Mycobacteriology Laboratory

What We Do
The Mycobacteriology Laboratory identifies Mycobacterium species and other aerobic actinomycetes from submitted clinical specimens and referred isolates. Susceptibility testing for several antimicrobials is performed on Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) and Mycobacterium kansasii. M. tuberculosis complex and M. kansasii testing details may also be found in the DSHS Laboratory Testing Service Manual (LTSM) test menu, here.
The tuberculosis (TB) testing services offered by the Mycobacteriology Laboratory are twofold:
Diagnostic testing
Reference testing
How to Use This Guide
The specimen submission and shipping guidance on these pages is provided for healthcare providers and clinical and reference laboratory submitters for mycobacteriological testing at the DSHS Austin Laboratory.
Patients who have health concerns about TB, Hansen’s disease, or NTM infection or who seek to submit specimens for analysis are encouraged to discuss those concerns with their healthcare provider. DSHS laboratory staff cannot make treatment recommendations.
Click on the menu items to quickly navigate to the section of interest.
95 kPa Specimen Transport Bags as Replacement Secondary Containers for TB Elimination Program
Submitters may receive alternate, approved secondary containers in their TB supply orders if the standard secondary containers are not available. Guidance on how to package specimen tubes so they fit in the alternate 95 kPa specimen transport bags is available from the TB Lab.

Custom-made secondary containers (at left), ordered from the DSHS Laboratory may be replaced with 95kPa transport bags (middle image). Guidance on how to package specimens in the bags so they fit in the cardboard outer mailers (at right), is available from the Lab.
Every TB Specimen Counts: Preventing Untestable Specimens
TB sputum specimen tubes sometimes leak before arriving at the Laboratory and cannot be tested. Leaks are frequently caused by improperly closed tubes. To ensure high quality, testable specimens, please
secure specimen in Falcon tube
close lid tightly, making sure the cap is threaded properly, and
seal lid with wrap such as Parafilm, if available, to help prevent leaks.
Ship sputum specimens cold to minimize growth of non-target organisms.

Closing the lid firmly and wrapping it in Parafilm helps to reduce the likelihood of leaks.
DSHS TB Surveillance Program Guidance is Available
The DSHS TB Branch provides patient specimen collection and shipping boxes to participants in the TB Elimination Program.
- One-page guidance flyers about packaging and shipping TB specimens to DSHS Laboratory are available.
Mycobacterium Susceptibility Testing
More information on TB screening for antibiotic sensitivity is available here.
Austin Laboratory Correspondence and Bulletins
Microbiological Sciences Branch Notices
How to Contact the Mycobacteriology/TB Team
Call: Mycobacteriology Branch Manager at 512-776-7342