- What if I forgot my password or username?
- Who is my consultant?
- How do I get back to the home screen of THISIS?
- The Status of each question package will indicate incomplete if certain fields/windows are not filled”. Do we ignore these fields or not?
- Does THISIS have the capacity to sustain attaching scanned documents containing medical information?
- If we go paperless and attach documents to THISIS, how long do we retain the physical record if we enter the information manually and attach scanned documents?
- User not able to create an event
- User was trying to enter data, but there are only grey fields available
- Who has deletion rights?
- The fields within the question packages are grey and I can’t update them, why is that happening for some events?
- How do I know what version of the Help Desk ticket I use?
- When an event is in the process of deduplication, I am unable to upload attachments? What should I do?
- How should I document in Accurint?
System Access
- Why are there multiple HIV events for one individual?
- How do I link partners and clusters to the original patient?
- Deletion Rights - Who has them?
- What do I do if I cannot find a laboratory and/or facility in the provided list in the lab results section of THISIS?
- Since our program is a cactus site, how should we handle the ACRF?
- Will more information be captured in ELR and imported into THISIS?
- Will we still need to QA Labs? If so, how?
- I could not add a negative HIV lab to a syphilis case nor could I add a negative syphilis lab to an HIV case. What should I do?
- I cannot create a patient record with negative labs from a team screening, which could be vital for future references. THISIS requires a positive disease code to create a patient record. Could “None” be added in the disease box when creating a new record?
- We noticed that the Biomat feed is not coming to our regular ELR feed from you all. Is there any possibility that Biomat reports can be included in the ELR- HL7 feed that we get from you all right now?
- When receiving faxed and mailed chlamydia/gonorrhea STD-27s from providers, they often write the test performed, specimen type, and result. If the associated lab was not imported and the provider did not send in a copy of the lab report, should we be creating a lab from this information if we don’t know which lab was used? How should these morbidities be processed?
- Processing of labs should be happening at midnight, why are labs showing up at noon?
- Labs triggering Field Follow-Up but cannot get out of the Field Follow-Up Needed workflow.
- When submitting a request for lab deletions please send the party ID and Event ID
- If there are labs we received during the downtime that have still not been imported into THISIS, should we just manually enter them?
- Do we need to send a list of labs that are still not in there (like is this a known issue or not?)
- Negative Labs are creating two events
- How do I enter a provider reported lab?
- Entering in dual treatment for CT/GC events.
Case Assignment/Field Record
- How do I clear the ‘Assignment Type’ dropdown list under the Case Assignment/Field Record Information section of the Case Assignment/Field Record question package for an HIV or STD event?
- How will ICCR communication change? How will the need for email correspondence be reduced?
- Should the status of the Case Assignment/Field Record question package for an event show incomplete or should it say complete to successfully cut a field record?
- Can staff outside Central Office delete field records?
- How do you use the 'N' disposition?
- Can we use a future date for initiation date on field record assignments?
- Interview records are not open. What should we do if we need it re-opened?
- Where is the field to add the marital status for reactors?
- What options do I select when a person has previously been treated for an infection and has an existing interview in THISIS?
- How does a user get rid of the concern “Case must be interviewed,” when the case was not interviewed because the person was Unable to Locate or Refused?
Assigning and Tracking Cases/Field Records in THISIS
- In THISIS, when assigning work to individuals within the Case Assignment/Field Record question package, does it pull from a user list or can it be assigned to anybody within the system?
- How do we assign cases and how do we determine who a case was assigned to?
- How do you advise we track open case assignments?
- When assigning a case in the test environment, can users in the test environment see if it was assigned to them?
- In what workflow can we view cases that have already been assigned to a user?
- What is the difference between the assignment for medical chart abstraction and the surveillance assignment in the Case assignment/field record question package?
- Where are the workflows that track open assignments located?
- Partners/Clusters package needs “None” in the dialogue box
- When entering suspects and associates it is now a requirement for last exposure date. Is this something that we need to start documenting during interviews?
- Linking of Events
- Breaking the link between patients/events
- OOJ Field Records worked before GoLive, when does a program enter them into THISIS so they are linked to a new event and an original interview?
- How do I enter a No Contacts Initiated (NCI) interview?
- There is a concern that a field record needs to be created. This is a converted case. Do we need to be concerned about that?
Risk Factors
- In the Risk Factors question package, shouldn’t “Re-Interview” appear as an option in the question asking, “Was information obtained from an original or cluster interview”?
- Where can surveillance staff document risk factors discovered from medical record abstraction? This seems to be a missing component, particularly if we are only able to obtain information from medical records.
- In the Reporting/Morbidity question package, there needs to be a “None” option for Diagnosis Code in the dialogue box for negative partners/clusters.
- When entering a secondary syphilis case into the system we are receiving a concern that the case classification does not meet the criteria. Is this just a glitch in the system or is there a step that maybe we are missing?
- The address section of morbidity is greyed out and I cannot edit it. How do I update or edit the address information?
Co-Infection Management
- How do I add multiple infections to a person’s event?
- How do I document a coinfection for a person? Would I go into an event, add a coinfection, then cut the field record? Then do we close the other event? What closure would we give it?
- When doing a syphilis field record, it requires HIV results to be added to the lab section. The system does not allow an HIV lab to be added to a syphilis event. A negative HIV event can be created that can be cross-referenced, but multiple question packages need to be answered off of a negative test. Is this the correct way to do it? Will there always be multiple question packages to answer for a negative HIV event?
- When I am in some of the question packages for a disease event that is associated with a co-infection (not when I am in the actual coinfection event), I see a question/field that says, “Prevents this answer block from being joined if the current case is joined.” What does this mean?
- Co-Infection: Sites are getting the READ ONLY Message when they create a new COIN and are unable to edit partners.
- What does “Prevent Join” mean?
- What do I do if I cannot find a facility in the provided list in a question package?
- What do I do if I cannot find a laboratory and/or facility in the provided list in the lab results section of THISIS?
- Facility search activates the patients’ search dialogue box and not the facility search dialogue box.
- Could not add in the “Type of facility” because it has a default “Care_Facility.” This triggers a “Concern.”
- Ever wonder why you're not finding facilities that you just KNOW must already be in the system?
Public Health Follow-Up
- Should sites be printing cases once they are closed out of THISIS? Do we need to print associated Field Records into cases? How should we be filing closed cases after we move into THISIS?
- What should sites do about handwritten notes?
- Can VCAs be scanned into the THISIS event?
- How do I file handwritten notes without a scanner?
- How do we document weekly case activities?
- How should we document on field records?
- Are programs expected to maintain 2018 lots?
HIV Surveillance
- After release 2, do sites still have to enter the Adult Case Reporting Form (ACRF) manually into eHARS?
- Does release 2 have the functionality of document-based surveillance?
Congenital Syphilis
- Entering data for a congenital syphilis investigation in which the mom was diagnosed with secondary syphilis during pregnancy. The doctor opted to treat the mom with 4.8 BIC. Mom was treated greater than 30 days before delivery. In the clinical question package of her THISIS event it says that she was adequately treated; however, in the baby’s related congenital event, the ‘Congenital syphilis case classification’ field (in the Administration section of the Congenital Syphilis question package), it automatically populates as ‘Probable Case’ when it should be ‘Not a Case.’ What should I do?
- Concern Generating for an interview when an infected dispo is selected for a person under the age of 10.
- Interview iteration is triggered for Congenital Syphilis (CS) Events
- Do I have to cut a field record for an infant or can I just create a congenital investigation?
- What is the most up to date information about congenital case classification?
- Biological False Positives (BFPs) Not Leaving Workflows
- Out of Jurisdiction (In-State) Process not in workflow for receiving jurisdiction
- We need to assign a field record to an out-of-state jurisdiction, but it is not getting out of my workflow.
- How do you know who is working the field record or interview record?
Helpful Tips