the epidemiology of STD infections in Texas.

Texas Hepatitis C Data
Annual summary of reported Hepatitis C in Texas.

Texas HIV Quarterly Report (2nd Quarter 2018-2020) | 1st Quarter 2018-2020
Quarterly summary of HIV and AIDS in Texas.

Texas STD Epidemiologic Profile 2022
A summary of information on chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis cases in Texas.

Texas Congenital Syphilis Epidemiologic Profile 2022
A summary of information on congenital syphilis in Texas.

DSHS Congenital Syphilis Logic Model and Work Plan
A listing of the goals and strategies used to reduce congenital syphilis in Texas. 

HIV, STDs, and TB in the Texas-Mexico Border Region
A summary of HIV, STD, and TB cases for counties within 100 miles of the Texas-Mexico border.

Texas HIV Annual Report 2018
A summary of DSHS efforts to prevent and treat HIV.

HIV and Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment Resources in Texas
An inventory of all federal, state, and local money spent in Texas on HIV infection, AIDS, and hepatitis prevention and healthcare services.

Congenital Syphilis Legislative Report
A report on congenital syphilis cases diagnosed in Texas in the preceding biennium.

National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System Reports
Data on populations at high risk for acquiring HIV including:

Program Collaboration, Service Integration (PCSI) Plan
A DSHS plan to better understand and address the interrelated epidemics of TB, HIV, STDs, and Viral Hepatitis.

Texas Pediatric and Perinatal HIV Annual Report
This DSHS report describes pediatric HIV/AIDS cases and perinatal exposures reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services Surveillance Program.

Emerging Technologies and Advancements in HIV and AIDS Surveillance and Testing to Enhance Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment of HIV and AIDS Infection
This DSHS report addresses emerging technologies and advancements in HIV and AIDS disease surveillance and epidemiology, including the use of technologies and advancements to improve testing and reporting of AIDS and HIV infection.

Interagency Coordinating Council for HIV and Hepatitis Legislative Report
An overview of available epidemiologic data, service resources, federal and state funding sources, and a description of the gaps and barriers related to the prevention and care, and treatment of AIDS, HIV, and hepatitis in Texas.

Hepatitis C Plan Report to the 82nd Texas Legislature
Report of DSHS efforts to control Hepatitis C.