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DSHS HIV/STD Clinical Quality Management Program

The DSHS HIV/STD Clinical Quality Management (CQM) Program is guided by the mission of the HIV/STD Prevention and Care Program.

HIV/STD Program Mission Statement

Our mission is to prevent, treat, and/or control the spread of HIV, STD, and other communicable diseases to protect the health of the citizens of Texas. In keeping with this mission, we procure, allocate, and manage fiscal and human resources so that we may:

  • Provide HIV/STD education and information;
  • Collect, interpret, and distribute data relating to HIV and STD;
  • Provide guidance to those who oversee, plan for, or provide HIV and STD services; and
  • Provide medication and supplies to prevent, manage, and treat communicable diseases.

In pursuit of this mission, we will make every effort to ensure that the citizens of Texas receive quality services.

HIV/STD Clinical Quality Management Program Priorities

The Texas HIV/STD Clinical Quality Management (QM) Program's priorities are to ensure high-quality HIV/STD prevention and care service delivery to the citizens of Texas. The program applies a dynamic structure allowing for change and updates at any time. The focus is on continuous quality improvement in the following four strategic domains:

  • Access to HIV/STD Prevention, Care, and Support Services
  • Health Outcomes
  • The Client/Patient Experience
  • Eliminating Health Disparities in Texas

Also, the HIV/STD CQM Program aligns, supports and is informed by the following associated plans:


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