- SCATR Disposal Program
- Online Application Instructions
- Business Registration Requirements
- Dental X-Ray Machine Registration
- Industrial – X-Ray Registration
- Applications and Forms
- Medical and Academic X-Ray Machine Registration
- Veterinary X-Ray Machine Registration
- Laws and Rules
- Inspections of X-Ray Machines
- Regulatory Guides
- Tips for Answering a Notice of Violation
- Frequently Asked Questions about Medical X-Ray Registration
- Applications and Forms
- 24 Hour Radiological Emergency Assistance Telephone Number
- Open Records Policy
- Applications and Forms
- Radioactive Materials Program Authorization and Scope
- Reciprocity
- NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) Licensing
- General License Acknowledgements (GLA)
- Commercial Distribution of Generally Licensed Devices Quarterly Reporting
- Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Shipper and Transporter Registrations
- Agency Accepted Radiation Safety Training Course List
- Answering a Notice of Violation for Radioactive Materials Licenses
- Laws and Rules - RAM
- RAM Biennial Fees Online Payment Instructions
- RAM Licensing Directory
- Compliance with Radioactive Material Security Requirements
- LLRW Shipper and Transporter Registrations
- How to Avoid Compliance Problems Relating to Radioactive Material Licenses
- Frequently Asked Questions About Radioactive Material
- Mammography Accreditation
- Mammography Annual Fees Online Payment Instructions
- Mammography Certification Program
- Mammography and Intervention Breast Radiography Certification FAQs
- Interventional Breast Radiography - Breast Biopsy Certification
- Equip Texas FAQs
- Applications and Forms - Mammography Programs
- Laws and Rules - Mammography Program
- Inspections - Mammography Programs
- Frequently Asked Questions about Mammography Certification
- Computed Tomography (CT)
- Indoor Radon
- Environmental Monitoring Summaries
- Links and Resources
- Inspections
- Inspectors by Region
- Texas Radiation Advisory Board
SCATR Disposal Program
As you may or may not be aware, each year the OED announces changes in its SCATR Program. This year there has been a significant change in the cost/share part of the program which increases the percentage of the cost that DOE will pay. For routine SCATR collections the percentage will rise from 30 to 40%. For transport and disposal of sealed sources that require Type B packages the percentage will be 50%.
OED wishes to get the word out as soon as possible so that as many prospective participants as possible may take advantage of the savings. Additionally, a positive response would provide assurance that the increases remain in place for future participants.
OED requests that you post a link (provided below) that would take an interested party to a copy of the announcement for FY 2023-24 on the CRCPD’s home page. OED would also request that you display the link on your home page at least one month before removal.
If you have any questions or concerns about this email, please contact Russ Meyer at 512-761-3822 or at rmeyer@crcpd.org.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this request.