DSHS Authors: Research Articles by DSHS Staff
The following list of journal citations includes peer-reviewed research articles that have been written by staff of the Texas Department of State Health Services in the last four years.
For more information about these articles or for a full-text copy, contact the Medical and Research Library by email or call 512-776-7559.
If you are a DSHS author and have published a research article, textbook, or book chapter and you would like it to be included in this list, email the Medical and Research Library.
DSHS Authors by Year
(In date order with the most recent first):
Schraw JM, Tark JY, Desrosiers TA, et al. Risk of carcinomas among children and adolescents with birth defects. Cancer Epidemiol. Published online January 22, 2025. doi:10.1016/j.canep.2025.102748
Background: Birth defects are associated with childhood cancer, but little is known regarding pediatric carcinomas, a group of especially rare tumors.
Methods: We used Cox proportional hazards regression to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) for any carcinoma, as well as thyroid, hepatocellular, and renal carcinoma specifically, up to 18 years of age among children with major, non-syndromic anomalies or chromosomal/genetic syndromes, relative to unaffected children.
Results: Our registry-linkage study included nine states and 21,933,476 children between 1990 and 2018: 641,827 with non-syndromic anomalies, and 49,619 with syndromes. Carcinomas were diagnosed in 833 children, including 35 with non-syndromic anomalies and eight with syndromes. The hazard of carcinoma was increased both among children with non-syndromic anomalies (HR: 1.7, CI: 1.2-2.4; N = 35) and syndromes (HR: 4.7, CI: 2.3-9.5; N = 7). Hepatocellular carcinoma was associated with non-syndromic anomalies (HR: 4.6, CI: 2.2-9.7; N = 8) and syndromes (HR: 8.0, CI: 1.1-58.1; N < 5). The hazard of renal carcinoma was markedly increased in children with tuberous sclerosis (HR 59.6, CI: 23.7-149.5; N = 5), a known cause of renal cancer. Thyroid carcinoma was not associated with non-syndromic anomalies or syndromes.
Conclusion: Birth defects are associated with hepatocellular and renal carcinoma in children.
Canfield MA, et al. Prediction of Preterm Birth among Infants with Orofacial Cleft Defects. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2025;62(1):35-43. doi:10.1177/10556656231198945
Objective: To develop risk prediction models for preterm birth among infants with orofacial clefts.
Design: Data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry for infants with orofacial clefts born between 1999-2014 were used to develop preterm birth predictive models. Logistic regression was used to consider maternal and infant characteristics, and internal validation of the final model was performed using bootstrapping methods. The area under the curve (AUC) statistic was generated to assess model performance, and separate predictive models were built and validated for infants with cleft lip and cleft palate alone. Several secondary analyses were conducted among subgroups of interest.
Setting: State-wide, population-based Registry data.
Patients/participants: 6774 infants with orofacial clefts born in Texas between 1999-2014.
Main outcome measure(s): Preterm birth among infants with orofacial clefts.
Results: The final predictive model performed modestly, with an optimism-corrected AUC of 0.67 among all infants with orofacial clefts. The optimism-corrected models for cleft lip (with or without cleft palate) and cleft palate alone had similar predictive capability, with AUCs of 0.66 and 0.67, respectively. Secondary analyses had similar results, but the model among infants with delivery prior to 32 weeks demonstrated higher optimism-corrected predictive capability (AUC = 0.74).
Conclusions: This study provides a first step towards predicting preterm birth risk among infants with orofacial clefts. Identifying pregnancies affected by orofacial clefts at the highest risk for preterm birth may lead to new avenues for improving outcomes among these infants.
(In date order with the most recent first):
Miller P, et al. Cancers with epidemiologic signatures of viral oncogenicity among immunocompromised populations in the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024;116(12):1983-1991. doi:10.1093/jnci/djae159
Background: Immunosuppressed individuals have elevated risk of virus-related cancers. Identifying cancers with elevated risk in people with HIV and solid organ transplant recipients, 2 immunosuppressed populations, may help identify novel etiologic relationships with infectious agents.
Methods: We used 2 linkages of population-based cancer registries with HIV and transplant registries in the United States. Cancer entities were systematically classified according to site and histology codes. Standardized incidence ratios were used to compare risk in people with HIV and solid organ transplant recipients with the general population. For selected cancer entities, incidence rate ratios were calculated for indicators of immunosuppression within each population.
Results: We identified 38 047 cancer cases in solid organ transplant recipients and 53 592 in people with HIV, yielding overall standardized incidence ratios of 1.66 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.65 to 1.68) and 1.49 (95% CI = 1.47 to 1.50), respectively. A total of 43 cancer entities met selection criteria, including conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma (people with HIV standardized incidence ratio = 7.1, 95% CI = 5.5 to 9.2; solid organ transplant recipients standardized incidence ratio = 9.4, 95% CI = 6.8 to 12.6). Sebaceous adenocarcinoma was elevated in solid organ transplant recipients (standardized incidence ratio = 16.2, 95% CI = 14.0 to 18.6) and, among solid organ transplant recipients, associated with greater risk in lung and heart transplant recipients compared with recipients of other organs (incidence rate ratio = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.7 to 3.2). Salivary gland tumors, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma showed elevated risk in solid organ transplant recipients (standardized incidence ratio = 3.9, 4.7, and 3.2, respectively) but not in people with HIV. However, risks for these cancers were elevated following an AIDS diagnosis among people with HIV (incidence rate ratio = 2.4, 4.3, and 2.0, respectively).
Conclusions: Elevated standardized incidence ratios among solid organ transplant recipients and people with HIV, and associations with immunosuppression within these populations, suggest novel infectious causes for several cancers including conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous adenocarcinoma, salivary gland tumors, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Shumate CJ, et al. Epidemiology of coloboma: prevalence and patterns in Texas, 1999-2014. Birth Defects Res. 2024;116(11):e2413. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2413
Background: Coloboma is a rare congenital malformation in which part of the tissue that makes up the eye is missing and may cause visual impairment or blindness. Little is known about the epidemiology of this condition. Therefore, we obtained data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry on children identified with coloboma for the period 1999-2014.
Methods: Using information on all live births from the same period, prevalence ratios (PRs) for selected demographic and clinical factors were used to estimate associations using Poisson regression among cases with coloboma. Coloboma cases were divided into subgroups to explore patterns of co-occurring defects and syndromes. All variables significant in unadjusted models (p < 0.05) were included in multivariable models to evaluate adjusted PRs (aPRs).
Results: We identified 1587 cases with coloboma, of whom 934 (58.8%) were nonsyndromic, and 474 (29.9%) were isolated. When considering all identified cases, factors associated with significant differences in prevalence included plurality (multiple vs. singleton aPR = 1.4, 95% CI: 1.1-1.8); maternal education (college or greater vs. less than high school aPR = 0.7, 95% CI: 0.6-0.9); maternal race/ethnicity (Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic White aPR = 0.9, 95% CI: 0.8-1.0); and maternal diabetes (yes vs. no aPR = 1.3, 95% CI: 1.0-1.6). There was a notable increase in the birth prevalence of coloboma during the study period (p-for-trend < 0.001). Effect estimates were similar across the different subgroups.
Conclusion: In our large population, we identified several factors associated with the prevalence of coloboma. These findings may help define subgroups of women more likely to have children affected by coloboma, which could inform improved screening efforts.
Allred RP, Aguilar-Martinez J, Howell R, et al. Epidemiology of Macrocephaly in the Texas Birth Defects Registry, 1999-2019. Birth Defects Res. 2024;116(11):e2415. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2415
Background: Macrocephaly is a clinical observation denoted as an occipitofrontal head circumference exceeding two standard deviations above same age and sex norms. By its definition, macrocephaly occurs in approximately 3% of the population. Descriptive epidemiologic evaluations of macrocephaly are lacking in the literature. The primary objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of macrocephaly captured by the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR) by infant sex, rural/urban residence, and select maternal characteristics.
Methods: Cases of TBDR between 1999 and 2019 with a six-digit Centers for Disease Control modified-British Pediatric Association (BPA) code of 742.400 (enlarged brain/head, large head, macrocephaly, megalencephaly) were identified. All pregnancy outcomes and diagnostic certainties were included. Prevalence (per 10,000 live births) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using a Poisson table by rural/urban residence, infant sex, maternal age, education, race/ethnicity, history of diabetes, and body mass index (BMI). Prevalence calculations were repeated across multiple sensitivity analyses including (1) definite, isolated cases excluding those with indication of being either "benign" or "familial", (2) definite, non-isolated cases, (3) definite non-isolated cases excluding chromosomal and syndromic cases, and (4) definite, proportionate (at birth) cases. A secondary objective was to describe the most common co-occurring congenital defects among definite, non-isolated cases.
Results: Overall, between 1999 and 2019, 14,637 cases of macrocephaly were identified in the TBDR resulting in a prevalence of 18.12/10,000 live births (95% CI: 17.83-18.42). Most cases were live born (99%), had a definite diagnosis (87%), and were non-isolated (57%). Prevalence was significantly higher among males, among those with an urban residence, and among mothers who were older, Non-Hispanic White, who had greater than high school education, who had a history of diabetes, and who were obese. Prevalence patterns remained consistent across all sensitivity analyses. The most common co-occurring congenital defects among definite, non-isolated cases were minor and primarily included skull and facial bone anomalies (e.g., plagiocephaly [18%]).
Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first epidemiologic evaluation of macrocephaly in a birth defects registry. The long-term clinical impact of isolated macrocephaly is not well understood and should be the focus of future investigations.
Gonzales ER, et al. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infections in Humans. N Engl J Med. Published online December 31, 2024. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2414610
Background: Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses have caused widespread infections in dairy cows and poultry in the United States, with sporadic human cases. We describe characteristics of human A(H5N1) cases identified from March through October 2024 in the United States.
Methods: We analyzed data from persons with laboratory-confirmed A(H5N1) virus infection using a standardized case-report form linked to laboratory results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention influenza A/H5 subtyping kit.
Results: Of 46 case patients, 20 were exposed to infected poultry, 25 were exposed to infected or presumably infected dairy cows, and 1 had no identified exposure; that patient was hospitalized with nonrespiratory symptoms, and A(H5N1) virus infection was detected through routine surveillance. Among the 45 case patients with animal exposures, the median age was 34 years, and all had mild A(H5N1) illness; none were hospitalized, and none died. A total of 42 patients (93%) had conjunctivitis, 22 (49%) had fever, and 16 (36%) had respiratory symptoms; 15 (33%) had conjunctivitis only. The median duration of illness among 16 patients with available data was 4 days (range, 1 to 8). Most patients (87%) received oseltamivir; oseltamivir was started a median of 2 days after symptom onset. No additional cases were identified among the 97 household contacts of case patients with animal exposures. The types of personal protective equipment (PPE) that were most commonly used by workers exposed to infected animals were gloves (71%), eye protection (60%), and face masks (47%).
Conclusions: In the cases identified to date, A(H5N1) viruses generally caused mild illness, mostly conjunctivitis, of short duration, predominantly in U.S. adults exposed to infected animals; most patients received prompt antiviral treatment. No evidence of human-to-human A(H5N1) transmission was identified. PPE use among occupationally exposed persons was suboptimal, which suggests that additional strategies are needed to reduce exposure risk. (Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.).
Canfield M, et al. Low Apgar Score and Risk of Neonatal Mortality among Infants with Birth Defects. Am J Perinatol. Published online November 25, 2024. doi:10.1055/a-2452-0047
Objective: The Apgar score is a clinical tool to assess newborn health at delivery and has shown utility in predicting neonatal mortality in the general population, but its predictive ability in neonates with birth defects remains unexplored. As such, we aimed to investigate the performance of the 5-minute Apgar score in predicting neonatal mortality among neonates with a spectrum of major birth defects.
Study design: Data for neonates with birth defects born between 1999 and 2017 were obtained from the Texas Birth Defect Registry. We generated receiver operating characteristic curves and corresponding area under the curve (AUC) values for neonatal mortality (death within the first 28 days of life) by 5-minute Apgar score (<7 vs. ≥7) to measure discrimination capacity. We performed secondary analyses to determine the predictive ability of the Apgar score: (1) among infants with an isolated birth defect and (2) separately in preterm and term neonates.
Results: Low Apgar score yielded substantial predictive ability for neonatal mortality, with 25 out of 26 AUC values > 0.70 across a spectrum of defect categories. High predictive ability was consistent among neonates with isolated defects, and preterm and term neonates.
Conclusion: The Apgar score is likely useful for predicting neonatal mortality among most neonates with birth defects. Despite small sample sizes limiting some secondary analyses, the findings emphasize the potential continued use of the Apgar score as a rapid clinical assessment tool for newborns with birth defects. Continued research may refine the Apgar score's application in this important population, both in clinical practice and population health research.
Monterosso A, et al. Differences in trends in cancer incidence rates among people with HIV during 2001-2019 by race and ethnicity and by risk group in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. Published online November 7, 2024. doi:10.1093/cid/ciae555
Background: Cancer risk among people with HIV (PWH) has declined over time as a result of antiretroviral therapy, but it is unclear whether all racial/ethnic groups and transmission risk groups have experienced equal declines.
Methods: We used data on PWH aged ≥20 years old from the HIV/AIDS Cancer Match Study during 2001-2019. We used Poisson regression to assess time trends in incidence rates for each cancer site by racial/ethnicity and risk group, adjusting for age, registry, and sex. We also estimated adjusted rate ratios across racial and ethnic and risk groups in 2001-2004 and 2015-2019.
Results: Trends in age-standardized rates differed across Black, White and Hispanic PWH, and across risk groups for some cancers. For example, liver cancer rates declined 23% per 5-year period among White PWH, 11% in Black PWH and 18% in Hispanic PWH. Anal cancer rates declined among men who have sex with men, were stable among people who inject drugs, and increased among other risk groups Between 2001-2004 and 2015-2019, relative difference in cancer incidence rates by race/ethnicity increased for HL and liver cancer but decreased for NHL; by risk group, relative differences increased for NHL and liver cancer, and decreased for HL, lung and anal cancers.
Conclusions: Among PWH in the US, during 2001-2019, HL, lung, liver, and cervical cancer rate trends were different across racial/ethnic groups. HL, lung, anal, and liver cancer rates trends were different across risk groups. Future work should examine underlying causes of the differences in trends.
Shumate CJ, et al. Survival of children with critical congenital heart defects in the national birth defects prevention study. Birth Defects Res. 2024;116(9):e2394. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2394
Background: Critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs) are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. This study estimated survival of children with nonsyndromic CCHDs and evaluated relationships between exposures of interest and survival by CCHD severity (univentricular or biventricular function).
Methods: This analysis included 4380 infants with CCHDs (cases) born during 1999-2011 and enrolled in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, a multisite, population-based case-control study of major birth defects. Cases were linked to state death files. Nonparametric Kaplan-Meier survival functions were used to estimate 1- and 5-year survival probabilities overall and by severity group (univentricular/biventricular) stratified by demographic and clinical exposure variables of interest. The log-rank test was used to determine whether stratified survival curves were equivalent. Survival and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were also estimated using Cox proportional hazards modeling adjusted for maternal age, education, race/ethnicity, study site, and birth year.
Results: One- and five-year survival rates were 85.8% (CI 84.7-86.8) and 83.7% (CI 82.5-84.9), respectively. Univentricular 5-year survival was lower than biventricular case survival [65.3% (CI 61.7-68.5) vs. 89.0% (CI 87.8-90.1; p < 0.001)]. Clinical factors (e.g. preterm birth, low birthweight, and complex/multiple defects) were associated with lower survival in each severity group. Sociodemographic factors (non-Hispanic Black race/ethnicity, <high school education, smoking, and lower household income) were only associated with survival among biventricular cases.
Conclusions: Mortality among children with CCHDs occurred primarily in the first year of life. Survival was lower for those with univentricular defects, and social determinants of health were most important in predicting survival for those with biventricular defects.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. Factors associated with elevated SARS-CoV-2 immune response in children and adolescents. Front Pediatr. 2024;12:1393321. Published 2024 Aug 15. doi:10.3389/fped.2024.1393321
Background: Understanding the distinct immunologic responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection among pediatric populations is pivotal in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and informing future public health strategies. This study aimed to identify factors associated with heightened antibody responses in children and adolescents to identify potential unique immune dynamics in this population
Methods: Data collected between July and December 2023 from the Texas Coronavirus Antibody REsponse Survey (Texas CARES), a statewide prospective population-based antibody survey among 1-to-19-year-old participants, were analyzed. Each participant had the following data available for analysis: (1) Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoassay for Nucleocapsid protein antibodies (Roche N-test), (2) qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of antibodies to the SARS CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain (Roche S-test), and (3) self-reported antigen/PCR COVID-19 test results, vaccination, and health status. Statistical analysis identified associations between participant characteristics and spike antibody quartile group.
Results: The analytical sample consisted of 411 participants (mean age 12.2 years, 50.6% female). Spike antibody values ranged from a low of 6.3 U/ml in the lowest quartile to a maximum of 203,132.0 U/ml in the highest quartile in the aggregate sample. Older age at test date (OR = 1.22, 95% CI: 1.12, 1.35, p < .001) and vaccination status (primary series/partially vaccinated, one or multiple boosters) showed significantly higher odds of being in the highest spike antibody quartile compared to younger age and unvaccinated status. Conversely, fewer days since the last immunity challenge showed decreased odds (OR = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.96, 0.99, p = 0.002) of being in the highest spike antibody quartile vs. more days since last immunity challenge. Additionally, one out of every three COVID-19 infections were asymptomatic.
Conclusions: Older age, duration since the last immunity challenge (vaccine or infection), and vaccination status were associated with heightened spike antibody responses, highlighting the nuanced immune dynamics in the pediatric population. A significant proportion of children/adolescents continue to have asymptomatic infection, which has important public health implications.
Shumate CJ, et al. Enhancing the classification of congenital heart defects for outcome association studies in birth defects registries. Birth Defects Res. 2024;116(8):e2393. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2393
Introduction: Traditional strategies for grouping congenital heart defects (CHDs) using birth defect registry data do not adequately address differences in expected clinical consequences between different combinations of CHDs. We report a lesion-specific classification system for birth defect registry-based outcome studies.
Methods: For Core Cardiac Lesion Outcome Classifications (C-CLOC) groups, common CHDs expected to have reasonable clinical homogeneity were defined. Criteria based on combinations of Centers for Disease and Control-modified British Pediatric Association (BPA) codes were defined for each C-CLOC group. To demonstrate proof of concept and retention of reasonable case counts within C-CLOC groups, Texas Birth Defect Registry data (1999-2017 deliveries) were used to compare case counts and neonatal mortality between traditional vs. C-CLOC classification approaches.
Results: C-CLOC defined 59 CHD groups among 62,262 infants with CHDs. Classifying cases into the single, mutually exclusive C-CLOC group reflecting the highest complexity CHD present reduced case counts among lower complexity lesions (e.g., 86.5% of cases with a common atrium BPA code were reclassified to a higher complexity group for a co-occurring CHD). As expected, C-CLOC groups had retained larger sample sizes (i.e., representing presumably better-powered analytic groups) compared to cases with only one CHD code and no occurring CHDs.
Archer NP, et al. Reporting tumor genomic test results to SEER registries via linkages. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2024;2024(65):168-179. doi:10.1093/jncimonographs/lgae013
Background: Precision medicine has become a mainstay of cancer care in recent years. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program has been an authoritative source of cancer statistics and data since 1973. However, tumor genomic information has not been adequately captured in the cancer surveillance data, which impedes population-based research on molecular subtypes. To address this, the SEER Program has developed and implemented a centralized process to link SEER registries' tumor cases with genomic test results that are provided by molecular laboratories to the registries.
Methods: Data linkages were carried out following operating procedures for centralized linkages established by the SEER Program. The linkages used Match*Pro, a probabilistic linkage software, and were facilitated by the registries' trusted third party (an honest broker). The SEER registries provide to NCI limited datasets that undergo preliminary evaluation prior to their release to the research community.
Results: Recently conducted genomic linkages included OncotypeDX Breast Recurrence Score, OncotypeDX Breast Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, OncotypeDX Genomic Prostate Score, Decipher Prostate Genomic Classifier, DecisionDX Uveal Melanoma, DecisionDX Preferentially Expressed Antigen in Melanoma, DecisionDX Melanoma, and germline tests results in Georgia and California SEER registries.
Conclusions: The linkages of cancer cases from SEER registries with genomic test results obtained from molecular laboratories offer an effective approach for data collection in cancer surveillance. By providing de-identified data to the research community, the NCI's SEER Program enables scientists to investigate numerous research inquiries.
Stuteville H, et al. An analysis of clinical outcomes of exploratory pediatric metformin ingestions reported to the Texas poison center network from 2011 to 2021. Hosp Pharm. 2024;59(4):465-470. doi:10.1177/00185787241230628
Background: Poison centers develop triage threshold guidelines for pediatric metformin ingestions. Our network uses 1700 mg, or 85 mg/kg.
Objective: To describe the dose, clinical course, and outcomes for inadvertent metformin ingestions in children 5 years old and younger reported to our statewide poison center network.
Methods: We searched the poison center database 2011 to 2021 for metformin ingestions in patients 5 years and younger. Variables included age, sex, weight, dose, symptoms, outcome, and more. We used descriptive statistics with medians and interquartile ranges (IQR) for continuous variables.
Results: Of 669 cases, exposures by age were 208 (31.1%) 1 to 2 years, and 275 (41.1%) 2 years. Weight was recorded in 342 (51.1%) (median 13.5 kg; IQR: 3.7 kg), and dose in 149 (22.3%) (median 500 mg; IQR: 500 mg). Milligram/kilogram values were available for 103 (15.4%) with median 42.4 mg/kg, IQR: 39 mg/kg. Most (647, 98.5%) exposures were unintentional. Most (445/669, 66.5%) were managed at a non-healthcare facility, while 204 (30.7%) were already at or referred to a healthcare facility. Of these 204 patients, 169 (82.8%) were evaluated and treated at the emergency department and discharged. Four (2%) were admitted to critical care, and 7 (3.4%) to the ward. Medical outcomes by effect were 5 (0.7%) minor, 2 (0.3%) moderate, 253 (37.8%) none, 292 (43.6%) not followed (minimal effects possible), and no major effects or deaths. Of 20 clinical occurrences reported, vomiting was most common (8, 1.2%).
Conclusion: Despite little recorded dosage information, pediatric metformin ingestions under 85 mg/kg had predominantly uneventful medical outcomes.
Merengwa E, et al. Clusters of emerging multidrug-resistant organisms in US health care facilities during the initial months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Am J Infect Control. Published online July 30, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2024.07.013
Background: Outbreaks of emerging multidrug-resistant organisms (eMDROs), including carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales, carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, and Candida auris, have been reported among severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) patients. We describe eMDRO clusters in SARS-CoV-2 units and associated infection control (IC) practices early in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective survey of a convenience sample of health departments in 11 states to describe clusters of eMDROs that began before November 1, 2020 and involved SARS-CoV-2 units. Cluster characteristics and IC practices during the cluster period were assessed using a standardized outbreak report form, and descriptive analyses were performed.
Results: Overall, 18 eMDRO clusters (10 carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales, 6 C auris, 1 carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and 1 carbapenem-resistant A baumannii) in 18 health care facilities involving 397 patients were reported from 10 states. During the cluster period, 60% of facilities reported a shortage of isolation gowns, 69% extended use of gowns, and 67% reported difficulty obtaining preferred disinfectants. Reduced frequency of hand hygiene audits was reported in 85% of acute care hospitals during the cluster period compared with before the pandemic.
Conclusions: Changes in IC practices and supply shortages were identified in facilities with eMDRO outbreaks during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and might have contributed to eMDRO transmission.
Shumate CJ, et al. Demographic differences and potential bias from automated occupation coding among mothers of babies born with or without cleft lip and/or cleft palate in the Texas Birth Defects Registry. J Occup Environ Med. Published online July 16, 2024. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000003189
Objective: To compare maternal demographics based on occupation coding status and evaluate potential bias by excluding manually coded occupations.
Methods: This case-control study assessed cases with clefts obtained from the Texas Birth Defects Registry. The NIOSH Industry and Occupation Computerized Coding System automatically coded occupations, with manual coding for unclassified cases. Maternal demographics were tabulated by occupation coding status (manual vs. automatic). Logistic regression examined associations between major occupation groups and clefts.
Results: Automatic coding covered over 90% of all mothers. Building, grounds cleaning, and maintenance occupations, and office and administrative support occupations were significantly associated with cleft lip with or without cleft palate, even after excluding manually coded occupations.
Conclusion: We found consistent associations before and after excluding manually coded data for most comparisons, suggesting that machine learning can facilitate occupation-related birth defects research.
Archer NP, Drummond-Borg M, Freedenberg D, Shumate C, Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Newborn screening analytes and structural birth defects among 27,000 newborns. PLoS One. 2024;19(7):e0304238. Published 2024 Jul 5. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0304238
Background: Emerging evidence suggests newborn screening analytes may yield insights into the etiologies of birth defects, yet no effort has evaluated associations between a range of newborn screening analytes and birth defects.
Methods: This population-based study pooled statewide data on birth defects, birth certificates, and newborn screening analytes from Texas occurring between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2009. Associations between a panel of thirty-six newborn screening analytes, collected by the statewide Texas Newborn Screening Program, and the presence of a birth defect, defined as at least one of 39 birth defects diagnoses recorded by the Texas Birth Defects Registry, were assessed using regression analysis.
Findings: Of the 27,643 births identified, 20,205 had at least one of the 39 birth defects of interest (cases) as identified by the Texas Birth Defects Registry, while 7,438 did not have a birth defect (controls). Among 1,404 analyte-birth defect associations evaluated, 377 were significant in replication analysis. Analytes most consistently associated with birth defects included the phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio (N = 29 birth defects), tyrosine (N = 28 birth defects), and thyroxine (N = 25 birth defects). Birth defects most frequently associated with a range of analytes included gastroschisis (N = 29 analytes), several cardiovascular defects (N = 26 analytes), and spina bifida (N = 23 analytes).
Conclusions: Several significant and novel associations were observed between newborn screening analytes and birth defects. While some findings could be consequences of the defects themselves or to the care provided to infants with these defects, these findings could help to elucidate mechanisms underlying the etiology of some birth defects.
Miller P, et al. Cancers with epidemiologic signatures of viral oncogenicity among immunocompromised populations in the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst. Published online July 2, 2024. doi:10.1093/jnci/djae159
Background: Immunosuppressed individuals have elevated risk of virus-related cancers. Identifying cancers with elevated risk in people with HIV (PWH) and solid organ transplant recipients (SOTRs), two immunosuppressed populations, may help identify novel etiologic relationships with infectious agents.
Methods: We utilized two linkages of population-based cancer registries with HIV and transplant registries in the United States. Cancer entities were systematically classified based on site and histology codes. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were used to compare risk in PWH and SOTRs with the general population. For selected cancer entities, incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were calculated for indicators of immunosuppression within each population.
Findings: We identified 38,047 cancer cases in SOTRs and 53,592 in PWH, yielding overall SIRs of 1.66 (95%CI = 1.65-1.68) and 1.49 (95%CI = 1.47-1.50), respectively. Forty-three cancer entities met selection criteria, including conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (PWH SIR = 7.1, 95%CI = 5.5-9.2; SOTRs SIR = 9.4; 95%CI = 6.8-12.6). Sebaceous adenocarcinoma was elevated in SOTRs (SIR = 16.2; 95%CI = 14.0-18.6) and, among SOTRs, associated with greater risk in lung/heart transplant recipients compared to recipients of other organs (IRR = 2.3; 95%CI = 1.7-3.2). Salivary gland tumors, malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma showed elevated risk in SOTRs (SIR = 3.9; SIR = 4.7; and SIR = 3.2, respectively) but not in PWH. However, risks for these cancers were elevated following an AIDS diagnosis among PWH (IRR = 2.4; IRR = 4.3; and IRR = 2.0, respectively).
Interpretation: Elevated SIRs among SOTRs and PWH, and associations with immunosuppression within these populations, suggest novel infectious causes for several cancers including conjunctival SCC, sebaceous adenocarcinoma, salivary gland tumors, MFH, and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Singer R, Williams C, Nwanguma A, et al. Determining barriers to submitting antimicrobial-resistant isolates among hospitals in Texas Public Health Region 8. J Infect Prev. 2024;25(4):120-125. doi:10.1177/17571774241235101
Background: The Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network (AR Lab Network) was developed by the CDC to detect emerging antimicrobial-resistant (AR) threats and prevent outbreaks. However, low submission rates of AR isolates limit the potential of the AR Lab Network to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate barriers to submission of AR isolates in acute care hospitals (ACHs) and critical access hospitals (CAHs) within Texas Public Health Region 8 (PHR8) counties.
Methods: A survey was designed and emailed to laboratory professionals to identify barriers to AR isolate submission. Responses were analyzed using 2-sided Fisher's exact tests to identify associations between responses and respondent characteristics.
Results: Of the 33 hospitals within PHR8 invited to participate in the survey, responses were received from 21, a response rate of 63.6%. Lack of awareness of the AR Lab Network was the most frequently cited barrier to submission (65.4% of respondents). Other reported barriers to submission included lack of laboratory staff time (57.7%), lack of training with the submission process (34.6%), lack of personnel certified to ship infectious substances (23.1%), and lack of laboratory/shipping supplies (23.1%).
Canfield MA, et al. A multicountry analysis of prevalence and mortality among neonates and children with bladder exstrophy. Am J Perinatol. 2024 Jul;41(9):1143-1154. doi:10.1055/s-0042-1748318. Epub 2022 May 29. doi:10.1055/s-0042-1748318
Objective: Bladder exstrophy (BE) is a rare but severe birth defect affecting the lower abdominal wall and genitourinary system. The objective of the study is to examine the total prevalence, trends in prevalence, and age-specific mortality among individuals with BE.
Study design: We conducted a retrospective cohort study. Data were analyzed from 20 birth defects surveillance programs, members of the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research in 16 countries. Live births, stillbirths, and elective terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (ETOPFA) diagnosed with BE from 1974 to 2014. Pooled and program-specific prevalence of BE per 100,000 total births was calculated. The 95% confidence intervals (CI) for prevalence were estimated using Poisson approximation of binomial distribution. Time trends in prevalence of BE from 2000 to 2014 were examined using Poisson regression. Proportion of deaths among BE cases was calculated on the day of birth, day 2 to 6, day 7 to 27, day 28 to 364, 1 to 4 years, and ≥5 years. Mortality analysis was stratified by isolated, multiple, and syndromic case status.
Results: The pooled total prevalence of BE was 2.58 per 100,000 total births (95% CI = 2.40, 2.78) for study years 1974 to 2014. Prevalence varied over time with a decreasing trend from 2000 to 2014. The first-week mortality proportion was 3.5, 17.3, and 14.6% among isolated, multiple, and syndromic BE cases, respectively. The majority of first-week mortality occurred on the first day of life among isolated, multiple, and syndromic BE cases. The proportion of first-week deaths was higher among cases reported from programs in Latin America where ETOPFA services were not available.
Conclusion: Prevalence of BE varied by program and showed a decreasing trend from 2000 to -2014. Mortality is a concern among multiple and syndromic cases, and a high proportion of deaths among cases occurred during the first week of life.
Magee C, Browning C, Stokes-Walters R, Maxwell L, Buendia J, Bhakta N. Supporting local public health and planning professionals to implement built environment changes: a technical assistance program to promote physical activity in Texas. Prev Chronic Dis. 2024 Jun 20;21:E45. doi:10.5888/pcd21.230420.
Built environment approaches that improve active transportation infrastructure and environmental design can increase physical activity. Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Texas Department of State Health Services rejuvenated the Texas Plan4Health program from 2018 to 2023 to expand such approaches in Texas by providing technical assistance to teams of local public health professionals and planners to identify and implement projects connecting people to everyday destinations via active transport in their communities. However, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted Texas Plan4Health to modify the delivery of technical assistance to accommodate restrictions on travel and in-person gatherings. We used qualitative methods to conduct a postintervention process evaluation to describe the modified technical assistance process, understand the experiences of the 4 participating communities, and identify short-term outcomes and lessons learned. Texas Plan4Health helped communities overcome common barriers to built environment change, facilitated collaboration across community public health and planning professionals, and educated professionals about active transportation infrastructure and the relationship between their disciplines, thereby increasing community capacity to implement built environment improvements. This outcome, however, was mediated by the pre-existing resources and previous experiences with active transportation planning among the participating communities. Public health practitioners seeking to improve active transportation infrastructure and environmental design for physical activity should consider community-engaged approaches that advance partnership-building and collaborative experiential education among public health, planning, and other local government representatives, directing particular attention and additional training toward communities with fewer resources.
Shetty V, Rollo SN, Martinez DL, Raj S, Gonzales ER, et al. Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection in a dairy farm worker. N Engl J Med. 2024 Jun 6;390(21):2028-2029. doi:10.1056/NEJMc2405371.
To the Editor:
Sporadic human infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus, with a wide spectrum of clinical severity and a cumulative case fatality of more than 50%, have been reported in 23 countries over more than 20 years. HPAI A(H5N1) clade viruses have spread widely among wild birds worldwide since 2020–2021, resulting in outbreaks in poultry and other animals. Recently, HPAI A(H5N1) clade viruses were identified in dairy cows, and in unpasteurized milk samples, in multiple U.S. states. We report a case of HPAI A(H5N1) virus infection in a dairy farm worker in Texas.
Marengo LK, et al. Prevalence and descriptive epidemiology of choanal atresia and stenosis in Texas, 1999-2018. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 Jun;194(6):e63549. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63549. Epub 2024 Feb 5.
Choanal atresia and stenosis are common causes of congenital nasal obstruction, but their epidemiology is poorly understood. Compared to bilateral choanal atresia/stenosis, unilateral choanal atresia/stenosis is generally diagnosed later and might be under-ascertained in birth defect registries. Data from the population-based Texas Birth Defects Registry and Texas vital records, 1999-2018, were used to assess the prevalence of choanal atresia/stenosis. Poisson regression models were used to evaluate associations with infant and maternal characteristics in two analytic groups: isolated choanal atresia/stenosis (n = 286) and isolated, bilateral choanal atresia/stenosis (n = 105). The overall prevalence of choanal atresia/stenosis was 0.92/10,000, and the prevalence of isolated choanal atresia/stenosis was 0.37/10,000 livebirths. Variables associated with choanal atresia/stenosis in one or both analytic groups included infant sex, pregnancy plurality, maternal race/ethnicity, maternal age, and maternal residence on the Texas-Mexico border. In general, adjusted prevalence ratios estimated from the two analytic groups were in the same direction but tended to be stronger in the analyses restricted to isolated, bilateral defects. Epidemiologic studies of isolated choanal atresia/stenosis should consider focusing on cases with bilateral defects, and prioritizing analyses of environmental, social, and structural factors that could account for the association with maternal residence on the Texas-Mexico border.
Nguyen JM, Drummond-Borg M, et al. Classification of isolated versus multiple birth defects: An automated process for population-based registries. Am J Med Genet A. 2024 May 21:e63714. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63714. Epub ahead of print.
Epidemiologic studies of birth defects often conduct separate analyses for cases that have isolated defects (e.g., spina bifida only) and cases that have multiple defects (e.g., spina bifida and a congenital heart defect). However, in some instances, cases with additional defects (e.g., spina bifida and clubfoot) may be more appropriately considered as isolated because the co-occurring defect (clubfoot) is believed to be developmentally related to the defect of interest. Determining which combinations should be considered isolated can be challenging and potentially resource intensive for registries. Thus, we developed automated classification procedures for differentiating between isolated versus multiple defects, while accounting for developmentally related defects, and applied the approach to data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (1999-2018 deliveries). Among 235,544 nonsyndromic cases in Texas, 89% of cases were classified as having isolated defects, with proportions ranging from 25% to 92% across 43 specific defects analyzed. A large proportion of isolated cases with spina bifida (44%), lower limb reduction defects (44%), and holoprosencephaly (32%) had developmentally related defects. Overall, our findings strongly support the need to account for isolated versus multiple defects in risk factor association analyses and to account for developmentally related defects when doing so, which has implications for interpreting prior studies.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. Baseline characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine non-responders in a large population-based sample. PLoS One. 2024;19(5):e0303420. Published 2024 May 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0303420
Introduction: Studies indicate that individuals with chronic conditions and specific baseline characteristics may not mount a robust humoral antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. In this paper, we used data from the Texas Coronavirus Antibody REsponse Survey (Texas CARES), a longitudinal state-wide seroprevalence program that has enrolled more than 90,000 participants, to evaluate the role of chronic diseases as the potential risk factors of non-response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in a large epidemiologic cohort.
Methods: A participant needed to complete an online survey and a blood draw to test for SARS-CoV-2 circulating plasma antibodies at four-time points spaced at least three months apart. Chronic disease predictors of vaccine non-response are evaluated using logistic regression with non-response as the outcome and each chronic disease + age as the predictors.
Results: As of April 24, 2023, 18,240 participants met the inclusion criteria; 0.58% (N = 105) of these are non-responders. Adjusting for age, our results show that participants with self-reported immunocompromised status, kidney disease, cancer, and "other" non-specified comorbidity were 15.43, 5.11, 2.59, and 3.13 times more likely to fail to mount a complete response to a vaccine, respectively. Furthermore, having two or more chronic diseases doubled the prevalence of non-response.
Conclusion: Consistent with smaller targeted studies, a large epidemiologic cohort bears the same conclusion and demonstrates immunocompromised, cancer, kidney disease, and the number of diseases are associated with vaccine non-response. This study suggests that those individuals, with chronic diseases with the potential to affect their immune system response, may need increased doses or repeated doses of COVID-19 vaccines to develop a protective antibody level.
Stuteville H, et al. Fasciotomy following North American pit viper envenomation in Texas 2004-2021. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2024;62(5):314-321. doi:10.1080/15563650.2024.2338559
Introduction: North American pit viper envenomation occurs over 4,000 times annually in the United States, with polyvalent Fab antivenom being the primary treatment. Fasciotomy is occasionally performed due to concerns about compartment syndrome. We utilized our direct access to Texas Poison Center Network data to create a new snakebite abstraction form and database on relevant available information between 2004 and 2021 and to identify, describe, and estimate the incidence of fasciotomy following pit viper envenomation in Texas.
Methods: We searched the Texas Poison Center Network database for cases during 2004-2021 using keywords such as fasciotomy, surgery, compartment pressure, and compartment syndrome. Descriptive statistics summarized the data.
Results: Of 16,911 reported envenomations, 0.69 percent involved fasciotomies (n = 117). Most common bite sites were digits/hands and lower extremities. Patients who underwent fasciotomy were typically male, aged 20-59, and 10 years younger than the total snakebite population. Only 6 percent of reported compartment syndrome cases had a compartment pressure measurement. Antivenom was administered in 101 (86.3 percent) cases, 92 (91.1 percent) of which received only Fab antivenom product. Patients with bites from rattlesnakes (47.9 percent) were associated with most fasciotomies.
Discussion: Our findings suggest a potential increase in snakebite exposures, accompanied by a decrease in fasciotomies. Overall, copperheads constituted the majority of snakebites, but most fasciotomies were from rattlesnake envenomations (47.9 percent). In this cohort, compartment syndrome diagnosis and decisions regarding fasciotomy were primarily based on clinical evaluation/surgeon expertise without compartment pressure measurements. Despite the efficacy of antivenom, only 86.3 percent of patients in our study received antivenom.
Conclusions: Fasciotomy after North American pit viper envenomation in Texas is uncommon (0.69 percent) and has decreased over time, possibly due to increased antivenom use or surgeon comfort with nonsurgical management.
Nash N, et al. Provider perspectives: identification and follow-up of infants who are deaf or hard of hearing. Am J Perinatol. 2024;41(S 01):e694-e710. doi:10.1055/a-1932-9985
Objective: Without timely screening, diagnosis, and intervention, hearing loss can cause significant delays in a child's speech, language, social, and emotional development. In 2019, Texas had nearly twice the average rate of loss to follow-up (LFU) or loss to documentation (LTD; i.e., missing documentation of services received) among infants who did not pass their newborn hearing screening compared to the United States overall (51.1 vs. 27.5%). We aimed to identify factors contributing to LFU/LTD among infants who do not pass their newborn hearing screening in Texas.
Study design: Data were collected through semistructured qualitative interviews with 56 providers along the hearing care continuum, including hospital newborn hearing screening program staff, audiologists, primary care physicians, and early intervention (EI) program staff located in three rural and urban public health regions in Texas. Following recording and transcription of the interviews, we used qualitative data analysis software to analyze themes using a conventional content analysis approach.
Results: Frequently cited barriers included problems with family access to care, difficulty contacting patients, problems with communication between providers and referrals, lack of knowledge among providers and parents, and problems using the online reporting system. Providers in rural areas more often mentioned problems with family access to care and contacting families compared to providers in urban areas.
Conclusion: These findings provide insight into strategies that public health professionals and health care providers can use to work together to help further increase the number of children identified early who may benefit from EI services.
Yoo K, et al. NTCA guidelines for respiratory isolation and restrictions to reduce transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis in community settings. Clin Infect Dis. Published online April 18, 2024. doi:10.1093/cid/ciae199
No abstract available.
Shumate CJ, et al. Direct potable reuse and birth defects prevalence in Texas: An augmented synthetic control method analysis of data from a population-based birth defects registry. Environ Epidemiol. 2024;8(2):e300. Published 2024 Mar 18. doi:10.1097/EE9.0000000000000300
Background: Direct potable reuse (DPR) involves adding purified wastewater that has not passed through an environmental buffer into a water distribution system. DPR may help address water shortages and is approved or is under consideration as a source of drinking water for several water-stressed population centers in the United States, however, there are no studies of health outcomes in populations who receive DPR drinking water. Our objective was to determine whether the introduction of DPR for certain public water systems in Texas was associated with changes in birth defect prevalence
Methods: We obtained data on maternal characteristics for all live births and birth defects cases regardless of pregnancy outcome in Texas from 2003 to 2017 from the Texas Birth Defects Registry and birth and fetal death records. The ridge augmented synthetic control method was used to model changes in birth defect prevalence (per 10,000 live births) following the adoption of DPR by four Texas counties in mid-2013, with county-level data on maternal age, percent women without a high school diploma, percent who identified as Hispanic/Latina or non-Hispanic/Latina Black, and rural-urban continuum code as covariates.
Results: There were nonstatistically significant increases in prevalence of all birth defects collectively (average treatment effect in the treated = 53.6) and congenital heart disease (average treatment effect in the treated = 287.3) since June 2013. The estimated prevalence of neural tube defects was unchanged.
Conclusions: We estimated nonstatistically significant increases in birth defect prevalence following the implementation of DPR in four West Texas counties. Further research is warranted to inform water policy decisions.
Pont SJ, et al. Prozone masks elevated SARS-CoV-2 antibody level measurements. PLoS One. 2024;19(3):e0301232. Published 2024 Mar 28.
We report a prozone effect in measurement of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody levels from an antibody surveillance program. Briefly, the prozone effect occurs in immunoassays when excessively high antibody concentration disrupts the immune complex formation, resulting in a spuriously low reported result. Following participant inquiries, we observed anomalously low measurement of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody levels using the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S immunoassay from participants in the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Research survey (Texas CARES), an ongoing prospective, longitudinal antibody surveillance program. In July, 2022, samples were collected from ten participants with anomalously low results for serial dilution studies, and a prozone effect was confirmed. From October, 2022 to March, 2023, serial dilution of samples detected 74 additional cases of prozone out of 1,720 participants' samples. Prozone effect may affect clinical management of at-risk populations repeatedly exposed to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein through multiple immunizations or serial infections, making awareness and mitigation of this issue paramount.
Salinas V, Bojes HK, et al. Influences of 23 different equations used to calculate gene copies of SARS-CoV-2 during wastewater-based epidemiology. Sci Total Environ. 2024;917:170345. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170345
Following the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in late 2019, the use of wastewater-based surveillance (WBS) has increased dramatically along with associated infrastructure globally. However, due to the global nature of its application, and various workflow adaptations (e.g., sample collection, water concentration, RNA extraction kits), numerous methods for back-calculation of gene copies per volume (gc/L) of sewage have also emerged. Many studies have considered the comparability of processing methods (e.g., water concentration, RNA extraction); however, for equations used to calculate gene copies in a wastewater sample and subsequent influences on monitoring viral trends in a community and its association with epidemiological data, less is known. Due to limited information on how many formulas exist for the calculation of SARS-CoV-2 gene copies in wastewater, we initially attempted to quantify how many equations existed in the referred literature. We identified 23 unique equations, which were subsequently applied to an existing wastewater dataset. We observed a range of gene copies based on use of different equations, along with variability of AUC curve values, and results from correlation and regression analyses. Though a number of individual laboratories appear to have independently converged on a similar formula for back-calculation of viral load in wastewater, and share similar relationships with epidemiological data, differential influences of various equations were observed for variation in PCR volumes, RNA extraction volumes, or PCR assay parameters. Such observations highlight challenges when performing comparisons among WBS studies when numerous methodologies and back-calculation methods exist. To facilitate reproducibility among studies, the different gc/L equations were packaged as an R Shiny app, which provides end users the ability to investigate variability within their datasets and support comparisons among studies.
Mundis SJ, et al. The L1014F knockdown resistance mutation is not a strong correlate of phenotypic resistance to pyrethroids in Florida populations of Culex quinquefasciatus. Insects. 2024;15(3):197. Published 2024 Mar 15. doi:10.3390/insects15030197
Culex quinquefasciatus is an important target for vector control because of its ability to transmit pathogens that cause disease. Most populations are resistant to pyrethroids and often to organophosphates, the two most common classes of active ingredients used by public health agencies. A knockdown resistance (kdr) mutation, resulting in an amino acid change from a leucine to phenylalanine in the voltage gated sodium channel, is one mechanism contributing to the pyrethroid resistant phenotype. Enzymatic resistance has also been shown to play a very important role. Recent studies have shown strong resistance in populations even when kdr is relatively low, which indicates that factors other than kdr may be larger contributors to resistance. In this study, we examined, on a statewide scale (over 70 populations), the strength of the correlation between resistance in the CDC bottle bioassay and the kdr genotypes and allele frequencies. Spearman correlation analysis showed only moderate (-0.51) or weak (-0.29) correlation between the kdr genotype and permethrin or deltamethrin resistance, respectively. The frequency of the kdr allele was an even weaker correlate than genotype. These results indicate that assessing kdr in populations of Culex quinquefasciatus is not a good surrogate for phenotypic resistance testing.
Patel K, et al. Descriptive summary of fatal work-related injuries, Western States, 2011-2017. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2024 Mar;21(3):189-201. Epub 2024 Feb 26. doi:10.1080/15459624.2024.2302470
Work-related deaths are a persistent occupational health issue that can be prevented. However, prevention opportunities can be hampered by a lack of adequate public health resources. The Western States Occupational Network (WestON) is a network of federal, state, and local occupational health professionals that includes a 19-state region of the United States. To encourage public health collaboration, WestON partners examined work-related fatalities within the region. Fatality counts (numerators) were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries restricted-access research files for all workers ages ≥15 years and fatally injured in WestON states from 2011 through 2017. Estimates of full-time equivalent hours worked (FTE) (denominators) were retrieved from the BLS Current Population Survey. Annual average fatality rates were calculated as number of fatalities per 100,000 FTE over the study period. Rates were stratified by state, select demographics, industry sector, and event/exposure types. Pearson chi-squared tests and rate ratios with 95% confidence probability limits were used to assess rate differences. All analyses were conducted using SAS v.9.4. From 2011 through 2017, the annual average overall occupational fatality rate for the WestON region was 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 FTE, comparable to the overall U.S. fatality rate. Male workers had a fatality rate almost 10 times higher than female workers in the region. Fatality rates increased with successive age groups. Alaska and New Mexico had significantly higher fatality rates for all racial/ethnic groups compared to respective regional rates. Wyoming, North Dakota, and Montana had the three highest occupational fatality rates among foreign-born workers. Agriculture/forestry/fishing, mining/oil/gas extraction, and transportation/warehousing/utilities were industry sector groups with the three highest fatality rates regionally. Transportation-related incidents were the most frequent event type associated with occupational fatalities for all 19 states. Work-related fatalities are a crosscutting occupational public health priority. This analysis can be an impetus for collaborative multistate initiatives among a dynamic and varied occupational public health network to better meet the needs of a rapidly changing workforce.
Miller P, et al. Real-world use of antiretroviral therapy and risk of cancer among people with HIV in Texas. AIDS. 2024 Mar 1;38(3):379-386. Epub 2023 Nov 22. doi:10.1097/QAD.0000000000003770
Background: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) may reduce cancer risk among people with HIV (PWH), but cancer-specific associations are incompletely understood.
Methods: We linked HIV and cancer registries in Texas to a national prescription claims database. cART use was quantified as the proportion of days covered (PDC). Cox proportional hazards models assessed associations of cancer risk with cART usage, adjusting for demographic characteristics, AIDS status, and time since HIV report.
Results: We evaluated 63 694 PWH followed for 276 804 person-years. The median cART PDC was 21.4% (interquartile range: 0.0-59.8%). cART use was associated with reduced risk of Kaposi sarcoma [adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 0.48, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.34-0.68 relative to unexposed status] and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (aHR 0.41, 95% CI 0.31-0.53), liver cancer (aHR 0.61, 95% CI 0.39-0.96), anal cancer (aHR 0.65, 95% CI 0.46-0.92), and a miscellaneous group of 'other' cancers (aHR 0.80, 95% CI 0.66-0.98). In contrast, cART-exposed status was not associated with risk for cervical, lung, colorectal, prostate or breast cancers.
Conclusion: In a large HIV cohort incorporating data from prescription claims, cART was associated with greatly reduced risks of Kaposi sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and to a lesser degree, reduced risks of liver and anal cancers. These associations likely reflect the beneficial effects of HIV suppression and improved immune control of oncogenic viruses. Efforts to increase cART use and adherence may further decrease cancer incidence among PWH.
Lee R, Wang C, et al. Descriptive analysis of targeted carbapenemase genes and antibiotic susceptibility profiles among carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii tested in the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network-United States, 2017-2020. Microbiol Spectr. 2024 Feb 6;12(2):e0282823. Epub 2024 Jan 4. doi:10.1128/spectrum.02828-23
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified CRAB as an urgent public health threat. In this paper, we used a collection of >6,000 contemporary clinical isolates to evaluate the phenotypic and genotypic properties of CRAB detected in the United States. We describe the frequency of specific carbapenemase genes detected, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, and the distribution of CRAB isolates categorized as multidrug resistant, extensively drug-resistant, or difficult to treat. We further discuss the proportion of isolates showing susceptibility to Food and Drug Administration-approved agents. Of note, 84% of CRAB tested harbored at least one class A, B, or D carbapenemase genes targeted for detection and 83% of these carbapenemase gene-positive CRAB were categorized as extensively drug resistant. Fifty-four percent of CRAB isolates without any of these carbapenemase genes detected were still extensively drug-resistant, indicating that infections caused by CRAB are highly resistant and pose a significant risk to patient safety regardless of the presence of one of these carbapenemase genes.
Canfield MA, et al. Gastroschisis prevalence patterns in 27 surveillance programs from 24 countries, International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research, 1980-2017. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Feb;116(2):e2306. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2306
Background: Gastroschisis is a serious birth defect with midgut prolapse into the amniotic cavity. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence and time trends of gastroschisis among programs in the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR), focusing on regional variations and maternal age changes in the population.
Methods: We analyzed data on births from 1980 to 2017 from 27 ICBDSR member programs, representing 24 countries and three regions (Europe+ (includes Iran) , Latin America, North America). Cases were identified using diagnostic codes (i.e., 756.7, 756.71, or Q79.3). We excluded cases of amniotic band syndrome, limb-body wall defect, and ruptured omphalocele. Programs provided annual counts for gastroschisis cases (live births, stillbirths, and legally permitted pregnancy terminations for fetal anomalies) and source population (live births, stillbirths), by maternal age.
Results: Overall, gastroschisis occurred in 1 of every 3268 births (3.06 per 10,000 births; 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 3.01, 3.11), with marked regional variation. European+ prevalence was 1.49 (95%CI: 1.44, 1.55), Latin American 3.80 (95%CI: 3.69, 3.92) and North American 4.32 (95%CI: 4.22, 4.42). A statistically significant increasing time trend was observed among six European+ , four Latin American, and four North American programs. Women <20 years of age had the highest prevalence in all programs except the Slovak Republic.
Conclusions: Gastroschisis prevalence increased over time in 61% of participating programs, and the highest increase in prevalence was observed among the youngest women. Additional inquiry will help to assess the impact of the changing maternal age proportions in the birth population on gastroschisis prevalence.
Shumate C, Canfield MA, et al. Pediatric cancer incidence among individuals with overgrowth syndromes and overgrowth features: A population-based assessment in seven million children. Cancer. 2024 Feb 1;130(3):467-475. Epub 2023 Oct 3. doi:10.1002/cncr.35041
Background: Overgrowth syndromes (e.g., Beckwith-Wiedemann) are associated with an increased risk of pediatric cancer, although there are few population-based estimates of risk. There are also limited studies describing associations between other overgrowth features (e.g., hepatosplenomegaly) and pediatric cancer. Therefore, cancer risk among children with these conditions was evaluated with data from a large, diverse population-based registry linkage study.
Methods: This study includes all live births in Texas during the years 1999-2017. Children with overgrowth features and syndromes were identified from the Texas Birth Defects Registry; children with cancer were identified by linkage to the Texas Cancer Registry. Cox regression models were used to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for the association between each overgrowth syndrome/feature and cancer, which were adjusted for infant sex and maternal age.
Results: In the total birth cohort (n = 6,997,422), 21,207 children were identified as having an overgrowth syndrome or feature. Children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome were 42 times more likely to develop pediatric cancer (95% CI, 24.20-71.83), with hepatoblastoma being the most common, followed by Wilms tumor. The presence of any isolated overgrowth feature was associated with increased cancer risk (HR, 4.70; 95% CI, 3.83-5.77); associations were strongest for hepatosplenomegaly (HR, 23.04; 95% CI, 13.37-39.69) and macroglossia (HR, 11.18; 95% CI, 6.35-19.70).
Conclusions: This population-based assessment confirmed prior findings that children with either overgrowth syndromes or features were significantly more likely to develop cancer. Overall, this study supports recommendations for cancer surveillance in children with these conditions and may also inform future research into cancer etiology.
Monterosso A, et al. Severe anal intraepithelial neoplasia trends and subsequent invasive anal cancer in the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024 Jan 10;116(1):97-104. doi:10.1093/jnci/djad176
Background: Anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III is a precursor to squamous cell carcinoma of the anus for which rates are nearly 20-fold higher in people with HIV than in the general population in the United States. We describe trends in anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III diagnosis and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus following anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III by HIV status and sex.
Methods: We used data from a population-based linkage between cancer and HIV registries in 11 US states; Puerto Rico; and Washington, DC, during 1996-2019. We identified all individuals with a diagnosis of anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III and determined their HIV status. We estimated the average annual percentage change of anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III using Poisson regression stratified by HIV status and sex. We estimated the 5-year cumulative incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus following an anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III diagnosis stratified by sex, HIV status, and prior AIDS diagnosis.
Results: Among people with HIV, average annual percentage changes for anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III were 15% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 12% to 17%) per year among females and 12% (95% CI = 11% to 14%) among males. Average annual percentage changes for those without HIV were 8% (95% CI = 7% to 8%) for females and 8% (95% CI = 6% to 9%) for males. Among people with HIV, a prior AIDS diagnosis was associated with a 2.7-fold (95% CI = 2.23 to 3.40) and 1.9-fold (95% CI = 1.72 to 2.02) increased risk of anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III diagnosis for females and males, respectively. Five-year cumulative incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus following anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III for people with HIV with a prior AIDS diagnosis were 3.4% and 3.7% for females and males, respectively.
Conclusions: Rates of anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III diagnoses have increased since 1996, particularly for people with HIV, likely influenced by increased screening. A prior AIDS diagnosis was strongly associated with risk of anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III diagnosis.
Monterosso A, et al. Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in people with HIV in the United States, 2001-2019. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024 Jan 10;116(1):61-68. doi:10.1093/jnci/djad172
Background: People with HIV have higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma than the general population, partly because of higher prevalence of coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Methods: We calculated standardized incidence ratios for hepatocellular carcinoma in people with HIV by comparing rates from people with HIV in the HIV/AIDS Cancer Match Study, a population-based HIV and cancer registry linkage, to those in the general population. We used multivariable Poisson regression to estimate adjusted incidence rate ratios among people with HIV and linked the Texas HIV registry with medical claims data to estimate adjusted odds ratios (AORs) of HBV and HCV in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with logistic regression.
Results: Compared with the general population, hepatocellular carcinoma rates in people with HIV were elevated 2.79-fold (n = 1736; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.66 to 2.92). Hepatocellular carcinoma rates decreased statistically significantly from 2001-2004 to 2015-2019 (P < .001). Compared with men who have sex with men, hepatocellular carcinoma risk was elevated 4.28-fold among men who injected drugs (95% CI = 3.72 to 4.93) and 1.83-fold among women who injected drugs (95% CI = 1.49 to 2.26). In Texas, 146 hepatocellular carcinoma cases among people with HIV were linked to claims data: 25% HBV positive, 59% HCV positive, and 13% coinfected with HBV and HCV. Compared with men who had sex with men, people who inject drugs had 82% decreased odds of HBV (AOR = 0.18, 95% CI = 0.05 to 0.63) and 2 times the odds of HCV (AOR = 20.4, 95% CI = 3.32 to 125.3).
Conclusions: During 2001-2019, hepatocellular carcinoma risk declined among people with HIV, though rates remain statistically significantly elevated compared with the general population, particularly among people who inject drugs. Prevention and treatment of HBV/HCV are needed to reduce hepatocellular carcinoma risk among people with HIV.
Archer NP, et al. Factors associated with infant sex and preterm birth status for selected birth defects from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2011. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Jan;116(1):e2294. Epub 2023 Dec 28. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2294
Background: Birth defects and preterm birth co-occur, with some overlapping risk factors. Many birth defects and preterm births tend to have a male preponderance. We explored potential risk factors impacting sex and preterm (<37 weeks of gestation) birth differences among infants with selected birth defects delivered from 1997 to 2011 using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS).
Methods: The NBDPS was a large multisite, population-based case-control study. Using random forests, we identified important predictors of male preterm, female preterm, and male term, each compared with female term births for each birth defect. Using logistic regression, we estimated odds ratios for associations between important predictors and sex-preterm birth status by birth defect.
Results: We examined 11,379 infants with nine specific birth defects. The top 10 most important predictors of sex-preterm birth status from the random forests varied greatly across the birth defects and sex-preterm comparisons within a given defect group, with several being novel factors. However, one consistency was that short interpregnancy interval was associated with sex-preterm birth status for many of the studied birth defects. Although obesity has been identified as a risk factor for preterm birth and birth defects in other research, it was not associated with sex-preterm birth status for any of the examined defects.
Conclusions: We confirmed expected associations for sex-preterm birth status differences and found new potential risk factors for further exploration among the studied birth defects.
Shumate C, Bojes H, Patel K, Canfield M, et al. Racial and ethnic differences in infant survival for hydrocephaly-Texas, 1999-2017. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Jan;116(1):e2285. Epub 2023 Dec 18. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2285
Background: Congenital hydrocephaly, an abnormal accumulation of fluid within the ventricular spaces at birth, can cause disability or death if untreated. Limited information is available about survival of infants born with hydrocephaly in Texas. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to calculate survival estimates among infants born with hydrocephaly without spina bifida in Texas.
Methods: A cohort of live-born infants delivered during 1999-2017 with congenital hydrocephaly without spina bifida was identified from the Texas Birth Defects Registry. Deaths within 1 year of delivery were identified using vital and medical records. One-year infant survival estimates were generated for multiple descriptive characteristics using the Kaplan-Meier method. Crude hazard ratios (HRs) for one-year survival among infants with congenital hydrocephaly by maternal and infant characteristics and adjusted HRs for maternal race and ethnicity were estimated using Cox proportional hazard models.
Results: Among 5709 infants born with congenital hydrocephaly without spina bifida, 4681 (82%) survived the first year. The following characteristics were associated with infant survival: maternal race and ethnicity, clinical classification (e.g., chromosomal or syndromic), preterm birth, birth weight, birth year, and maternal education. In the multivariable Cox proportional hazards model, differences in survival were observed by maternal race and ethnicity after adjustment for other maternal and infant characteristics. Infants of non-Hispanic Black (HR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.04-1.58) and Hispanic (HR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.12-1.54) women had increased risk for mortality, compared with infants of non-Hispanic White women.
Conclusions: This study showed infant survival among a Texas cohort differed by maternal race and ethnicity, clinical classification, gestational age, birth weight, birth year, and maternal education in infants with congenital hydrocephaly without spina bifida. Findings confirm that mortality continues to be common among infants with hydrocephaly without spina bifida. Additional research is needed to identify other risk factors of mortality risk.
Monterosso A, et al. Survival by sex and HIV status in patients with anal cancer in the USA between 2001 and 2019: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet HIV. 2024 Jan;11(1):e31-e41. Epub 2023 Dec 8. doi:10.1016/S2352-3018(23)00257-6
Background: The risk of anal cancer is increased among people with HIV, particularly men who have sex with men. Estimating survival by HIV status and sex and identifying groups at high risk is crucial for documenting prognostic differences between populations. We aimed to compare all-cause and anal cancer-specific survival in patients with anal cancer with and without HIV, stratified by sex, and to identify predictors of survival, stratified by HIV status.
Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we used data from the HIV/AIDS Cancer Match Study of 13 population-based HIV and cancer registries throughout the USA. We included individuals aged 20-79 years diagnosed with invasive anal cancer between 2001 and 2019. To estimate associations between HIV status and both all-cause and anal cancer-specific mortality overall, we used Cox proportional hazards models, adjusting for year of and age at diagnosis, sex, race and ethnicity, histology, cancer stage, region, and treatment. We also calculated sex-specific adjusted hazard ratios (HRs). By HIV status, we identified characteristics associated with mortality. Models among people with HIV were further adjusted for AIDS status and HIV transmission risk group.
Findings: Between Jan 1, 2001, and Dec 31, 2019, 1161 (43·6%) of 2662 patients with anal cancer and HIV and 7722 (35·4%) of 21 824 patients without HIV died. HIV was associated with a 1·35 times (95% CI 1·24-1·47) increase in all-cause mortality among male patients and a 2·47 times (2·10-2·90) increase among female patients. Among patients with HIV, all-cause mortality was increased among non-Hispanic Black individuals (adjusted HR 1·19, 95% CI 1·04-1·38), people with AIDS (1·36, 1·10-1·68), people who inject drugs (PWID; 1·49, 1·17-1·90), patients with adenocarcinoma (2·74, 1·82-4·13), and those with no or unknown surgery treatment (1·34, 1·18-1·53). HIV was associated with anal cancer-specific mortality among female patients only (1·52, 1·18-1·97). Among patients with HIV, anal cancer-specific mortality was increased among patients with adenocarcinoma (3·29, 1·89-5·72), those with no or unknown treatment (1·59, 1·17-2·17), and PWID (1·60, 1·05-2·44).
Interpretation: HIV was associated with all-cause mortality among patients with anal cancer, especially women. Anal cancer-specific mortality was elevated among female patients with HIV. As screening for anal cancer becomes more widespread, examining the effects of screening on survival by HIV status and sex is crucial.
Funding: US National Cancer Institute Intramural Research Program.
Shumate CJ, Canfield MA, et al. Prevalence of congenital anomalies according to maternal race and ethnicity, Texas, 1999-2018. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Jan;116(1):e2274. Epub 2023 Nov 28. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2274
Background: Few studies of congenital anomalies provide prevalence estimates stratified by maternal race/ethnicity. We sought to determine whether the prevalence of a broad spectrum of anomalies varies among offspring of women from different race/ethnic groups.
Methods: We obtained information on cases with anomalies from the population-based Texas Birth Defects Registry, and denominator data on livebirths among Texas residents during 1999-2018 from the Texas Center for Health Statistics. We estimated the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of N = 145 anomalies among offspring of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black relative to non-Hispanic White women using Poisson regression, adjusting for maternal age, education, body mass index, and previous livebirths. We performed a two-stage analysis with a Bonferroni-adjusted p < 1.7 × 10-4 in the initial screening phase to identify anomalies with statistically significant variation.
Results: There were 7,698,768 livebirths and 1,187,385 anomalies diagnosed in 368,393 cases. The prevalence of any monitored congenital anomaly was similar among offspring of non-Hispanic White (referent), non-Hispanic Black (PR 0.98, CI 0.96-1.00), and Hispanic (PR 0.95, CI 0.93-0.96) women. We observed statistically significant racial/ethnic variation for 42 anomalies. Marked differences were observed when comparing offspring of non-Hispanic Black to non-Hispanic White women with respect to polydactyly (PR 4.38, CI 4.07-4.72), pyloric stenosis (PR 0.34, CI 0.29-0.40), and aortic valve atresia/stenosis (PR 0.51, CI 0.36-0.72).
Conclusions: Birth prevalence of many major congenital anomalies varies by maternal race and ethnicity. While the reasons for these differences are likely multifactorial, a thorough understanding of racial and ethnic disparities is useful to stimulate etiologic research.
Allred RP, Nguyen J, Agopian AJ, Canfield MA, Shumate CJ. An epidemiologic study of penoscrotal transposition by maternal characteristics using data from the Texas birth defects registry. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Jan;116(1):e2270. Epub 2023 Nov 6. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2270
Background: Penoscrotal transposition (PST) is an uncommon urogenital malformation in which the penis is mal-positioned to be inferior to the scrotum. The purpose of this study was to explore PST risk by maternal characteristics and to describe co-occurring congenital abnormalities in the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR).
Methods: We conducted a population-based descriptive study examining occurrence of PST in the TBDR between 1999 and 2019. The primary outcome variable was PST diagnosis during infancy. Descriptive variables included maternal age, education, and race/ethnicity. Prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated within each maternal variable category using Poisson regression. Counts and percentages of cases with select co-occurring congenital abnormalities were also calculated.
Results: Overall, 251 infants had PST, providing a prevalence of 0.61/10,000 live male births (95% CI: 0.53-0.68). PST prevalence was significantly lower among infants of mothers who had lower educational attainment (<high school vs. >high school), who were younger (<25 vs. 25-34), and who were Hispanic (vs. non-Hispanic White) and was significantly higher among older mothers (35+ vs. 25-39). Hypospadias was the most common co-occurring genitourinary anomaly, affecting close to 70% of cases.
Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first investigation exploring the prevalence of PST in a population-based birth defects registry. Our findings help to understand the risk for PST among select maternal demographic characteristics and may assist in generating hypotheses about the underlying etiology of this condition for future work.
Langlois PH, et al. Outcomes up to age 36 months after congenital Zika virus infection-U.S. states. Pediatr Res. 2024 Jan;95(2):558-565. Epub 2023 Sep 1. doi:10.1038/s41390-023-02787-9
Background: To characterize neurodevelopmental abnormalities in children up to 36 months of age with congenital Zika virus exposure.
Methods: From the U.S. Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry, a national surveillance system to monitor pregnancies with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection, pregnancy outcomes and presence of Zika associated birth defects (ZBD) were reported among infants with available information. Neurologic sequelae and developmental delay were reported among children with ≥1 follow-up exam after 14 days of age or with ≥1 visit with development reported, respectively.
Results: Among 2248 infants, 10.1% were born preterm, and 10.5% were small-for-gestational age. Overall, 122 (5.4%) had any ZBD; 91.8% of infants had brain abnormalities or microcephaly, 23.0% had eye abnormalities, and 14.8% had both. Of 1881 children ≥1 follow-up exam reported, neurologic sequelae were more common among children with ZBD (44.6%) vs. without ZBD (1.5%). Of children with ≥1 visit with development reported, 46.8% (51/109) of children with ZBD and 7.4% (129/1739) of children without ZBD had confirmed or possible developmental delay.
Conclusion: Understanding the prevalence of developmental delays and healthcare needs of children with congenital Zika virus exposure can inform health systems and planning to ensure services are available for affected families.
Impact: We characterize pregnancy and infant outcomes and describe neurodevelopmental abnormalities up to 36 months of age by presence of Zika associated birth defects (ZBD). Neurologic sequelae and developmental delays were common among children with ZBD. Children with ZBD had increased frequency of neurologic sequelae and developmental delay compared to children without ZBD. Longitudinal follow-up of infants with Zika virus exposure in utero is important to characterize neurodevelopmental delay not apparent in early infancy, but logistically challenging in surveillance models.
Bascom JT, Stephens SB, Lupo PJ, et al. Scientific impact of the National Birth Defects Prevention Network multistate collaborative publications. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Jan;116(1):e2225. Epub 2023 Jul 26. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2225
Background: Given the lack of a national, population-based birth defects surveillance program in the United States, the National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) has facilitated important studies on surveillance, research, and prevention of major birth defects. We sought to summarize NBDPN peer-reviewed publications and their impact.
Methods: We obtained and reviewed a curated list of 49 NBDPN multistate collaborative publications during 2000-2022, as of December 31, 2022. Each publication was reviewed and classified by type (e.g., risk factor association analysis). Key characteristics of study populations and analytic approaches used, along with publication impact (e.g., number of citations), were tabulated.
Results: NBDPN publications focused on prevalence estimates (N = 17), surveillance methods (N = 11), risk factor associations (N = 10), mortality and other outcomes among affected individuals (N = 6), and descriptive epidemiology of various birth defects (N = 5). The most cited publications were those that reported on prevalence estimates for a spectrum of defects and those that assessed changes in neural tube defects (NTD) prevalence following mandatory folic acid fortification in the United States.
Conclusions: Results from multistate NBDPN publications have provided critical information not available through other sources, including US prevalence estimates of major birth defects, folic acid fortification and NTD prevention, and improved understanding of defect trends and surveillance efforts. Until a national birth defects surveillance program is established in the United States, NBDPN collaborative publications remain an important resource for investigating birth defects and informing decisions related to health services planning of secondary disabilities prevention and care.
(In date order with the most recent first).
Archer NA, et al. Factors associated with infant sex and preterm birth status for selected birth defects from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2011. Birth Defects Res. Published online December 28, 2023. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2294
Background: Birth defects and preterm birth co-occur, with some overlapping risk factors. Many birth defects and preterm births tend to have a male preponderance. We explored potential risk factors impacting sex and preterm (<37 weeks of gestation) birth differences among infants with selected birth defects delivered from 1997 to 2011 using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS).
Methods: The NBDPS was a large multisite, population-based case-control study. Using random forests, we identified important predictors of male preterm, female preterm, and male term, each compared with female term births for each birth defect. Using logistic regression, we estimated odds ratios for associations between important predictors and sex-preterm birth status by birth defect.
Results: We examined 11,379 infants with nine specific birth defects. The top 10 most important predictors of sex-preterm birth status from the random forests varied greatly across the birth defects and sex-preterm comparisons within a given defect group, with several being novel factors. However, one consistency was that short interpregnancy interval was associated with sex-preterm birth status for many of the studied birth defects. Although obesity has been identified as a risk factor for preterm birth and birth defects in other research, it was not associated with sex-preterm birth status for any of the examined defects.
Conclusions: We confirmed expected associations for sex-preterm birth status differences and found new potential risk factors for further exploration among the studied birth defects.
Garcia B, et al. A cluster investigation of Candida auris among hospitalized incarcerated patients. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2023 Dec 19;3(1):e244. doi:10.1017/ash.2023.520
Objective: Investigate and mitigate a cluster of Candida auris cases among incarcerated patients in a maximum-security prison hospital utilizing contact tracing, screening, whole genome sequencing, and environmental sampling and decontamination.
Design: Outbreak investigation.
Setting: Inpatient prison hospital affiliated with an academic tertiary referral center.
Patients: Inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Methods: Epidemiologic and environmental investigations were conducted including contact tracing, point prevalence surveys, and environmental sampling. Whole genome sequencing was performed on positive patient isolates.
Results: Following a clinical case of C. auris fungemia, 344 patients underwent C. auris surveillance screening. Eight (2.3%) patients were identified with C. auris colonization. All patients were male. Our index patient was the only clinical case and death. Whole genome sequencing was performed on the nine patient isolates. All isolates were clade III (Africa) and clustered together with the largest SNP difference being 21. Environmental cultures from 7 of 61 rooms (11.5%) were positive following terminal disinfection with bleach. Sites nearest to the patient were most often positive including the hospital bed rails and bedside table. The transmission cluster was successfully mitigated within 60 days of identification.
Conclusions: Implementation of an aggressive surveillance and decontamination program resulted in mitigation of a C. auris transmission cluster among our incarcerated patients. This investigation provides valuable insight into C. auris transmission in the incarcerated population, which is not considered a classic high-risk population as well as the challenges faced to stop transmission in a facility that requires the use of shared patient environments.
Shumate C, Bojes H, Canfield M, et al. Racial and ethnic differences in infant survival for hydrocephaly-Texas, 1999-2017. Birth Defects Res. Published online December 18, 2023. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2285
Background: Congenital hydrocephaly, an abnormal accumulation of fluid within the ventricular spaces at birth, can cause disability or death if untreated. Limited information is available about survival of infants born with hydrocephaly in Texas. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to calculate survival estimates among infants born with hydrocephaly without spina bifida in Texas.
Methods: A cohort of live-born infants delivered during 1999-2017 with congenital hydrocephaly without spina bifida was identified from the Texas Birth Defects Registry. Deaths within 1 year of delivery were identified using vital and medical records. One-year infant survival estimates were generated for multiple descriptive characteristics using the Kaplan-Meier method. Crude hazard ratios (HRs) for one-year survival among infants with congenital hydrocephaly by maternal and infant characteristics and adjusted HRs for maternal race and ethnicity were estimated using Cox proportional hazard models.
Results: Among 5709 infants born with congenital hydrocephaly without spina bifida, 4681 (82%) survived the first year. The following characteristics were associated with infant survival: maternal race and ethnicity, clinical classification (e.g., chromosomal or syndromic), preterm birth, birth weight, birth year, and maternal education. In the multivariable Cox proportional hazards model, differences in survival were observed by maternal race and ethnicity after adjustment for other maternal and infant characteristics. Infants of non-Hispanic Black (HR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.04-1.58) and Hispanic (HR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.12-1.54) women had increased risk for mortality, compared with infants of non-Hispanic White women.
Conclusions: This study showed infant survival among a Texas cohort differed by maternal race and ethnicity, clinical classification, gestational age, birth weight, birth year, and maternal education in infants with congenital hydrocephaly without spina bifida. Findings confirm that mortality continues to be common among infants with hydrocephaly without spina bifida. Additional research is needed to identify other risk factors of mortality risk.
Nyachoti DO, et al. Fwelo P, Springer AE, Kelder SH. Association between Gross National Income per capita and COVID-19 vaccination coverage: a global ecological study. BMC Public Health. 2023 Dec 4;23(1):2415. doi:10.1186/s12889-023-17241-y
Background: Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has claimed over six million lives and infected more than 650 million people globally. Public health agencies have deployed several strategies, including rolling out vaccination campaigns to curb the pandemic, yet a significant proportion of the global population has not received the COVID-19 vaccine. We assessed differences in COVID-19 vaccination coverage by Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of WHO members (i.e., countries, areas, and territories, n = 192) and by WHO member regions (n = 6).
Methods: Using an ecological study design, we analyzed publicly available data from the WHO website merged with the World Bank's GNI per capita data. We included a total of 192 WHO members and six WHO regions in the analysis. We utilized negative binomial regression to assess the associations between the GNI per capita and COVID-19 vaccination coverage (cumulative number of persons fully vaccinated and/or received at least one dose of the vaccine per 100 population), and ANOVA test to assess the differences in vaccination coverage per WHO regions.
Results: Low GNI per capita WHO members had significantly lower full vaccination coverage (aRR 0.30, 95% CI 0.22-0.40) compared to high GNI per capita WHO members. These members were also 66% less likely to receive at least one dose of the vaccine (aRR 0.34, 0.26-0.44) relative to high GNI per capita WHO members. Africa region had a significantly lower fully vaccination coverage (aRR 0.71, 95% CI 0.36-0.54) and received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (aRR 0.78, 95% CI 0.62-0.99) than Europe region. Conversely, the Western Pacific region had significantly higher fully vaccination coverage (aRR 1.40 95% CI 1.12-1.74) and received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccines (aRR 1.40 95% CI 1.14-1.73) relative to European region.
Conclusion: WHO members with low GNI per capita and the African region reported significantly lower COVID-19 vaccination coverage than those with high GNI per capita or other regions. Efforts to strengthen and promote COVID-19 vaccination in low-income WHO countries and African region should be scaled up.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. RE: Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections after vaccination in adults: a population-based survey through 1 March 2023. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Nov 29;10(12):ofad564. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofad564
Dear Editor,
As the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic unfolds and new variants emerge, updating estimates of breakthrough infection after primary series vaccination is essential. This letter updates the previous report on the incidence of breakthrough infections through July 1, 2022, across 5 pandemic waves in Texas.
Morrison A, et al. Multistate outbreak of turtle-associated salmonellosis highlights ongoing challenges with the illegal sale and distribution of small turtles. Zoonoses Public Health. 2023 Dec;70(8):684-691. Epub 2023 Sep 29. doi:10.1111/zph.13080
The sale and distribution of small turtles (shell length <4 inches) as pets has been banned in the United States since 1975 because of the risk of Salmonella transmission, especially to children. Despite this 48-year-old ban, salmonellosis outbreaks continue to be linked to contact with small turtles. During investigations of turtle-associated outbreaks, information regarding the turtle farm of origin is difficult to obtain because turtles are commonly sold by transient vendors. During 2020-2021, public health officials investigated a multistate illness outbreak caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium linked to pet small turtles. Cases were defined as a laboratory-confirmed Salmonella Typhimurium infection highly related (within 0-6 allele differences) to the outbreak strain based on whole-genome sequencing analysis by core-genome multilocus sequence typing with illness onset occurring during 27 August 2020-14 May 2021. Forty-three patients were identified from 12 states; of these, 35% (15/43) were children <5 years old. Among patients with available information, 37% (14/38) were hospitalized, and one death was reported. Seventy-four percent (25/34) of patients reported turtle exposure in the week before illness onset, and 84% (16/19) specified exposure to small turtles. The outbreak strain was isolated from samples collected from a Pennsylvania patient's small turtle tank. Two patients reported purchasing their small turtles from pet stores. Salmonella Braenderup was isolated from samples collected from small turtles and their habitat at one of these stores; however, at that time, this strain was not associated with any human illnesses. This investigation was notable because of the documented sale of small turtles from several pet stores combined with the identification of a single small turtle supplier to these pet stores. The high proportion of children involved in this outbreak highlights the continued need to educate the pet industry as well as parents and caregivers about the risk of turtle-associated salmonellosis especially in children. Understanding and addressing the persisting challenges related to the illegal sale and distribution of small turtles could reduce the burden of turtle-associated salmonellosis.
Shumate CJ, Canfield MA, et al. Prevalence of congenital anomalies according to maternal race and ethnicity, Texas, 1999-2018. Birth Defects Res. Published online November 28, 2023. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2274
Background: Few studies of congenital anomalies provide prevalence estimates stratified by maternal race/ethnicity. We sought to determine whether the prevalence of a broad spectrum of anomalies varies among offspring of women from different race/ethnic groups.
Methods: We obtained information on cases with anomalies from the population-based Texas Birth Defects Registry, and denominator data on livebirths among Texas residents during 1999-2018 from the Texas Center for Health Statistics. We estimated the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of N = 145 anomalies among offspring of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black relative to non-Hispanic White women using Poisson regression, adjusting for maternal age, education, body mass index, and previous livebirths. We performed a two-stage analysis with a Bonferroni-adjusted p < 1.7 × 10-4 in the initial screening phase to identify anomalies with statistically significant variation.
Results: There were 7,698,768 livebirths and 1,187,385 anomalies diagnosed in 368,393 cases. The prevalence of any monitored congenital anomaly was similar among offspring of non-Hispanic White (referent), non-Hispanic Black (PR 0.98, CI 0.96-1.00), and Hispanic (PR 0.95, CI 0.93-0.96) women. We observed statistically significant racial/ethnic variation for 42 anomalies. Marked differences were observed when comparing offspring of non-Hispanic Black to non-Hispanic White women with respect to polydactyly (PR 4.38, CI 4.07-4.72), pyloric stenosis (PR 0.34, CI 0.29-0.40), and aortic valve atresia/stenosis (PR 0.51, CI 0.36-0.72).
Conclusions: Birth prevalence of many major congenital anomalies varies by maternal race and ethnicity. While the reasons for these differences are likely multifactorial, a thorough understanding of racial and ethnic disparities is useful to stimulate etiologic research.
Canfield MA, Shumate CJ, et al. Associations between birth defects with neural crest cell origins and pediatric embryonal tumors. Cancer. 2023 Nov 15;129(22):3595-3602. Epub 2023 Jul 11. doi:10.1002/cncr.34952
Background: There are few assessments evaluating associations between birth defects with neural crest cell developmental origins (BDNCOs) and embryonal tumors, which are characterized by undifferentiated cells having a molecular profile similar to neural crest cells. The effect of BDNCOs on embryonal tumors was estimated to explore potential shared etiologic pathways and genetic origins.
Methods: With the use of a multistate, registry-linkage cohort study, BDNCO-embryonal tumor associations were evaluated by generating hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) with Cox regression models. BDNCOs consisted of ear, face, and neck defects, Hirschsprung disease, and a selection of congenital heart defects. Embryonal tumors included neuroblastoma, nephroblastoma, and hepatoblastoma. Potential HR modification (HRM) was investigated by infant sex, maternal race/ethnicity, maternal age, and maternal education.
Results: The risk of embryonal tumors among those with BDNCOs was 0.09% (co-occurring n = 105) compared to 0.03% (95% CI, 0.03%-0.04%) among those without a birth defect. Children with BDNCOs were 4.2 times (95% CI, 3.5-5.1 times) as likely to be diagnosed with an embryonal tumor compared to children born without a birth defect. BDNCOs were strongly associated with hepatoblastoma (HR, 16.1; 95% CI, 11.3-22.9), and the HRs for neuroblastoma (3.1; 95% CI, 2.3-4.2) and nephroblastoma (2.9; 95% CI, 1.9-4.4) were elevated. There was no notable HRM by the aforementioned factors.
Conclusions: Children with BDNCOs are more likely to develop embryonal tumors compared to children without a birth defect. Disruptions of shared developmental pathways may contribute to both phenotypes, which could inform future genomic assessments and cancer surveillance strategies of these conditions.
Canfield MA, Shumate CJ, et al. An epidemiologic study of penoscrotal transposition by maternal characteristics using data from the Texas birth defects registry. Birth Defects Res. Published online November 6, 2023. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2270
Background: Penoscrotal transposition (PST) is an uncommon urogenital malformation in which the penis is mal-positioned to be inferior to the scrotum. The purpose of this study was to explore PST risk by maternal characteristics and to describe co-occurring congenital abnormalities in the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR).
Methods: We conducted a population-based descriptive study examining occurrence of PST in the TBDR between 1999 and 2019. The primary outcome variable was PST diagnosis during infancy. Descriptive variables included maternal age, education, and race/ethnicity. Prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated within each maternal variable category using Poisson regression. Counts and percentages of cases with select co-occurring congenital abnormalities were also calculated.
Results: Overall, 251 infants had PST, providing a prevalence of 0.61/10,000 live male births (95% CI: 0.53-0.68). PST prevalence was significantly lower among infants of mothers who had lower educational attainment (<high school vs. >high school), who were younger (<25 vs. 25-34), and who were Hispanic (vs. non-Hispanic White) and was significantly higher among older mothers (35+ vs. 25-39). Hypospadias was the most common co-occurring genitourinary anomaly, affecting close to 70% of cases.
Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first investigation exploring the prevalence of PST in a population-based birth defects registry. Our findings help to understand the risk for PST among select maternal demographic characteristics and may assist in generating hypotheses about the underlying etiology of this condition for future work.
Canfield MA, Shumate CJ, et al. Survival of neonates, infants, and children with birth defects: a population-based study in Texas, 1999-2018. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2023 Oct 18:27:100617. doi:10.1016/j.lana.2023.100617
Background: Birth defects are a leading cause of neonatal, infant, and childhood mortality, but recent population-based survival estimates for a spectrum in the U.S. are lacking.
Methods: Using the statewide Texas Birth Defects Registry (1999-2017 births) and vital records linkage to ascertain deaths, we conducted Kaplan-Meier analyses to estimate survival probabilities at 1, 7, and 28 days, and 1, 5, and 10 years. We evaluated survival in the full cohort of infants with any major defect and for 30 specific conditions. One-year survival analyses were stratified by gestational age, birth year, and case classification.
Findings: Among 246,394 live-born infants with any major defect, the estimated survival probabilities were 98.9% at 1 day, 95.0% at 1 year, and 93.9% at 10 years. Ten-year survival varied by condition, ranging from 36.9% for holoprosencephaly to 99.3% for pyloric stenosis. One-year survival was associated with increasing gestational age (e.g., increasing from 46.9% at <28 weeks to 95.8% at ≥37 weeks for spina bifida). One-year survival increased in more recent birth years for several defect categories (e.g., increasing from 86.0% among 1999-2004 births to 93.1% among 2014-2017 births for unilateral renal agenesis/dysgenesis) and was higher among infants with an isolated defect versus those with multiple defects.
Interpretation: This study describes short- and long-term survival outcomes from one of the largest population-based birth defect registries in the world and highlights improved survival over time for several conditions. Our results may lend insight into future healthcare initiatives aimed at reducing mortality in this population.
Funding: This study was funded in part by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) birth defects surveillance cooperative agreement with the Texas Department of State Health Services and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Block Grant funds.
Shumate CJ, et al. Neighborhood deprivation and neural tube defects. Epidemiology. 2023 Nov 1;34(6):774-785. 2023 Nov 1;34(6):774-785. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000001655
Background: Individual measures of socioeconomic status (SES) have been associated with an increased risk of neural tube defects (NTDs); however, the association between neighborhood SES and NTD risk is unknown. Using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS) from 1997 to 2011, we investigated the association between measures of census tract SES and NTD risk.
Methods: The study population included 10,028 controls and 1829 NTD cases. We linked maternal addresses to census tract SES measures and used these measures to calculate the neighborhood deprivation index. We used generalized estimating equations to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) estimating the impact of quartiles of census tract deprivation on NTDs adjusting for maternal race-ethnicity, maternal education, and maternal age at delivery.
Results: Quartiles of higher neighborhood deprivation were associated with NTDs when compared with the least deprived quartile (Q2: aOR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.0, 1.4; Q3: aOR = 1.3, 95% CI = 1.1, 1.5; Q4 (highest): aOR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.0, 1.4). Results for spina bifida were similar; however, estimates for anencephaly and encephalocele were attenuated. Associations differed by maternal race-ethnicity.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that residing in a census tract with more socioeconomic deprivation is associated with an increased risk for NTDs, specifically spina bifida.
Nyachoti DO, et al. Association of social vulnerability and COVID-19 mortality rates in Texas between 15 March 2020, and 21 July 2022: an ecological analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Oct 27;20(21):6985. doi:10.3390/ijerph20216985
Background: Despite the key role of social vulnerability such as economic disadvantage in health outcomes, research is limited on the impact of social vulnerabilities on COVID-19-related deaths, especially at the state and county level in the USA.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional ecologic analysis of COVID-19 mortality by the county-level Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index (MH SVI) and each of its components in Texas. Negative binomial regression (NBR) analyses were used to estimate the association between the composite MH SVI (and its components) and COVID-19 mortality.
Results: A 0.1-unit increase in the overall MH SVI (IRR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.04-1.55; p = 0.017) was associated with a 27% increase in the COVID-19 mortality rate. Among the MH SVI component measures, only low socioeconomic status (IRR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.28-1.89; p = 0.001) and higher household composition (e.g., proportion of older population per county) and disability scores (IRR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.29-1.68; p < 0.001) were positively associated with COVID-19 mortality rates.
Conclusions: This study provides further evidence of disparities in COVID-19 mortality by social vulnerability and can inform decisions on the allocation of social resources and services as a strategy for reducing COVID-19 mortality rates and similar pandemics in the future.
Monterosso A, Miller P, et al. Real-world use of antiretroviral therapy and risk of cancer among people living with HIV in Texas. AIDS. Published online October 27, 2023. doi:10.1097/QAD.0000000000003770
Background: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) may reduce cancer risk among people living with HIV (PLWH), but cancer-specific associations are incompletely understood.
Methods: We linked HIV and cancer registries in Texas to a national prescription claims database. cART use was quantified as the proportion of days covered (PDC). Cox proportional hazards models assessed associations of cancer risk with cART usage, adjusting for demographic characteristics, AIDS status, and time since HIV report.
Results: We evaluated 63,694 PLWH followed for 276,804 person-years. The median cART PDC was 21.4% (interquartile range: 0.0%-59.8%). cART use was associated with reduced risk of Kaposi sarcoma (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.48, 95%CI 0.34-0.68 relative to unexposed status) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (0.41, 0.31-0.53), liver cancer (0.61, 0.39-0.96), anal cancer (0.65, 0.46-0.92), and a miscellaneous group of "other" cancers (0.80, 0.66-0.98). In contrast, cART-exposed status was not associated with risk for cervical, lung, colorectal, prostate or breast cancers.
Conclusion: In a large HIV cohort incorporating data from prescription claims, cART was associated with greatly reduced risks of Kaposi sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and to a lesser degree, reduced risks of liver and anal cancers. These associations likely reflect the beneficial effects of HIV suppression and improved immune control of oncogenic viruses. Efforts to increase cART use and adherence may further decrease cancer incidence among PLWH.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. Long-term immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in children and adolescents. Pediatr Res. Published online October 24, 2023. doi:10.1038/s41390-023-02857-y
Background: This analysis examined the durability of antibodies present after SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in children and adolescents.
Methods: Data were collected over 4 time points between October 2020-November 2022 as part of a prospective population-based cohort aged 5-to-19 years (N = 810). Results of the (1) Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoassay for detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (Roche N-test); and (2) qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of antibodies to the SARS CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain (Roche S-test); and (3) self-reported antigen/PCR COVID-19 test results, vaccination and symptom status were analyzed.
Results: N antibody levels reached a median of 84.10 U/ml (IQR: 20.2, 157.7) cutoff index (COI) ~ 6 months post-infection and increased slightly to a median of 85.25 (IQR: 28.0, 143.0) COI at 12 months post-infection. Peak S antibody levels were reached at a median of 2500 U/mL ~6 months post-vaccination and remained for ~12 months (mean 11.6 months, SD 1.20).
Conclusions: This analysis provides evidence of robust durability of nucleocapsid and spike antibodies in a large pediatric sample up to 12 months post-infection/vaccination. This information can inform pediatric SARS-CoV-2 vaccination schedules.
Impact: This study provided evidence of robust durability of both nucleocapsid and spike antibodies in a large pediatric sample up to 12 months after infection. Little is known about the long-term durability of natural and vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pediatric population. Here, we determined the durability of anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike (S-test) and nucleocapsid protein (N-test) in children/adolescents after SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or vaccination lasts at least up to 12 months. This information can inform future SARS-CoV-2 vaccination schedules in this age group.
Huebner EM, Peter B, et al. Preventable deaths during widespread community hepatitis A outbreaks - United States, 2016-2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023 Oct 20;72(42):1128-1133. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7242a1
Hepatitis A is acquired through the fecal-oral route and is preventable by a safe and effective vaccine. Although hepatitis A is generally mild and self-limited, serious complications, including death, can occur. Since 2016, widespread hepatitis A outbreaks have been reported in 37 U.S. states, primarily among persons who use drugs and those experiencing homelessness. Nearly twice as many hepatitis A-related deaths were reported during 2016-2022 compared with 2009-2015. CDC analyzed data from 27 hepatitis A outbreak-affected states* that contributed data during August 1, 2016-October 31, 2022, to characterize demographic, risk factor, clinical, and cause-of-death data among 315 outbreak-related hepatitis A deaths from those states. Hepatitis A was documented as an underlying or contributing cause of death on 60% of available death certificates. Outbreak-related deaths peaked in 2019, and then decreased annually through 2022. The median age at death was 55 years; most deaths occurred among males (73%) and non-Hispanic White persons (84%). Nearly two thirds (63%) of decedents had at least one documented indication for hepatitis A vaccination, including drug use (41%), homelessness (16%), or coinfection with hepatitis B (12%) or hepatitis C (31%); only 12 (4%) had evidence of previous hepatitis A vaccination. Increasing vaccination coverage among adults at increased risk for infection with hepatitis A virus or for severe disease from infection is critical to preventing future hepatitis A-related deaths.
Bojes HK, et al. Influence of storage conditions and multiple freeze-thaw cycles on N1 SARS-CoV-2, PMMoV, and BCoV signal. Sci Total Environ. 2023 Oct 20:896:165098. Epub 2023 Jun 29. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165098
Wastewater-based epidemiology/wastewater-based surveillance (WBE/WBS) continues to serve as an effective means of monitoring various diseases, including COVID-19 and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants, at the population level. As the use of WBE expands, storage conditions of wastewater samples will play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy and reproducibility of results. In this study, the impacts of water concentration buffer (WCB), storage temperature, and freeze-thaw cycles on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other WBE-related gene targets were examined. Freeze-thawing of concentrated samples did not significantly affect (p > 0.05) crossing/cycle threshold (Ct) value for any of the gene targets studied (SARS-CoV-2 N1, PMMoV, and BCoV). However, use of WCB during concentration resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in Ct for all targets, and storage at -80 °C (in contrast to -20 °C) appeared preferable for wastewater storage signal stability based on decreased Ct values, although this was only significantly different (p < 0.05) for the BCoV target. Interestingly, when Ct values were converted to gene copies per influent sample, no significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in any of the targets examined. Stability of RNA targets in concentrated wastewater against freeze-thaw degradation supports archiving of concentrated samples for use in retrospective examination of COVID-19 trends and tracing SARS-CoV-2 variants and potentially other viruses, and provides a starting point for establishing a consistent procedure for specimen collection and storage for the WBE/WBS community.
Canfield MA, Langlois PH, et al. Associations between birth defects and childhood and adolescent germ cell tumors according to sex, histologic subtype, and site. Cancer. 2023 Oct 15;129(20):3300-3308. Epub 2023 Jun 27. doi:10.1002/cncr.34906
Background: Studies have reported increased rates of birth defects among children with germ cell tumors (GCTs). However, few studies have evaluated associations by sex, type of defect, or tumor characteristics.
Methods: Birth defect-GCT associations were evaluated among pediatric patients (N = 552) with GCTs enrolled in the Germ Cell Tumor Epidemiology Study and population-based controls (N = 6380) without cancer from the Genetic Overlap Between Anomalies and Cancer in Kids Study. The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of GCTs according to birth defects status were estimated by using unconditional logistic regression. All defects were considered collectively and by genetic and chromosomal syndromes and nonsyndromic defects. Stratification was by sex, tumor histology (yolk sac tumor, teratoma, germinoma, and mixed/other), and location (gonadal, extragonadal, and intracranial).
Results: Birth defects and syndromic defects were more common among GCT cases than controls (6.9% vs. 4.0% and 2.7% vs. 0.2%, respectively; both p < .001). In multivariable models, GCT risk was increased among children with birth defects (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.3-2.4) and syndromic defects (OR, 10.4; 95% CI, 4.9-22.1). When stratified by tumor characteristics, birth defects were associated with yolk sac tumors (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.3-5.0) and mixed/other histologies (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.2-3.5) and both gonadal tumors (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.7) and extragonadal tumors (OR, 3.8; 95% CI, 2.1-6.5). Nonsyndromic defects specifically were not associated with GCTs. In sex-stratified analyses, associations were observed among males but not females.
Conclusions: These data suggest that males with syndromic birth defects are at an increased risk of pediatric GCTs, whereas males with nonsyndromic defects and females are not at an increased risk.
Shumate C, Canfield MA, et al. Pediatric cancer incidence among individuals with overgrowth syndromes and overgrowth features: a population-based assessment in seven million children. Cancer. Published online October 3, 2023. doi:10.1002/cncr.35041
Background: Overgrowth syndromes (e.g., Beckwith-Wiedemann) are associated with an increased risk of pediatric cancer, although there are few population-based estimates of risk. There are also limited studies describing associations between other overgrowth features (e.g., hepatosplenomegaly) and pediatric cancer. Therefore, cancer risk among children with these conditions was evaluated with data from a large, diverse population-based registry linkage study.
Methods: This study includes all live births in Texas during the years 1999-2017. Children with overgrowth features and syndromes were identified from the Texas Birth Defects Registry; children with cancer were identified by linkage to the Texas Cancer Registry. Cox regression models were used to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for the association between each overgrowth syndrome/feature and cancer, which were adjusted for infant sex and maternal age.
Results: In the total birth cohort (n = 6,997,422), 21,207 children were identified as having an overgrowth syndrome or feature. Children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome were 42 times more likely to develop pediatric cancer (95% CI, 24.20-71.83), with hepatoblastoma being the most common, followed by Wilms tumor. The presence of any isolated overgrowth feature was associated with increased cancer risk (HR, 4.70; 95% CI, 3.83-5.77); associations were strongest for hepatosplenomegaly (HR, 23.04; 95% CI, 13.37-39.69) and macroglossia (HR, 11.18; 95% CI, 6.35-19.70).
Conclusions: This population-based assessment confirmed prior findings that children with either overgrowth syndromes or features were significantly more likely to develop cancer. Overall, this study supports recommendations for cancer surveillance in children with these conditions and may also inform future research into cancer etiology.
Patel M, et al. Texas tobacco quitline knowledge, attitudes, and practices within healthcare agencies serving individuals with behavioral health needs: A multimethod study. Prev Med Rep. 2023 May 24:35:102256. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102256
Patients with behavioral health conditions have disproportionately high tobacco use rates and face significant barriers to accessing evidence-based tobacco cessation services. Tobacco quitlines are an effective and accessible resource, yet they are often underutilized. We identify knowledge, practices, and attitudes towards the Texas Tobacco Quitline (TTQL) within behavioral healthcare settings in Texas. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected in 2021 as part of a statewide needs assessment in behavioral healthcare settings. Survey respondents (n = 125) represented 23 Federally Qualified Health Centers, 29 local mental health authorities (LMHAs), 12 substance use treatment programs in LMHAs, and 61 standalone substance use treatment centers (26 people participated in qualitative interviews). Over half of respondents indicated familiarity with the TTQL and believed that the TTQL was helpful for quitting. Qualitative findings reveal potential concerns about inconsistency of services, long wait time, and the format of the quitline. About half of respondents indicated that their center promoted patient referral to TTQL, and few indicated that their center had an electronic referral system with direct TTQL referral capacity. Interview respondents reported overall lack of systematic follow up with patients regarding their use of the TTQL services. Findings suggest the need for (1) increased TTQL service awareness among healthcare providers; (2) further investigation into any changes needed to better serve patients with behavioral health conditions who use tobacco; and (3) electronic health record integration supporting direct referrals and enhanced protocols to support patient follow up after TTQL referral.
Canfield MA, et al. Prediction of preterm birth among infants with orofacial cleft defects. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. Published online September 6, 2023. doi:10.1177/10556656231198945
Objective: To develop risk prediction models for preterm birth among infants with orofacial clefts.
Design: Data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry for infants with orofacial clefts born between 1999-2014 were used to develop preterm birth predictive models. Logistic regression was used to consider maternal and infant characteristics, and internal validation of the final model was performed using bootstrapping methods. The area under the curve (AUC) statistic was generated to assess model performance, and separate predictive models were built and validated for infants with cleft lip and cleft palate alone. Several secondary analyses were conducted among subgroups of interest.
Setting: State-wide, population-based Registry data.
Patients/participants: 6774 infants with orofacial clefts born in Texas between 1999-2014.
Main outcome measure(s): Preterm birth among infants with orofacial clefts.
Results: The final predictive model performed modestly, with an optimism-corrected AUC of 0.67 among all infants with orofacial clefts. The optimism-corrected models for cleft lip (with or without cleft palate) and cleft palate alone had similar predictive capability, with AUCs of 0.66 and 0.67, respectively. Secondary analyses had similar results, but the model among infants with delivery prior to 32 weeks demonstrated higher optimism-corrected predictive capability (AUC = 0.74).
Conclusions: This study provides a first step towards predicting preterm birth risk among infants with orofacial clefts. Identifying pregnancies affected by orofacial clefts at the highest risk for preterm birth may lead to new avenues for improving outcomes among these infants.
Langlois PH, et al. Outcomes up to age 36 months after congenital Zika virus infection-U.S. states. Pediatr Res. Published online September 1, 2023. doi:10.1038/s41390-023-02787-9
Background: To characterize neurodevelopmental abnormalities in children up to 36 months of age with congenital Zika virus exposure.
Methods: From the U.S. Zika Pregnancy and Infant Registry, a national surveillance system to monitor pregnancies with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection, pregnancy outcomes and presence of Zika associated birth defects (ZBD) were reported among infants with available information. Neurologic sequelae and developmental delay were reported among children with ≥1 follow-up exam after 14 days of age or with ≥1 visit with development reported, respectively.
Results: Among 2248 infants, 10.1% were born preterm, and 10.5% were small-for-gestational age. Overall, 122 (5.4%) had any ZBD; 91.8% of infants had brain abnormalities or microcephaly, 23.0% had eye abnormalities, and 14.8% had both. Of 1881 children ≥1 follow-up exam reported, neurologic sequelae were more common among children with ZBD (44.6%) vs. without ZBD (1.5%). Of children with ≥1 visit with development reported, 46.8% (51/109) of children with ZBD and 7.4% (129/1739) of children without ZBD had confirmed or possible developmental delay.
Conclusion: Understanding the prevalence of developmental delays and healthcare needs of children with congenital Zika virus exposure can inform health systems and planning to ensure services are available for affected families.
Impact: We characterize pregnancy and infant outcomes and describe neurodevelopmental abnormalities up to 36 months of age by presence of Zika associated birth defects (ZBD). Neurologic sequelae and developmental delays were common among children with ZBD. Children with ZBD had increased frequency of neurologic sequelae and developmental delay compared to children without ZBD. Longitudinal follow-up of infants with Zika virus exposure in utero is important to characterize neurodevelopmental delay not apparent in early infancy, but logistically challenging in surveillance models.
Jibowu M, Driesse K, May S, Wright A, Swate T, Cotter C. Notes from the field: outbreak of norovirus illness caused by consumption of oysters harvested from Galveston Bay, Texas - November-December 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023 Sep 1;72(35):968-969. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7235a5
On December 7, 2022, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Public Health Region 6/5 South (PHR 6/5S) and DSHS Consumer Protection Division were notified by Galveston County Health District of 10 consumer complaints of illness after consumption of raw (nine complaints) and smoked (one) oysters at local restaurants during November 27–December 4. Signs and symptoms began within 8 hours after consumption and included diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Initially, no consumers sought medical care. Oyster tags from three associated restaurant inspections determined that oysters were from Oyster Harvest Area TX 1 (TX 1) in Galveston Bay, Texas.
Shumate C, et al. Are individual-level risk factors for gastroschisis modified by neighborhood-level socioeconomic factors?. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Sep 1;115(15):1438-1449. Epub 2023 Jul 13. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2224
Background: Two strong risk factors for gastroschisis are young maternal age (<20 years) and low/normal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), yet the reasons remain unknown. We explored whether neighborhood-level socioeconomic position (nSEP) during pregnancy modified these associations.
Methods: We analyzed data from 1269 gastroschisis cases and 10,217 controls in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (1997-2011). To characterize nSEP, we applied the neighborhood deprivation index and used generalized estimating equations to calculate odds ratios and relative excess risk due to interaction.
Results: Elevated odds of gastroschisis were consistently associated with young maternal age and low/normal BMI, regardless of nSEP. High-deprivation neighborhoods modified the association with young maternal age. Infants of young mothers in high-deprivation areas had lower odds of gastroschisis (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 3.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.6, 3.8) than young mothers in low-deprivation areas (aOR: 6.6; 95% CI: 4.6, 9.4). Mothers of low/normal BMI had approximately twice the odds of having an infant with gastroschisis compared to mothers with overweight/obese BMI, regardless of nSEP (aOR range: 1.5-2.3).
Conclusion: Our findings suggest nSEP modified the association between gastroschisis and maternal age, but not BMI. Further research could clarify whether the modification is due to unidentified biologic and/or non-biologic factors.
Babalola F, et al. Evaluation of bronchiolitis in the pediatric population in the United States of America and Canada: a ten-year review. Cureus. 2023 Aug 12;15(8):e43393. doi:10.7759/cureus.43393
Bronchiolitis is a well-known viral infection among the pediatric population, significantly impacting hospitalization rates. The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected respiratory viral infections, including bronchiolitis, as various mitigation measures were implemented. In this study, we analyzed bronchiolitis cases during the pandemic and post-pandemic period, aiming to identify changes in management guidelines and their incidence and management over the last 10 years. Moreover, we explored the relationship between bronchiolitis and COVID-19, a virus that gained rapid notoriety worldwide. By analyzing data from pediatric populations in Canada and the USA, we sought to understand the role of varying seasons in the peak periods of bronchiolitis infections. The comprehensive review's results will provide valuable insights into bronchiolitis dynamics within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim is to better comprehend the interplay between bronchiolitis, COVID-19, and seasonal variations, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of this respiratory viral infection and informing future management strategies. Furthermore, these findings can assist healthcare professionals in preparing for and responding to potential fluctuations in bronchiolitis cases in the post-pandemic era.
Tanksley S, et al. Evidence and recommendation for guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency newborn screening. Pediatrics. 2023 Aug 1;152(2):e2023062100. doi:10.1542/peds.2023-062100
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder of creatine biosynthesis due to pathogenic variants in the GAMT gene that lead to cerebral creatine deficiency and neurotoxic levels of guanidinoacetate. Untreated, GAMT deficiency is associated with hypotonia, significant intellectual disability, limited speech development, recurrent seizures, behavior problems, and involuntary movements. The birth prevalence of GAMT deficiency is likely between 0.5 and 2 per million live births. On the basis of small case series and sibling data, presymptomatic treatment with oral supplements of creatine, ornithine, and sodium benzoate, and a protein-restricted diet to reduce arginine intake, appear to substantially improve health and developmental outcomes. Without newborn screening, diagnosis typically happens after the development of significant impairment, when treatment has limited utility. GAMT deficiency newborn screening can be incorporated into the tandem-mass spectrometry screening that is already routinely used for newborn screening, with about 1 per 100,000 newborns screening positive. After a positive screen, diagnosis is established by finding an elevated guanidinoacetate concentration and low creatine concentration in the blood. Although GAMT deficiency is significantly more rare than other conditions included in newborn screening, the feasibility of screening, the low number of positive results, the relative ease of diagnosis, and the expected benefit of presymptomatic dietary therapy led to a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children to the Secretary of Health and Human Services that GAMT deficiency be added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel. This recommendation was accepted in January 2023.
Das T, et al. National Association of Medical Examiners Position paper: recommendations for the documentation and certification of disaster-related deaths. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2023;10.1097/PAF.0000000000000859. Epub 2023 Jul 31. doi:10.1097/PAF.0000000000000859
Collecting and reporting accurate disaster mortality data are critical to informing disaster response and recovery efforts. The National Association of Medical Examiners convened an ad hoc committee to provide recommendations for the documentation and certification of disaster-related deaths. This article provides definitions for disasters and direct, indirect, and partially attributable disaster-related deaths; discusses jurisdiction for disaster-related deaths; offers recommendations for medical examiners/coroners (ME/Cs) for indicating the involvement of the disaster on the death certificate; discusses the role of the ME/C and non-ME/C in documenting and certifying disaster-related deaths; identifies existing systems for helping to identify the role of disaster on the death certificate; and describes disaster-related deaths that may require amendments of death certificates. The recommendations provided in this article seek to increase ME/C's understanding of disaster-related deaths and promote uniformity in how to document these deaths on the death certificate.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Epidemiology of nonsyndromic, orofacial clefts in Texas: differences by cleft type and presence of additional defects. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2023 Jul;60(7):789-803. Epub 2022 Feb 28. doi:10.1177/10556656221080932
To describe the current epidemiology of nonsyndromic cleft palate alone (CP) and cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL ± P) in Texas and examine differences in the characteristics of infants with CP and CL ± P based on the presence/absence of additional defects.
We used data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry, a statewide active birth defect surveillance system, from 1815 cases with CP and 5066 with CL ± P, without a syndrome diagnosis (1999-2014 deliveries). All live births in Texas were used for comparison. Poisson regression was used to calculate crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) for each characteristic, separately for each cleft subphenotype.
The prevalence of CL ± P and CP in our study was estimated as 8.3 and 3.0 per 10 000 live births, respectively. After adjusting for several characteristics, several factors were associated with CL ± P, CP, or both, including infant sex and maternal race/ethnicity, age, smoking, and diabetes. There were several differences between infants with isolated versus nonisolated clefts. For example, maternal prepregnancy diabetes was associated with an increased prevalence of CL ± P (aPR 7.91, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5.53, 11.30) and CP (aPR 3.24, 95% CI: 1.43, 7.36), but only when additional defects were present.
Findings from this study provide a contemporary description of the distribution of orofacial clefts in Texas accounting for differences between isolated and nonisolated clefts. They may contribute to increasing our understanding of the etiology of CP and CL ± P.
Canfield MA, et al. Scientific impact of the National Birth Defects Prevention Network multistate collaborative publications. Birth Defects Res. 2023;10.1002/bdr2.2225. Epub 2023 Jul 26. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2225
Background: Given the lack of a national, population-based birth defects surveillance program in the United States, the National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) has facilitated important studies on surveillance, research, and prevention of major birth defects. We sought to summarize NBDPN peer-reviewed publications and their impact.
Methods: We obtained and reviewed a curated list of 49 NBDPN multistate collaborative publications during 2000-2022, as of December 31, 2022. Each publication was reviewed and classified by type (e.g., risk factor association analysis). Key characteristics of study populations and analytic approaches used, along with publication impact (e.g., number of citations), were tabulated
Results: NBDPN publications focused on prevalence estimates (N = 17), surveillance methods (N = 11), risk factor associations (N = 10), mortality and other outcomes among affected individuals (N = 6), and descriptive epidemiology of various birth defects (N = 5). The most cited publications were those that reported on prevalence estimates for a spectrum of defects and those that assessed changes in neural tube defects (NTD) prevalence following mandatory folic acid fortification in the United States.
Conclusions: Results from multistate NBDPN publications have provided critical information not available through other sources, including US prevalence estimates of major birth defects, folic acid fortification and NTD prevention, and improved understanding of defect trends and surveillance efforts. Until a national birth defects surveillance program is established in the United States, NBDPN collaborative publications remain an important resource for investigating birth defects and informing decisions related to health services planning of secondary disabilities prevention and care.
Shumate CJ, et al. Are individual-level risk factors for gastroschisis modified by neighborhood-level socioeconomic factors? Birth Defects Res. 2023;10.1002/bdr2.2224. Epub 2023 Jul 13. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2224
Background: Two strong risk factors for gastroschisis are young maternal age (<20 years) and low/normal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), yet the reasons remain unknown. We explored whether neighborhood-level socioeconomic position (nSEP) during pregnancy modified these associations
Methods: We analyzed data from 1269 gastroschisis cases and 10,217 controls in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (1997-2011). To characterize nSEP, we applied the neighborhood deprivation index and used generalized estimating equations to calculate odds ratios and relative excess risk due to interaction.
Results: Elevated odds of gastroschisis were consistently associated with young maternal age and low/normal BMI, regardless of nSEP. High-deprivation neighborhoods modified the association with young maternal age. Infants of young mothers in high-deprivation areas had lower odds of gastroschisis (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 3.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.6, 3.8) than young mothers in low-deprivation areas (aOR: 6.6; 95% CI: 4.6, 9.4). Mothers of low/normal BMI had approximately twice the odds of having an infant with gastroschisis compared to mothers with overweight/obese BMI, regardless of nSEP (aOR range: 1.5-2.3).
Conclusion: Our findings suggest nSEP modified the association between gastroschisis and maternal age, but not BMI. Further research could clarify whether the modification is due to unidentified biologic and/or non-biologic factors.
Shumate CJ, et al. Sunspot activity and birth defects among Texas births (1999-2016). Birth Defects Res. 2023 Jul 1;115(12):1120-1139. Epub 2023 May 30. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2206
Background: Building on findings that linked higher levels of sunspot (SS) activity with a range of health and adverse birth outcomes, we sought to understand how SS activity over a 17-year time period may be correlated with the occurrence of birth defects.
Methods: Data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry, vital events from the Texas Center for Health Statistics, and mean monthly numbers of sunspots from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were utilized. Poisson regression was used to calculate crude/adjusted prevalence ratios (cPRs/aPRs) and 95% confidence intervals for three quartiles (Q) of increasing SS activity (compared to a referent of low activity) and 44 birth defects (31 non-cardiac; 13 cardiac) with estimated dates of conception from 1998 to 2016.
Results: We found moderately protective aPRs (range: 0.60-0.89) in a little over half of the case groups examined in our quartiles of higher SS activity (19 non-cardiac; 6 cardiac), after adjusting for maternal age, race/ethnicity, and education. Particularly protective aPRs in the highest SS quartiles (Q3-4) were noted for: anophthalmia, cataract, gastroschisis, trisomy 18, ventricular septal defects, atrial septal defects, and pulmonary valve atresia or stenosis. Conversely, modestly elevated aPRs were noted for two defect groups (agenesis, aplasia, and hypoplasia of the lung and microcephaly [Q2-3]). Following an additional adjustment of year of conception, results remained similar although many of the estimates were attenuated.
Conclusion: The seemingly protective associations between increasing SS activity may be an artifact of increasing spontaneous abortions that occur following conception during these periods of heightened SS activity.
Shumate CJ, et al. Neighborhood-level socioeconomic position during early pregnancy and risk of gastroschisis. Epidemiology. 2023 Jul 1;34(4):576-588. Epub 2023 May 30. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000001621
Background: Neighborhood-level socioeconomic position has been shown to influence birth outcomes, including selected birth defects. This study examines the understudied association between neighborhood-level socioeconomic position during early pregnancy and the risk of gastroschisis, an abdominal birth defect of increasing prevalence.
Methods: We conducted a case-control study of 1,269 gastroschisis cases and 10,217 controls using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (1997-2011). To characterize neighborhood-level socioeconomic position, we conducted a principal component analysis to construct two indices-Neighborhood Deprivation Index (NDI) and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Position Index (nSEPI). We created neighborhood-level indices using census socioeconomic indicators corresponding to census tracts associated with addresses where mothers lived the longest during the periconceptional period. We used generalized estimating equations to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), with multiple imputations for missing data and adjustment for maternal race-ethnicity, household income, education, birth year, and duration of residence.
Results: Mothers residing in moderate (NDI Tertile 2 aOR = 1.23; 95% CI = 1.03, 1.48 and nSEPI Tertile 2 aOR = 1.24; 95% CI = 1.04, 1.49) or low socioeconomic neighborhoods (NDI Tertile 3 aOR = 1.28; 95% CI = 1.05, 1.55 and nSEPI Tertile 3 aOR = 1.32, 95% CI = 1.09, 1.61) were more likely to deliver an infant with gastroschisis compared with mothers residing in high socioeconomic neighborhoods.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that lower neighborhood-level socioeconomic position during early pregnancy is associated with elevated odds of gastroschisis. Additional epidemiologic studies may aid in confirming this finding and evaluating potential mechanisms linking neighborhood-level socioeconomic factors and gastroschisis.
Canfield MA, Shumate CJ, et al. Associations between birth defects with neural crest cell origins and pediatric embryonal tumors. Cancer. 2023;10.1002/cncr.34952. Epub 2023 Jul 11. doi:10.1002/cncr.34952
Background: There are few assessments evaluating associations between birth defects with neural crest cell developmental origins (BDNCOs) and embryonal tumors, which are characterized by undifferentiated cells having a molecular profile similar to neural crest cells. The effect of BDNCOs on embryonal tumors was estimated to explore potential shared etiologic pathways and genetic origins.
Methods: With the use of a multistate, registry-linkage cohort study, BDNCO-embryonal tumor associations were evaluated by generating hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) with Cox regression models. BDNCOs consisted of ear, face, and neck defects, Hirschsprung disease, and a selection of congenital heart defects. Embryonal tumors included neuroblastoma, nephroblastoma, and hepatoblastoma. Potential HR modification (HRM) was investigated by infant sex, maternal race/ethnicity, maternal age, and maternal education.
Results: The risk of embryonal tumors among those with BDNCOs was 0.09% (co-occurring n = 105) compared to 0.03% (95% CI, 0.03%-0.04%) among those without a birth defect. Children with BDNCOs were 4.2 times (95% CI, 3.5-5.1 times) as likely to be diagnosed with an embryonal tumor compared to children born without a birth defect. BDNCOs were strongly associated with hepatoblastoma (HR, 16.1; 95% CI, 11.3-22.9), and the HRs for neuroblastoma (3.1; 95% CI, 2.3-4.2) and nephroblastoma (2.9; 95% CI, 1.9-4.4) were elevated. There was no notable HRM by the aforementioned factors.
Conclusions: Children with BDNCOs are more likely to develop embryonal tumors compared to children without a birth defect. Disruptions of shared developmental pathways may contribute to both phenotypes, which could inform future genomic assessments and cancer surveillance strategies of these conditions.
Bojes HK, et al. Influence of storage conditions and multiple freeze-thaw cycles on N1 SARS-CoV-2, PMMoV, and BCoV signal. Sci Total Environ. 2023;896:165098. Epub 2023 Jun 29. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165098
Wastewater-based epidemiology/wastewater-based surveillance (WBE/WBS) continues to serve as an effective means of monitoring various diseases, including COVID-19 and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants, at the population level. As the use of WBE expands, storage conditions of wastewater samples will play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy and reproducibility of results. In this study, the impacts of water concentration buffer (WCB), storage temperature, and freeze-thaw cycles on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other WBE-related gene targets were examined. Freeze-thawing of concentrated samples did not significantly affect (p > 0.05) crossing/cycle threshold (Ct) value for any of the gene targets studied (SARS-CoV-2 N1, PMMoV, and BCoV). However, use of WCB during concentration resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in Ct for all targets, and storage at -80 °C (in contrast to -20 °C) appeared preferable for wastewater storage signal stability based on decreased Ct values, although this was only significantly different (p < 0.05) for the BCoV target. Interestingly, when Ct values were converted to gene copies per influent sample, no significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in any of the targets examined. Stability of RNA targets in concentrated wastewater against freeze-thaw degradation supports archiving of concentrated samples for use in retrospective examination of COVID-19 trends and tracing SARS-CoV-2 variants and potentially other viruses, and provides a starting point for establishing a consistent procedure for specimen collection and storage for the WBE/WBS community.
Canfield MA, et al. Associations between birth defects and childhood and adolescent germ cell tumors according to sex, histologic subtype, and site. Cancer. 2023;10.1002/cncr.34906. Epub 2023 Jun 27. doi:10.1002/cncr.34906
Background: Studies have reported increased rates of birth defects among children with germ cell tumors (GCTs). However, few studies have evaluated associations by sex, type of defect, or tumor characteristics.
Methods: Birth defect-GCT associations were evaluated among pediatric patients (N = 552) with GCTs enrolled in the Germ Cell Tumor Epidemiology Study and population-based controls (N = 6380) without cancer from the Genetic Overlap Between Anomalies and Cancer in Kids Study. The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of GCTs according to birth defects status were estimated by using unconditional logistic regression. All defects were considered collectively and by genetic and chromosomal syndromes and nonsyndromic defects. Stratification was by sex, tumor histology (yolk sac tumor, teratoma, germinoma, and mixed/other), and location (gonadal, extragonadal, and intracranial).
Results: Birth defects and syndromic defects were more common among GCT cases than controls (6.9% vs. 4.0% and 2.7% vs. 0.2%, respectively; both p < .001). In multivariable models, GCT risk was increased among children with birth defects (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.3-2.4) and syndromic defects (OR, 10.4; 95% CI, 4.9-22.1). When stratified by tumor characteristics, birth defects were associated with yolk sac tumors (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.3-5.0) and mixed/other histologies (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.2-3.5) and both gonadal tumors (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.7) and extragonadal tumors (OR, 3.8; 95% CI, 2.1-6.5). Nonsyndromic defects specifically were not associated with GCTs. In sex-stratified analyses, associations were observed among males but not females
Conclusions: These data suggest that males with syndromic birth defects are at an increased risk of pediatric GCTs, whereas males with nonsyndromic defects and females are not at an increased risk.
Plain language summary: We investigated whether birth defects (such as congenital heart disease or Down syndrome) are linked to childhood germ cell tumors (GCTs), cancers that mainly develop in the ovaries or testes. We studied different types of birth defects (defects that were caused by chromosome changes such as Down syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome and defects that were not) and different types of GCTs. Only chromosome changes such as Down syndrome or Klinefelter syndrome were linked to GCTs. Our study suggests that most children with birth defects are not at an increased risk of GCTs because most birth defects are not caused by chromosome changes.
White SL, Davis K, Milleron R, et al. Notes from the field: exposures to mpox among cases in children aged ≤12 years - United States, September 25-December 31, 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72(23):633-635. Published 2023 Jun 9. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7223a4
During May 17–December 31, 2022, 125 probable or confirmed U.S. monkeypox (mpox) cases were reported among patients aged <18 years, including 45 (36%) in children aged ≤12 years. Eighty-three cases in persons aged <18 years diagnosed during May 17–September 24, 2022 were previously described (1); 28 (34%) of these were in children aged ≤12 years, 29% of whom did not have reported information on exposure. Among 20 (71%) of 28 patients with documented information on exposure, most were exposed by a household contact. This report updates the previous report using data collected during September 25–December 31, 2022, proposes possible mpox exposure routes in children aged ≤12 years, and describes three U.S. mpox cases in neonates. Household members or caregivers with mpox, including pregnant women and their health care providers, should be informed of the risk of transmission to persons aged <18 years, and strategies to protect persons aged <18 years at risk for exposure, including isolating household contacts with mpox, should be implemented immediately.
Canfield MA, et al. Exome-wide assessment of isolated biliary atresia: A report from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study using child-parent trios and a case-control design to identify novel rare variants. Am J Med Genet A. 2023 Jun;191(6):1546-1556. Epub 2023 Mar 21. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63185
The etiology of biliary atresia (BA) is unknown, but recent studies suggest a role for rare protein-altering variants (PAVs). Exome sequencing data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study on 54 child-parent trios, one child-mother duo, and 1513 parents of children with other birth defects were analyzed. Most (91%) cases were isolated BA. We performed (1) a trio-based analysis to identify rare de novo, homozygous, and compound heterozygous PAVs and (2) a case-control analysis using a sequence kernel-based association test to identify genes enriched with rare PAVs. While we replicated previous findings on PKD1L1, our results do not suggest that recurrent de novo PAVs play important roles in BA susceptibility. In fact, our finding in NOTCH2, a disease gene associated with Alagille syndrome, highlights the difficulty in BA diagnosis. Notably, IFRD2 has been implicated in other gastrointestinal conditions and warrants additional study. Overall, our findings strengthen the hypothesis that the etiology of BA is complex.
Chapman LE, Cobb K, Hall E, Seidel S. Creating novel surveillance data products for briefing health department leadership and elected officials during the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2023 May-Jun;29(3):403-410. Epub 2022 Dec 2. doi:10.1097/PHH.0000000000001675
Beginning in March 2020, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) developed several internal surveillance tools for briefing state health department leadership and elected officials on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas. This case study describes the initial conceptualization and daily production of 3 of these internal surveillance tools: (1) a COVID-19 data book displaying daily case, fatality, hospitalization, and testing data by county; (2) graphs and data files displaying new daily COVID-19 fatalities among residents of long-term care facilities in Texas; and (3) graphs and data files comparing COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations between the 4 COVID-19 waves in Texas. In addition, this case study uses qualitative interview data to describe how DSHS leadership used these surveillance products during the pandemic. Finally, details on challenges and lessons learned around creating and maintaining these tools are provided. These surveillance products are easily replicable, and our methods and lessons learned may be helpful for researchers or health department officials working on COVID-19 or other disease surveillance teams.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. Incidence and predictors of breakthrough and severe breakthrough infections of SARS-CoV-2 after primary series vaccination in adults: a population-based survey of 22,575 participants. J Infect Dis. 2023 May 12;227(10):1164-1172. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiad020
Background: Breakthrough infections of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are well documented. The current study estimates breakthrough incidence across pandemic waves, and evaluates predictors of breakthrough and severe breakthrough infections (defined as those requiring hospitalization).
Methods: In total, 89,762 participants underwent longitudinal antibody surveillance. Incidence rates were calculated using total person-days contributed. Bias-corrected and age-adjusted logistic regression determined multivariable predictors of breakthrough and severe breakthrough infection, respectively.
Results: The incidence was 0.45 (95% confidence interval [CI], .38-.50) during pre-Delta, 2.80 (95% CI, 2.25-3.14) during Delta, and 11.2 (95% CI, 8.80-12.95) during Omicron, per 10,000 person-days. Factors associated with elevated odds of breakthrough included Hispanic ethnicity (vs non-Hispanic white, OR = 1.243; 95% CI, 1.073-1.441), larger household size (OR = 1.251 [95% CI, 1.048-1.494] for 3-5 vs 1 and OR = 1.726 [95% CI, 1.317-2.262] for more than 5 vs 1 person), rural versus urban living (OR = 1.383; 95% CI, 1.122-1.704), receiving Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson versus Moderna, and multiple comorbidities. Of the 1700 breakthrough infections, 1665 reported on severity; 112 (6.73%) were severe. Higher body mass index, Hispanic ethnicity, vaccine type, asthma, and hypertension predicted severe breakthroughs.
Conclusions: Breakthrough infection was 4-25 times more common during the Omicron-dominant wave versus earlier waves. Higher burden of severe breakthrough infections was identified in subgroups.
Patel M, et al. Behavioral health care provider's beliefs, confidence, and knowledge in treating cigarette smoking in relation to their use of the 5A's intervention. Addict Behav Rep. 2023 May 11;17:100493. doi:10.1016/j.abrep.2023.100493
Introduction: Evidence-based smoking cessation interventions are underused settings where behavioral health treatment is provided, contributing to smoking-related health disparities in this patient group. This study assessed the relationship of provider's beliefs about patients' smoking, perceptions of treatment capability, and knowledge of referral options and their use of the 5A's (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) intervention for smoking cessation
Methods: Surveys were collected from providers in healthcare settings in Texas where patients receive behavioral health care (N = 86; 9 federally qualified health centers, 16 Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHAs), 6 substance use treatment programs in LMHAs, and 55 stand-alone substance use treatment centers). Logistic regression analyses were used to assess the association between provider's beliefs about patients' concern and desire to quit smoking; perceptions of their confidence, skills, and effectiveness in treating smoking; their knowledge of referral options; and their use of the 5A's with patients who smoked.
Results: Providers who believed that patients were concerned about smoking and wanted to quit; who perceived themselves as confident in providing cessation care, having the required skills, and being effective in providing advice; and/or who had greater referral knowledge were more likely to use the 5A's with patients who smoked than their (respective) provider counterparts (ps < 0.05).
Conclusion: Provider-level constructs affect their 5A's provision for patients with behavioral health needs. Future work should train providers to correct misconceptions about patients' interest in quitting, bolster their confidence, and provide referral options to support tobacco provision efforts.
Fischer M, White S, Davis K, et al. Epidemiologic and clinical features of mpox-associated deaths - United States, May 10, 2022-March 7, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72(15):404-410. Published 2023 Apr 14. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7215a5
As of March 7, 2023, a total of 30,235 confirmed and probable monkeypox (mpox) cases were reported in the United States, predominantly among cisgender men who reported recent sexual contact with another man (1). Although most mpox cases during the current outbreak have been self-limited, cases of severe illness and death have been reported (2-4). During May 10, 2022-March 7, 2023, 38 deaths among persons with probable or confirmed mpox (1.3 per 1,000 mpox cases) were reported to CDC and classified as mpox-associated (i.e., mpox was listed as a contributing or causal factor). Among the 38 mpox-associated deaths, 94.7% occurred in cisgender men (median age = 34 years); 86.8% occurred in non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) persons. The median interval from symptom onset to death was 68 days (IQR = 50-86 days). Among 33 decedents with available information, 93.9% were immunocompromised because of HIV. Public health actions to prevent mpox deaths include integrated testing, diagnosis, and early treatment for mpox and HIV, and ensuring equitable access to both mpox and HIV prevention and treatment, such as antiretroviral therapy (ART) (5). Please note: This report has been corrected. An erratum has been published.
Shumate CJ, et al. Prevalence and descriptive epidemiology of Turner syndrome in the United States, 2000-2017: A report from the National Birth Defects Prevention Network. Am J Med Genet A. 2023 May;191(5):1339- 1349. Epub 2023 Mar 15. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63181
The lack of United States population-based data on Turner syndrome limits assessments of prevalence and associated characteristics for this sex chromosome abnormality. Therefore, we collated 2000-2017 data from seven birth defects surveillance programs within the National Birth Defects Prevention Network. We estimated the prevalence of karyotype-confirmed Turner syndrome diagnosed within the first year of life. We also calculated the proportion of cases with commonly ascertained birth defects, assessed associations with maternal and infant characteristics using prevalence ratios (PR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI), and estimated survival probability. The prevalence of Turner syndrome of any pregnancy outcome was 3.2 per 10,000 female live births (95% CI = 3.0-3.3, program range: 1.0-10.4), and 1.9 for live birth and stillbirth (≥20 weeks gestation) cases (95% CI = 1.8-2.1, program range: 0.2-3.9). Prevalence was lowest among cases born to non-Hispanic Black women compared to non-Hispanic White women (PR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.4-0.6). Coarctation of the aorta was the most common defect (11.6% of cases), and across the cohort, individuals without hypoplastic left heart had a five-year survival probability of 94.6%. The findings from this population-based study may inform surveillance practices, prenatal counseling, and diagnosis. We also identified racial and ethnic disparities in prevalence, an observation that warrants further investigation.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. SARS-CoV-2 serostatus and COVID-19 illness characteristics by variant time period in non-hospitalized children and adolescents.
Children (Basel). 2023 Apr 30;10(5):818. doi:10.3390/children10050818
Objective: To describe COVID-19 illness characteristics, risk factors, and SARS-CoV-2 serostatus by variant time period in a large community-based pediatric sample.
Design: Data were collected prospectively over four timepoints between October 2020 and November 2022 from a population-based cohort ages 5 to 19 years old.
Setting: State of Texas, USA.
Participants: Participants ages 5 to 19 years were recruited from large pediatric healthcare systems, Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers, urban and rural clinical practices, health insurance providers, and a social media campaign.
Exposure: SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Main outcome(s) and measure(s): SARS-CoV-2 antibody status was assessed by the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoassay for detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (Roche N-test). Self-reported antigen or PCR COVID-19 test results and symptom status were also collected.
Results: Over half (57.2%) of the sample (N = 3911) was antibody positive. Symptomatic infection increased over time from 47.09% during the pre-Delta variant time period, to 76.95% during Delta, to 84.73% during Omicron, and to 94.79% during the Omicron BA.2. Those who were not vaccinated were more likely (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.47, 2.00) to be infected versus those fully vaccinated.
Conclusions: Results show an increase in symptomatic COVID-19 infection among non-hospitalized children with each progressive variant over the past two years. Findings here support the public health guidance that eligible children should remain up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations.
Cantor S, Chaudhary I, et al. COVID-19 outbreaks linked to workplaces, 23 US jurisdictions, August-October 2021. Public Health Rep. 2023 Mar-Apr;138(2):333-340. Epub 2022 Dec 8. doi:10.1177/00333549221138294
Objectives: Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, several outbreaks were linked with facilities employing essential workers, such as long-term care facilities and meat and poultry processing facilities. However, timely national data on which workplace settings were experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks were unavailable through routine surveillance systems. We estimated the number of US workplace outbreaks of COVID-19 and identified the types of workplace settings in which they occurred during August-October 2021.
Methods: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected data from health departments on workplace COVID-19 outbreaks from August through October 2021: the number of workplace outbreaks, by workplace setting, and the total number of cases among workers linked to these outbreaks. Health departments also reported the number of workplaces they assisted for outbreak response, COVID-19 testing, vaccine distribution, or consultation on mitigation strategies.
Results: Twenty-three health departments reported a total of 12 660 workplace COVID-19 outbreaks. Among the 12 470 workplace types that were documented, 35.9% (n = 4474) of outbreaks occurred in health care settings, 33.4% (n = 4170) in educational settings, and 30.7% (n = 3826) in other work settings, including non-food manufacturing, correctional facilities, social services, retail trade, and food and beverage stores. Eleven health departments that reported 3859 workplace outbreaks provided information about workplace assistance: 3090 (80.1%) instances of assistance involved consultation on COVID-19 mitigation strategies, 1912 (49.5%) involved outbreak response, 436 (11.3%) involved COVID-19 testing, and 185 (4.8%) involved COVID-19
vaccine distribution.
Conclusions: These findings underscore the continued impact of COVID-19 among workers, the potential for work-related transmission, and the need to apply layered prevention strategies recommended by public health officials.
Freeland M, et al. Travel history among persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in the United States, December 2020-February 2021. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2023 Mar 29;3(3):e0001252. doi:10.1371/journal.pgph.0001252
The first three SARS-CoV-2 phylogenetic lineages classified as variants of concern (VOCs) in the United States (U.S.) from December 15, 2020 to February 28, 2021, Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), and Gamma (P.1) lineages, were initially detected internationally. This investigation examined available travel history of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases reported in the U.S. in whom laboratory testing showed one of these initial VOCs. Travel history, demographics, and health outcomes for a convenience sample of persons infected with a SARS-CoV-2 VOC from December 15, 2020 through February 28, 2021 were provided by 35 state and city health departments, and proportion reporting travel was calculated. Of 1,761 confirmed VOC cases analyzed, 1,368 had available data on travel history. Of those with data on travel history, 1,168 (85%) reported no travel preceding laboratory confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 and only 105 (8%) reported international travel during the 30 days preceding a positive SARS-CoV-2 test or symptom onset. International travel was reported by 92/1,304 (7%) of persons infected with the Alpha variant, 7/55 (22%) with Beta, and 5/9 (56%) with Gamma. Of the first three SARS-CoV-2 lineages designated as VOCs in the U.S., international travel was common only among the few Gamma cases. Most persons infected with Alpha and Beta variant reported no travel history, therefore, community transmission of these VOCs was likely common in the U.S. by March 2021. These findings underscore the importance of global surveillance using whole genome sequencing to detect and inform mitigation strategies for emerging SARS-CoV-2 VOCs.
Gutiérrez Tyler C, Salinas A, Guevara A, Alva H, Ruiz M, Prot EY. Assessing 2019 Hurricane Harvey recovery in Aransas County, Texas through Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER). Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2023 Mar 23;17:e366. doi:10.1017/dmp.2023.12
Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess recovery of Aransas County, Texas households 2 years after Category 4 Hurricane Harvey made landfall.
Methods: A 2-stage cluster sampling method used to conduct a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) on May 3 - 4 and May 18 - 19, 2019. A household-based survey was administered through face-to-face interviews, selected through systematic random sampling using weighted analysis of the county population. Field teams collected 175 surveys (83.3% completion rate).
Results: Approximately 57% households experienced repairable damage, 23% had destroyed homes, and 19% had minimal damage. 38% stated having 'no need,' 18% needed financial assistance, 16% needed household repairs, and over 8% had behavioral health needs. 17% experiencing a behavioral health concern were seeking services. Of the 35% of households who did not seek services, 14% felt there was no need, and 4% were not aware of the resources available.
Conclusions: Households reported high levels of preparedness, but gaps remain in evacuation intention and behavioral health care access. CASPERs are effective in assessing long-term recovery of communities impacted by major disasters.
Moore KO, Stuteville HD, et al. A case of primary amebic meningoencephalitis associated with surfing at an artificial surf venue: Environmental investigation. ACS ES T Water. 2023 Mar 15;3(4):1126-1133. doi:10.1021/acsestwater.2c00592
Naegleria fowleri is a thermophilic ameba found in freshwater that causes primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) when it enters the nose and migrates to the brain. In September 2018, a 29-year-old man died of PAM after traveling to Texas. We conducted an epidemiologic and environmental investigation to identify the water exposure associated with this PAM case. The patient's most probable water exposure occurred while surfing in an artificial surf venue. The surf venue water was not filtered or recirculated; water disinfection and water quality testing were not documented. N. fowleri and thermophilic amebae were detected in recreational water and sediment samples throughout the facility. Codes and standards for treated recreational water venues open to the public could be developed to address these novel venues. Clinicians and public health officials should also consider novel recreational water venues as a potential exposure for this rare amebic infection.
Shumate CJ, Canfield MA, et al. Patterns of co-occurring birth defects in children with anotia and microtia. Am J Med Genet A. 2023 Mar;191(3):805-812. Epub 2022 Dec 21. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63081
Many infants with anotia or microtia (A/M) have co-occurring birth defects, although few receive syndromic diagnoses in the perinatal period. Evaluation of co-occurring birth defects in children with A/M could identify patterns indicative of undiagnosed/unrecognized syndromes. We obtained information on co-occurring birth defects among infants with A/M for delivery years 1999-2014 from the Texas Birth Defects Registry. We calculated observed-to-expected ratios (OER) to identify birth defect combinations that occurred more often than expected by chance. We excluded children diagnosed with genetic or chromosomal syndromes from analyses. Birth defects and syndromes/associations diagnosed ≤1 year of age were considered. We identified 1310 infants with non-syndromic A/M, of whom 38% (N = 492) were diagnosed with co-occurring major defects. Top combinations included: hydrocephalus, ventricular septal defect, and spinal anomalies (OER 58.4); microphthalmia and anomalies of the aorta (OER 55.4); and cleft lip with or without cleft palate and rib or sternum anomalies (OER 32.8). Some combinations observed in our study may represent undiagnosed/atypical presentations of known A/M associations or syndromes, or novel syndromes yet to be described in the literature. Careful evaluation of infants with multiple birth defects including A/M is warranted to identify individuals with potential genetic or chromosomal syndromes.
Canfield MA, et al. Prevalence and mortality among children with anorectal malformation: A multi-country analysis. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Feb 1;115(3):390-404. Epub 2022 Nov 19. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2129
We examined the total prevalence, trends in prevalence, and age-specific mortality among individuals with anorectal malformation (ARM) METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using data from 24 population- and hospital-based birth defects surveillance programs affiliated with the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR) from 18 countries and for births from 1974 to 2014. We estimated pooled and program-specific total prevalence per 10,000 total births. Poisson regression was used to assess time trends in prevalence from 2001 to 2012 when most programs contributed data. We calculated selected age-specific proportions of deaths, stratified by case status RESULTS: The pooled total prevalence of ARM was 3.26 per 10,000 total births (95% Confidence Interval = 3.19, 3.32) for birth years 1974-2014. About 60% of cases were multiple or syndromic. Prevalence of multiple, syndromic, and stillborn cases decreased from 2001 to 2012. The first week mortality proportion was 12.5%, 3.2%, 28.3%, and 18.2% among all, isolated, multiple, and syndromic cases, respectively CONCLUSIONS: ARM is relatively rare, with multiple and syndromic cases showing decreasing prevalence during the study period. Mortality is a concern during the first week of life, and especially among multiple and syndromic cases. Our descriptive epidemiological findings increase our understanding of geographic variation in the prevalence of ARM and can be used to plan needed clinical services. Exploring factors influencing prevalence and mortality among individuals with ARM could inform future studies.
Tanksley S, et al. Evidence and recommendation for mucopolysaccharidosis type II newborn screening in the United States. Genet Med. 2023 Feb;25(2):100330. Epub 2022 Nov 29. doi:10.1016/j.gim.2022.10.012
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II), also known as Hunter syndrome, is an X-linked condition caused by pathogenic variants in the iduronate-2-sulfatase gene. The resulting reduced activity of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase leads to accumulation of glycosaminoglycans that can progressively affect multiple organ systems and impair neurologic development. In 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration approved idursulfase for intravenous enzyme replacement therapy for MPS II. After the data suggesting that early treatment is beneficial became available, 2 states, Illinois and Missouri, implemented MPS II newborn screening. Following a recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children in February 2022, in August 2022, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services added MPS II to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel, a list of conditions recommended for newborn screening. MPS II was added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel after a systematic evidence review reported the accuracy of screening, the benefit of presymptomatic treatment compared with usual case detection, and the feasibility of implementing MPS II newborn screening. This manuscript summarizes the findings of the evidence review that informed the Advisory Committee's decision.
Canfield MA, Marengo LK, et al. Contribution of Preterm Birth to Mortality Among Neonates with Birth Defects. J Pediatr. 2023 Feb;253:270-277.e1. Epub 2022 Oct 10. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.10.002
Objective: To estimate the proportion of neonatal mortality risk attributable to preterm delivery among neonates with birth defects.
Study design: Using a statewide cohort of live born infants from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (1999-2014 deliveries), we estimated the population attributable fraction and 95% CI of neonatal mortality (death <28 days) attributable to prematurity (birth at <37 weeks vs ≥37 weeks) for 31 specific birth defects. To better understand the overall population burden, analyses were repeated for all birth defects combined.
Results: Our analyses included 169 148 neonates with birth defects, of which 40 872 (24.2%) were delivered preterm. The estimated proportion of neonatal mortality attributable to prematurity varied by birth defect, ranging from 12.5% (95% CI: 8.7-16.1) for hypoplastic left heart syndrome to 71.9% (95% CI: 41.1-86.6) for anotia or microtia. Overall, the proportion was 51.7% (95% CI: 49.4-54.0) for all birth defects combined.
Conclusions: A large proportion of deaths among neonates with birth defects are attributable to preterm delivery. Our results highlight differences in this burden across common birth defects. Our findings may be helpful for prioritizing future work focused on better understanding the etiology of prematurity among neonates with birth defects and the mechanisms by which prematurity contributes to neonatal mortality in this population.
Pont SJ, Shuford JA, et al. Antibody duration after infection from SARS-CoV-2 in the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jan 11;227(2):193-201. Epub 2022 May 6. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiac167
Understanding the duration of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is important to controlling the current pandemic. Participants from the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey (Texas CARES) with at least one nucleocapsid protein antibody test were selected for a longitudinal analysis of antibody duration. A linear mixed model was fit to data from participants (n= 4,553) with one to three antibody tests over 11 months (10/1/2020-9/16/2021), and model fit showed that expected antibody response after COVID-19 infection robustly increases for 100 days post-infection, and predicts individuals may remain antibody positive from natural infection beyond 500 days, depending on age, body mass index, smoking or vaping use, and disease severity (hospitalized or not; symptomatic or not).
Cantu V, et al. Listeria monocytogenes illness and deaths associated with ongoing contamination of a multiregional brand of ice cream products, United States, 2010-2015. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jan 6;76(1):89-95. doi:10.1093/cid/ciac550
Background: Frozen foods have rarely been linked to Listeria monocytogenes illness. We describe an outbreak investigation prompted by both hospital clustering of illnesses and product testing.
Methods: We identified outbreak-associated listeriosis cases using whole-genome sequencing (WGS), product testing results, and epidemiologic linkage to cases in the same Kansas hospital. We reviewed hospital medical and dietary records, product invoices, and molecular subtyping results. Federal and state officials tested product and environmental samples for L. monocytogenes.
Results: Kansas officials were investigating 5 cases of listeriosis at a single hospital when, simultaneously, unrelated sampling for a study in South Carolina identified L. monocytogenes in Company A ice cream products made in Texas. Isolates from 4 patients and Company A products were closely related by WGS, and the 4 patients with known exposures had consumed milkshakes made with Company A ice cream while hospitalized. Further testing identified L. monocytogenes in ice cream produced in a second Company A production facility in Oklahoma; these isolates were closely related by WGS to those from 5 patients in 3 other states. These 10 illnesses, involving 3 deaths, occurred from 2010 through 2015. Company A ultimately recalled all products.
Conclusions: In this US outbreak of listeriosis linked to a widely distributed brand of ice cream, WGS and product sampling helped link cases spanning 5 years to 2 production facilities, indicating longstanding contamination. Comprehensive sanitation controls and environmental and product testing for L. monocytogenes with regulatory oversight should be implemented for ice cream production.
Marengo LK, Archer N, Shumate C, Canfield MA, Drummond-Borg M. Survival of infants and children born with severe microcephaly, Texas, 1999-2015. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Jan 1;115(1):26-42. Epub 2022 Nov 8. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2109
Background: Severe microcephaly is a brain reduction defect where the delivery head circumference is <3rd percentile for gestational age and sex with subsequent lifelong morbidities. Our objective was to evaluate survival among 2,704 Texas infants with severe microcephaly delivered 1999-2015.
Methods: Infants with severe microcephaly from the Texas Birth Defects Registry were linked to death certificates and the national death index. Survival estimates, hazard ratios (HR) and confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards models stratified by presence versus absence of co-occurring defects.
Results: We identified 496 deaths by age 4 years; most (42.9%) occurred in the neonatal period, and another 39.9% died by 1 year of age. Overall infant survival was 84.8%. Lowest infant survival subgroups included those with chromosomal/syndromic conditions (66.1%), very preterm deliveries (63.9%), or co-occurring critical congenital heart defects (44.0%). Among infants with severe microcephaly and a chromosomal/syndromic co-occurring defect, the risk of death was nearly three-fold higher among those with: proportionate microcephaly (i.e., small baby overall), relative to non-proportionate (HR = 2.84, 95% CI = 2.17-3.71); low-birthweight relative to normal (HR = 2.72, 95% CI = 1.92-3.85); critical congenital heart defects (CCHD) relative to no CCHD (HR = 2.90, 95% CI = 2.20-3.80). Trisomies were a leading underlying cause of death (27.5%).
Conclusions: Overall, infants with severe microcephaly had high 4-year survival rates which varied by the presence of co-occurring defects. Infants with co-occurring chromosomal/syndromic anomalies have a higher risk of death by age one than those without any co-occurring birth defects.
Le MT, et al. Assessing associations between residential proximity to greenspace and birth defects in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Environ Res. 2023 Jan 1;216(Pt 3):114760. Epub 2022 Nov 7. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2022.114760
Background: Residential proximity to greenspace is associated with various health outcomes.
Objectives: We estimated associations between maternal residential proximity to greenspace (based on an index of vegetation) and selected structural birth defects, including effect modification by neighborhood-level factors.
Methods: Data were from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (1997-2011) and included 19,065 infants with at least one eligible birth defect (cases) and 8925 without birth defects (controls) from eight Centers throughout the United States. Maternal participants reported their addresses throughout pregnancy. Each address was systematically geocoded and residences around conception were linked to greenspace, US Census, and US Department of Agriculture data. Greenspace was estimated using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI); average maximum NDVI was estimated within 100 m and 500 m concentric buffers surrounding geocoded addresses to estimate residential NDVI. We used logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals comparing those in the highest and lowest quartiles of residential NDVI and stratifying by rural/urban residence and neighborhood median income.
Results: After multivariable adjustment, for the 500 m buffer, inverse associations were observed for tetralogy of Fallot, secundum atrial septal defects, anencephaly, anotia/microtia, cleft lip ± cleft palate, transverse limb deficiency, and omphalocele, (aORs: 0.54-0.86). Results were similar for 100 m buffer analyses and similar patterns were observed for other defects, though results were not significant. Significant heterogeneity was observed after stratification by rural/urban for hypoplastic left heart, coarctation of the aorta, and cleft palate, with inverse associations only among participants residing in rural areas. Stratification by median income showed heterogeneity for atrioventricular and secundum atrial septal defects, anencephaly, and anorectal atresia, with inverse associations only among participants residing in a high-income neighborhood (aORs: 0.45-0.81).
Discussion: Our results suggest that perinatal residential proximity to more greenspace may contribute to a reduced risk of certain birth defects, especially among those living in rural or high-income neighborhoods.
Shumate CJ, Nguyen J, Canfield MA, et al. Factors associated with nonsyndromic anotia and microtia, Texas, 1999-2014. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Jan 1;115(1):67-78. Epub 2022 Nov 17. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2130
Background: Few risk factors have been identified for nonsyndromic anotia/microtia (A/M).
Methods: We obtained data on cases and a reference population of all livebirths in Texas for 1999-2014 from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR) and Texas vital records. We estimated prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for A/M (any, isolated, nonisolated, unilateral, and bilateral) using Poisson regression. We evaluated trends in prevalence rates using Joinpoint regression.
Results: We identified 1,322 cases, of whom 982 (74.3%) had isolated and 1,175 (88.9%) had unilateral A/M. Prevalence was increased among males (PR: 1.3, 95% CI: 1.2-1.4), offspring of women with less than high school education (PR: 1.3, 95% CI: 1.1-1.5), diabetes (PR: 2.0, 95% CI: 1.6-2.4), or age 30-39 versus 20-29 years (PR: 1.2, 95% CI: 1.0-1.3). The prevalence was decreased among offspring of non-Hispanic Black versus White women (PR: 0.6, 95% CI: 0.4-0.8) but increased among offspring of Hispanic women (PR: 2.9, 95% CI: 2.5-3.4) and non-Hispanic women of other races (PR: 1.7, 95% CI: 1.3-2.3). We observed similar results among cases with isolated and unilateral A/M. Sex disparities were not evident for nonisolated or bilateral phenotypes, nor did birth prevalence differ between offspring of non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic White women. Maternal diabetes was more strongly associated with nonisolated (PR: 4.5, 95% CI: 3.2-6.4) and bilateral A/M (PR: 5.0, 95% CI: 3.3-7.7). Crude prevalence rates increased throughout the study period (annual percent change: 1.82).
Conclusion: We identified differences in the prevalence of nonsyndromic A/M by maternal race/ethnicity, education, and age, which may be indicators of unidentified social/environmental risk factors.
Betancourt D, Canfield MA, Ethen MK, Shumate C, Drummond-Borg M, et al. Connecting children with birth defects to health and social service programs: A collaboration between the Texas Birth Defects Registry and agency social workers. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Jan 1;115(1):110-119. Epub 2022 Nov 14. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2126
Background: Timely referral to services for children born with birth defects can improve health outcomes. Birth defects surveillance registries may be a valuable data source for connecting children to health and social service programs.
Methods: Population-based, state-wide data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR) at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) were used to connect children 9-18 months old, born with select birth defects with DSHS social workers. The social workers reviewed developmental milestones and referred children and their families to various health and social service programs. We tabulated the proportions of children meeting milestones and referral characteristics by referral program type and type of birth defect.
Results: Social workers reached 67% (909/1,362) of identified families. Over half of children (54%, 488/909) were not meeting the developmental milestones for their age. Social workers provided over 3,000 program referrals, including referring 21% (194/909) of children to Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) and 28% (257/909) to case management.
Conclusion: Our results illustrate a method of leveraging a birth defects surveillance system for referral services. Given the large number of referrals made, our findings suggest that birth defects registries can be a valuable source of data for referring children to programs.
Marengo L, Canfield MA, et al. Evaluating the proportion of isolated cases among a spectrum of birth defects in a population-based registry. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Jan 1;10.1002/bdr2.1990. Epub 2022 Feb 26. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1990
Introduction: Because the etiology and outcomes of birth defects may differ by the presence vs. absence of co-occurring anomalies, epidemiologic studies often attempt to classify cases into isolated versus non-isolated groupings. This report describes a computer algorithm for such classification and presents results using data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR).
Methods: Each of the 1,041 birth defects coded by the TBDR was classified as chromosomal, syndromic, minor, or "needs review" by a group of three clinical geneticists. A SAS program applied those classifications to each birth defect in a case (child/fetus), and then hierarchically combined them to obtain one summary classification for each case, adding isolated and multiple defect categories. The program was applied to 136,121 cases delivered in 2012-2017.
Results: Of the total cases, 49% were classified by the platform as isolated (having only one major birth defect). This varied widely by birth defect; of those examined, the highest proportion classified as isolated was found in pyloric stenosis (87.6%), whereas several cardiovascular malformations had low proportions, including tricuspid valve atresia/stenosis (2.3%).
Discussion: This is one of the first and largest attempts to identify the proportion of isolated cases across a broad spectrum of birth defects, which can inform future epidemiologic and genomic studies of these phenotypes. Our approach is designed for easy modification for use with any birth defects coding system and category definitions, allowing scalability for different studies or birth defects registries, which often do not have resources for individual clinical review of all case records.
Chaudhary I, et al. Regional outbreak of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023;44(1):96-98. Epub 2021 Oct 1. doi:10.1017/ice.2021.394
Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing P. aeruginosa (KPC-CRPA) are rare in the United States. An outbreak of KPC-CRPA was investigated in Texas using molecular and epidemiologic methods and 17 cases of KPC-CRPA were identified. The isolates were genetically related and harbored the emerging P. aeruginosa multilocus sequence type 235, the first in the United States.
Canfield MA, Drummond-Borg M, et al. Identifying syndromes in studies of structural birth defects: Guidance on classification and evaluation of potential impact. Am J Med Genet A. 2023;191(1):190-204. Epub 2022 Oct 26. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63014
Structural birth defects that occur in infants with syndromes may be etiologically distinct from those that occur in infants in whom there is not a recognized pattern of malformations; however, population-based registries often lack the resources to classify syndromic status via case reviews. We developed criteria to systematically identify infants with suspected syndromes, grouped by syndrome type and level of effort required for syndrome classification (e.g., text search). We applied this algorithm to the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR) to describe the proportion of infants with syndromes delivered during 1999-2014. We also developed a bias analysis tool to estimate the potential percent bias resulting from including infants with syndromes in studies of risk factors. Among 207,880 cases with birth defects in the TBDR, 15% had suspected syndromes and 85% were assumed to be nonsyndromic, with a range across defect types from 28.5% (atrioventricular septal defects) to 98.9% (pyloric stenosis). Across hypothetical scenarios varying expected parameters (e.g., nonsyndromic proportion), the inclusion of syndromic cases in analyses resulted in up to 50.0% bias in prevalence ratios. In summary, we present a framework for identifying infants with syndromic conditions; implementation might harmonize syndromic classification across registries and reduce bias in association estimates.
(In date order with the most recent first).
Clark I, et al. Financing benefits and barriers to routine HIV screening in clinical settings in the United States: a scoping review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 27;20(1):457. doi:10.3390/ijerph20010457
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone between 13-64 years be tested for HIV at least once as a routine procedure. Routine HIV screening is reimbursable by Medicare, Medicaid, expanded Medicaid, and most commercial insurance plans. Yet, scaling-up HIV routine screening remains a challenge. We conducted a scoping review for studies on financial benefits and barriers associated with HIV screening in clinical settings in the U.S. to inform an evidence-based strategy to scale-up routine HIV screening. We searched Ovid MEDLINE®, Cochrane, and Scopus for studies published between 2006-2020 in English. The search identified 383 Citations; we screened 220 and excluded 163 (outside the time limit, irrelevant, or outside the U.S.). Of the 220 screened articles, we included 35 and disqualified 155 (did not meet the eligibility criteria). We organized eligible articles under two themes: financial benefits/barriers of routine HIV screening in healthcare settings (9 articles); and Cost-effectiveness of routine screening in healthcare settings (26 articles). The review concluded drawing recommendations in three areas: (1) Finance: Incentivize healthcare providers/systems for implementing HIV routine screening and/or separate its reimbursement from bundle payments; (2) Personnel: Encourage nurse-initiated HIV screening programs in primary care settings and educate providers on CDC recommendations; and (3) Approach: Use opt-out approach.
Langlois PH, et al. Interaction of maternal medication use with ambient heat exposure on congenital heart defects in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Environ Res. 2022 Dec;215(Pt 1):114217. Epub 2022 Aug 28. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114217.
Background: Maternal exposure to weather-related extreme heat events (EHEs) has been associated with congenital heart defects (CHDs) in offspring. Certain medications may affect an individual's physiologic responses to EHEs. We evaluated whether thermoregulation-related medications modified associations between maternal EHE exposure and CHDs.
Methods: We linked geocoded residence data from the U.S. National Birth Defects Prevention Study, a population-based case-control study, to summertime EHE exposures. An EHE was defined using the 90th percentile of daily maximum temperature (EHE90) for each of six climate regions during postconceptional weeks 3-8. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations between EHE90 and the risk of CHDs were estimated by strata of maternal thermoregulation-related medication use and climate region. Interaction effects were evaluated on multiplicative and additive scales.
Results: Over 45% of participants reported thermoregulation-related medication use during the critical period of cardiogenesis. Overall, these medications did not significantly modify the association between EHEs and CHDs. Still, medications that alter central thermoregulation increased aORs (95% CI) of EHE90 from 0.73 (0.41, 1.30) among non-users to 5.09 (1.20, 21.67) among users in the Southwest region, U.S. This effect modification was statistically significant on the multiplicative (P = 0.03) and additive scales, with an interaction contrast ratio (95% CI) of 1.64 (0.26, 3.02).
Conclusion: No significant interaction was found for the maternal use of thermoregulation-related medications with EHEs on CHDs in general, while medications altering central thermoregulation significantly modified the association between EHEs and CHDs in Southwest U.S. This finding deserves further research.
Chapman LE, Cobb K, Hall E, Seidel S. Creating novel surveillance data products for briefing health department leadership and elected officials during the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022 May-Jun;10.1097/PHH.0000000000001675. Epub 2022 Dec 2. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001675.
Beginning in March 2020, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) developed several internal surveillance tools for briefing state health department leadership and elected officials on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Texas. This case study describes the initial conceptualization and daily production of 3 of these internal surveillance tools: (1) a COVID-19 data book displaying daily case, fatality, hospitalization, and testing data by county; (2) graphs and data files displaying new daily COVID-19 fatalities among residents of long-term care facilities in Texas; and (3) graphs and data files comparing COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations between the 4 COVID-19 waves in Texas. In addition, this case study uses qualitative interview data to describe how DSHS leadership used these surveillance products during the pandemic. Finally, details on challenges and lessons learned around creating and maintaining these tools are provided. These surveillance products are easily replicable, and our methods and lessons learned may be helpful for researchers or health department officials working on COVID-19 or other disease surveillance teams.
Broussard KR, et al. Melioidosis in cynomolgus macaques ( Macaca Fascicularis ) Imported to the United States from Cambodia. Comp Med. 2022 Dec 1;72(6):394-402. doi: 10.30802/AALAS-CM-22-000024.
Melioidosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease of humans and animals, including nonhuman primates (NHPs), is caused by the high-consequence pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei. This environmental bacterium is found in the soil and water of tropical regions, such as Southeast Asia, where melioidosis is endemic. The global movement of humans and animals can introduce B. pseudomallei into nonendemic regions of the United States, where environmental conditions could allow establishment of the organism. Approximately 60% of NHPs imported into the United States originate in countries considered endemic for melioidosis. To prevent the introduction of infectious agents to the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires newly imported NHPs to be quarantined for at least 31 d, during which time their health is closely monitored. Most diseases of public health concern that are transmissible from imported NHPs have relatively short incubation periods that fall within the 31-d quarantine period. However, animals infected with B. pseudomallei may appear healthy for months to years before showing signs of illness, during which time they can shed the organism into the environment. Melioidosis presents diagnostic challenges because it causes nonspecific clinical signs, serologic screening can produce unreliable results, and culture isolates are often misidentified on rapid commercial testing systems. Here, we present a case of melioidosis in a cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) that developed a subcutaneous abscess after importation from Cambodia to the United States. The bacterial isolate from the abscess was initially misidentified on a commercial test. This case emphasizes the possibility of melioidosis in NHPs imported from endemic countries and its associated diagnostic challenges. If melioidosis is suspected, diagnostic samples and culture isolates should be submitted to a laboratory in the CDC Laboratory Response Network for conclusive identification and characterization of the pathogen.
White SL, Davis KR, Milleron RS, et al. Epidemiologic and clinical features of children and adolescents aged <18 years with monkeypox - United States, May 17-September 24, 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022;71(44):1407-1411. Published 2022 Nov 4. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7144a4
Data on monkeypox in children and adolescents aged <18 years are limited (1,2). During May 17–September 24, 2022, a total of 25,038 monkeypox cases were reported in the United States, primarily among adult gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (3). During this period, CDC and U.S. jurisdictional health departments identified Monkeypox virus (MPXV) infections in 83 persons aged <18 years, accounting for 0.3% of reported cases. Among 28 children aged 0–12 years with monkeypox, 64% were boys, and most had direct skin-to-skin contact with an adult with monkeypox who was caring for the child in a household setting. Among 55 adolescents aged 13–17 years, most were male (89%), and male-to-male sexual contact was the most common presumed exposure route (66%). Most children and adolescents with monkeypox were non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) (47%) or Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) (35%). Most (89%) were not hospitalized, none received intensive care unit (ICU)–level care, and none died. Monkeypox in children and adolescents remains rare in the United States. Ensuring equitable access to monkeypox vaccination, testing, and treatment is a critical public health priority. Vaccination for adolescents with risk factors and provision of prevention information for persons with monkeypox caring for children might prevent additional infections.
Mintour J, et al. Blood lead levels among Afghan children in the United States, 2014-2016. Pediatrics. 2022 Nov 1;150(5):e2021054727. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-054727.
Lead poisoning disproportionately affects children and can result in permanent neurologic damage. Although blood lead levels (BLLs) declined among children in the United States over the past several decades, children resettling to the United States from other countries emerged as a population at risk for BLLs that are higher than the United States blood lead reference value of ≥5 μg/dL at the time of this analysis. Among children screened for lead shortly after resettlement, children from Afghanistan have a higher prevalence of BLLs ≥5 μg/dL compared with children from other countries, but timely sources of data available for analysis are limited. In 2021, the United States troop withdrawal from Afghanistan prompted the rapid evacuation and resettlement of more than 76 000 Afghans to the United States. We analyzed existing data from domestic medical examinations (DMEs) conducted from 2014 to 2016 for refugees and eligible populations ≤90 days after arrival in multiple states. We described and compared the prevalence of BLL ≥5 μg/dL among Afghan and non-Afghan refugee children screened and evaluated select characteristics associated with BLL ≥5 μg/dL among Afghan children.
Williams M, Ethen MK, Canfield MA, et al. The risks of birth defects and childhood cancer with conception by assisted reproductive technology. Hum Reprod. 2022 Oct 31;37(11):2672-2689. doi:10.1093/humrep/deac196
Study question: Is there an association between fertility status, method of conception and the risks of birth defects and childhood cancer?
Summary answer: The risk of childhood cancer had two independent components: (i) method of conception and (ii) presence, type and number of birth defects.
What is known already: The rarity of the co-occurrence of birth defects, cancer and ART makes studying their association challenging. Prior studies have indicated that infertility and ART are associated with an increased risk of birth defects or cancer but have been limited by small sample size and inadequate statistical power, failure to adjust for or include plurality, differences in definitions and/or methods of ascertainment, lack of information on ART treatment parameters or study periods spanning decades resulting in a substantial historical bias as ART techniques have improved.
Study design, size, duration: This was a population-based cohort study linking ART cycles reported to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinic Outcome Reporting System (SART CORS) from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2017 that resulted in live births in 2004-2018 in Massachusetts and North Carolina and live births in 2004-2017 in Texas and New York. A 10:1 sample of non-ART births were chosen within the same time period as the ART birth. Non-ART siblings were identified through the ART mother's information. Children from non-ART births were classified as being born to women who conceived with ovulation induction or IUI (OI/IUI) when there was an indication of infertility treatment on the birth certificate, and the woman did not link to the SART CORS; all others were classified as being naturally conceived.
Grimm C, Dunham E, Martinez DR, et al. Provider perspectives: identification and follow-up of infants who are deaf or hard of hearing. Am J Perinatol. 2022 Oct 28;10.1055/a-1932-9985. Epub ahead of print. doi:10.1055/a-1932-9985
Objective: Without timely screening, diagnosis, and intervention, hearing loss can cause significant delays in a child's speech, language, social, and emotional development. In 2019, Texas had nearly twice the average rate of loss to follow-up (LFU) or loss to documentation (LTD; i.e., missing documentation of services received) among infants who did not pass their newborn hearing screening compared to the United States overall (51.1 vs. 27.5%). We aimed to identify factors contributing to LFU/LTD among infants who do not pass their newborn hearing screening in Texas.
Study design: Data were collected through semistructured qualitative interviews with 56 providers along the hearing care continuum, including hospital newborn hearing screening program staff, audiologists, primary care physicians, and early intervention (EI) program staff located in three rural and urban public health regions in Texas. Following recording and transcription of the interviews, we used qualitative data analysis software to analyze themes using a conventional content analysis approach.
Results: Frequently cited barriers included problems with family access to care, difficulty contacting patients, problems with communication between providers and referrals, lack of knowledge among providers and parents, and problems using the online reporting system. Providers in rural areas more often mentioned problems with family access to care and contacting families compared to providers in urban areas.
Conclusion: These findings provide insight into strategies that public health professionals and health care providers can use to work together to help further increase the number of children identified early who may benefit from EI services.
Lee R, Reilly B, et al. Missed cystic fibrosis newborn screening cases due to immunoreactive trypsinogen levels below program cutoffs: a national survey of risk factors. Int J Neonatal Screen. 2022 Oct 27;8(4):58. doi:10.3390/ijns8040058
Testing immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) is the first step in cystic fibrosis (CF) newborn screening. While high IRT is associated with CF, some cases are missed. This survey aimed to find factors associated with missed CF cases due to IRT levels below program cutoffs. Twenty-nine states responded to a U.S-wide survey and 13 supplied program-related data for low IRT false screen negative cases (CFFN) and CF true screen positive cases (CFTP) for analysis. Rates of missed CF cases and odds ratios were derived for each factor in CFFNs, and two CFFN subgroups, IRT above ("high") and below ("low") the CFFN median (39 ng/mL) compared to CFTPs for this entire sample set. Factors associated with "high" CFFN subgroup were Black race, higher IRT cutoff, fixed IRT cutoff, genotypes without two known CF-causing variants, and meconium ileus. Factors associated with "low" CFFN subgroup were older age at specimen collection, Saturday birth, hotter season of newborn dried blood spot collection, maximum ≥ 3 days laboratories could be closed, preterm birth, and formula feeding newborns. Lowering IRT cutoffs may reduce "high" IRT CFFNs. Addressing hospital and laboratory factors (like training staff in collection of blood spots, using insulated containers during transport and reducing consecutive days screening laboratories are closed) may reduce "low" IRT CFFNs.
Babalola F, et al. The correlation between autistic childhood disorders and the development of anxiety and depression in adults: a systematic review. Cureus. 2022 Oct 9;14(10):e30093. doi:10.7759/cureus.30093
Children with autism spectrum disorder significantly suffer from other mental conditions, including anxiety and depression, compared to the general population. This continues to have a significant effect till adulthood. This study aimed at determining if there is a correlation between autism disorder in childhood and the development of anxiety and depression in adulthood and if behavioral therapy for children with this disorder reduces the likelihood of developing anxiety and depression as an adult. Three major databases were searched: EMBASE, Google Scholar, and PubMed, using specific search terms. Studies were selected according to population, exposure, comparison, condition or outcome(s) of interest, study design, and context. Overall, there are five articles relevant to this systematic review synthesis; all were observational studies. Our study shows psychiatric disorders like anxiety and depression could be related to autism spectrum disorder and early behavioral intervention could be beneficial and reduce the need for anxiety and depression medication.
Babalola F, et al. A comprehensive review on the effects of vegetarian diets on coronary heart disease. Cureus. 2022 Oct 2;14(10):e29843. doi:10.7759/cureus.29843
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Dietary modifications in the form of a vegetarian diet can perhaps be the key to the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases. The aims of this review are to determine the association between a vegetarian diet and CHD, to compare the risk of CHD in different types of vegetarian diets, and to assess variability in the biochemical predictors of CHD in the various vegetarian diets. Our study inferred that adherence to a plant-based diet was inversely related to the incidence of heart failure risk. Our research further supports the idea that a vegetarian diet is advantageous for the secondary prevention of CHD since it alters lipid profiles, lowers body mass index (BMI), and increases plasma antioxidant micronutrient concentrations. Additionally, eating a plant-based diet starting in adolescence is linked to a decreased risk of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) by middle age. An increase in sensitization and education efforts is imperative to ensure that people are appropriately informed about this option to significantly improve their quality of life.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. Comparison of persistent symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection by antibody status in nonhospitalized children and adolescents. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 Oct 1;41(10):e409-e417. Epub 2022 Aug 1. doi:10.1097/INF.0000000000003653
Background: The prevalence of long-term symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in nonhospitalized pediatric populations in the United States is not well described. The objective of this analysis was to examine the presence of persistent COVID symptoms in children by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibody status.
Methods: Data were collected between October 2020 and May 2022 from the Texas Coronavirus Antibody REsponse Survey, a statewide prospective population-based survey among 5-90 years old. Serostatus was assessed by the Roche Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoassay for detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein. Self-reported antigen/polymerase chain reaction COVID-19 test results and persistent COVID symptom status/type/duration were collected simultaneously. Risk ratios for persistent COVID symptoms were calculated versus adults and by age group, antibody status, symptom presence/severity, variant, body mass index and vaccine status.
Results: A total of 82 (4.5% of the total sample [n = 1813], 8.0% pre-Delta, 3.4% Delta and beyond) participants reported persistent COVID symptoms (n = 27 [1.5%] 4-12 weeks, n = 58 [3.3%] >12 weeks). Compared with adults, all pediatric age groups had a lower risk for persistent COVID symptoms regardless of length of symptoms reported. Additional increased risk for persistent COVID symptoms >12 weeks included severe symptoms with initial infection, not being vaccinated and having unhealthy weight (body mass index ≥85th percentile for age and sex)
Conclusions: These findings highlight the existence of nonhospitalized youth who may also experience persistent COVID symptoms. Children and adolescents are less likely to experience persistent COVID symptoms than adults and more likely to be symptomatic, experience severe symptoms and have unhealthy weight compared with children/adolescents without persistent COVID symptoms.
Koss J, Allen L, Chapman LE, Seidel SE. Association between positive COVID-19 molecular tests and COVID-like illness in Texas during the first year of the pandemic. Texas Public Health Association Journal. 2022;75(1): 25-33. cdn.ymaws.com/www.texaspha.org/resource/resmgr/journals/2023_journals/TPHJ_Vol_75_Issue_1_Online.pdf
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, syndromic surveillance data have complemented authoritative COVID-19 case data by providing preliminary data that are more immediately usable for surveillance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the United States Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE) during COVID-19 by analyzing the association between COVID-like illness (CLI) visits and positive molecular COVID-19 tests in Texas. Additionally, we examined how these associations varied across 22 Trauma Service Areas (TSAs) and over time in Texas. Data were extracted from Texas’ syndromic surveillance database, TxS2, using ESSENCE for the 52 weeks from March 8, 2020, to March 6, 2021. We calculated Pearson’s correlation coefficients to evaluate the association between the number of positive molecular COVID-19 tests and CLI visits for Texas overall and by TSA. We then calculated the ratio of the weekly total number of CLI visits to weekly positive COVID-19 tests and charted this ratio over time to determine how CLI visits reflected the number of positive molecular tests. Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis revealed a strong correlation between positive COVID-19 molecular tests and CLI throughout Texas as a whole during the study period (r=0.986, p <0.001). Additionally, 16 out of 22 TSAs had correlation coefficients above 0.90. Overall, the ratio of CLI visits to positive molecular tests remained relatively steady (between 10-20 CLI visits for every 100 positive tests), though, for a few TSAs, it was less consistent.
Public Health Significance: Our study provides evidence of the utility and effectiveness of using CLI as a real-time public health surveillance tool to monitor COVID-19 cases in Texas. Our finding that certain TSAs had lower correlations and less consistent ratios of CLI visits to positive molecular tests warrants further investigation of regional characteristics contributing to these variations.
Ethen M, et al. Changes in spina bifida lesion level after folic acid fortification in the US. J Pediatr. 2022 Oct;249:59-66.e1. Epub 2022 Jun 27. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.06.023
Objective: To assess whether the severity of cases of spina bifida changed after the institution of mandatory folic acid fortification in the US.
Study design: Six active population-based birth defects programs provided data on cases of spina bifida for 1992-1996 (prefortification period) and 1999-2016 (postfortification period). The programs contributed varying years of data. Case information included both a medical record verbatim text description of the spina bifida diagnosis and spina bifida codes (International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, or a modified birth defects surveillance coding system). Comparing the prefortification and postfortification periods, aORs for case severity (upper-level lesions [cervical, thoracic] vs lower-level lesions [lumbar, sacral]) and prevalence ratios (PRs) were estimated.
Results: A total of 2593 cases of spina bifida (out of 7 816 062 live births) met the inclusion criteria, including 573 cases from the prefortification period and 2020 cases from the postfortification period. Case severity decreased by 70% (aOR, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.26-0.35) between the fortification periods. The decrease was most pronounced for non-Hispanic White mothers. Overall spina bifida prevalence declined by 23% (PR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.71-0.85), with similar reductions seen across the early, mid, and recent postfortification periods. A statistically significant decrease in upper-level lesions occurred in the postfortification period compared with the prefortification period (PR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.22-0.34), whereas the prevalence of lower-level lesions remained relatively similar (PR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.84-1.05).
Conclusions: The severity of spina bifida cases decreased after mandatory folic acid fortification in the US. Further examination is warranted to better understand the potential effect of folic acid on spina bifida severity.
Singer R, Rodriguez G, Garcia B, Nutt A, Merengwa E. Remote infection control assessments in long-term care facilities during COVID-19 pandemic in Texas, 2020. Am J Infect Control. 2022 Oct;50(10):1110-1117. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2022.07.007
Background: The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Healthcare Safety Unit (HCSU) conducts remote infection control assessments (tele-ICARs) in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) to evaluate COVID-19 infection prevention and control (IPC) knowledge and practices using a standardized assessment tool. Tele-ICARs are used to gauge different IPC measures specific to SARS-CoV-2 and are either proactive--conducted prior to identified cases--or responsive to an outbreak, which is defined as a new SARS-CoV-2 infection in any staff or any facility-onset infection in a resident. State and local partners use findings from the assessments to aid LTCFs by providing targeted and timely resources and support to mitigate identified gaps.
Methods: Data from tele-ICARs conducted between March 1 and October 30, 2020 were analyzed to assess major gaps across LTCF types. A major gap was defined as 10% or more of facilities not satisfying a specific IPC measure, excluding missing data. Gaps were also assessed by tele-ICAR type: proactive or responsive. Fisher's exact tests and univariate logistic regression were used to characterize significant associations between major IPC gaps and LTCF or tele-ICAR type.
Results: DSHS conducted tele-ICARs in 438 LTCFs in Texas during 8 months; 191 were nursing homes/skilled nursing facilities (NH/SNFs), 206 were assisted living facilities (ALFs) and 41 were other settings. Of the assessments, 264 were proactive and 174 responsive. Major gaps identified were: (1) 22% did not have a preference for alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) over soap and water; (2) 18.1% were not aware of the contact time for disinfectants in use; (3) 17.9% had not stopped resident communal dining; (4) 16.8% did not audit hand hygiene and PPE compliance; and (5) 11.8% had not stopped inter-facility group activities and extra-facility field trips. When restricting analyses to proactive tele-ICARs, one additional gap was identified: 11.1% of facilities lacked a dedicated space to care for or cohort residents with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Significantly more ALFs than NH/SNFs had not suspended resident communal dining (P < .001) nor identified a dedicated space to cohort residents with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (P < .001). Significantly more LTCFs that received a responsive ICAR compared to a proactive ICAR reported a preference for ABHS over soap and water (P = .008) and reported suspending communal dining (P < .001) and group activities (P < .001). Also, significantly more LTCFs that received a responsive ICAR compared to a proactive ICAR had identified a dedicated space to cohort residents with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 (P = .009).
Conclusions: Increased facility education and awareness of federal and state guidelines for group activities and communal dining is warranted in Texas, emphasizing the importance of social distancing for preventing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in LTCFs, particularly ALFs. CDC recommendations for ABHS versus hand washing should be emphasized, as well as the importance of monitoring and auditing HCP hand hygiene and PPE compliance. Facilities may benefit from additional education and resources about disinfection, to ensure proper selection of disinfectants and understanding of the contact time required for efficacy. Analysis by tele-ICAR type suggests facilities may benefit from identifying space for dedicated COVID-19 units in advance of an outbreak in their facility. Conducting tele-ICARs in LTCFs enables public health agencies to provide direct and individualized feedback to facilities and identify state-wide opportunities for effective interventions in response to SARS-CoV-2.
Babalola F, et al. Molecular markers of pancreatic cancer: A 10-year retrospective review of molecular advances. Cureus. 2022 Sept 23;14(9):e29485. doi:10.7759/cureus.29485
Pancreatic cancer remains the third leading cause of death amongst men and women in the United States. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common type of pancreatic cancer maintains its reputation of being the most aggressive with a poor prognosis. One of the contributing factors to the high mortality of PDAC is the absence of biomarkers for early detection of disease and the complexity of tumor biology and genomics. In this review, we explored the current understanding of epigenetics and diagnostic biomarkers in PDAC and summarized recent advances in molecular biology. We discussed current guidelines on diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, especially in high-risk individuals. We also reviewed studies that have touched on identifying biomarkers and the role they play in making early diagnosis although there are currently no screening tools for PDAC. We explored the recent understanding of epigenetic alterations of PDAC and the future implications for early detection and prognosis. In conclusion, the new and emerging advances in the detection and treatment of PDAC can lead to an improvement in the current outcome of PDAC.
Buendia J, Sears S, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of high cholesterol and triglycerides among people with HIV in Texas. AIDS Res Ther. 2022 Sep 19;19(1):43. doi:10.1186/s12981-022-00467-y
Background: People with HIV (PWH) commonly have elevated cholesterol and triglycerides levels that have been linked to medications. However, healthy behaviors including lifestyle changes can lower high cholesterol (CHOL) or high triglycerides (TG), thereby reducing individual risk for cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with high CHOL or TG among PWH in Texas.
Methods: Cross-sectional data of 981 PWH from the 2015-2017 Texas and Houston Medical Monitoring Projects were examined. High CHOL or TG was identified by medical chart diagnosis, CHOL or TG medication use, or most recent fasting lab ≥ 200 mg/dl (total CHOL) or ≥ 150 mg/dl (TG). High CHOL or TG associations with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were assessed using Rao-Scott chi-square tests. Prevalence of high CHOL or TG development was calculated using multivariable logistic regression model.
Results: High CHOL or TG prevalence was 41% with participants being mostly male (73%), ≥ 40 years (68%), with overweight (31%) or obesity (28%), and virally suppressed (62%). Compared with PWH < 40 years of age, PWH in their 40s, 50s, and ≥ 60s were 57%, 64%, and 62% more likely to have high CHOL or TG, respectively. Participants with overweight and obesity were 41% and 30% more likely to have high CHOL or TG than those with normal weight (BMI: 18.5- < 25), respectively.
Conclusion: Since high CHOL and TG are modifiable CVD risk factors, increased education and lifestyle modification interventions are warranted to prevent the development of high CHOL or TG among PWH.
Babalola F, et al. A comprehensive review on the effects of humor in patients with depression. Cureus. 2022 Sep 17;14(9):e29263. doi:10.7759/cureus.29263
Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Although there are known, effective treatments for depression, people in low- and middle-income areas experience multiple barriers which limit their ability to receive adequate treatment. Some known barriers to effective care include a lack of resources, lack of trained healthcare providers, and social stigma associated with mental disorders and this creates gaps in mental health care and the need for more treatment modalities and adjuvant therapies to address these gaps. This review article was conducted using the scale for the assessment of non-systematic review articles (SANRA). We searched three databases; EMBASE, PubMed (MEDLINE), and Google Scholar using specified search terms. We had a total of nine articles with sample sizes ranging from 37 to 1551, and the age of participants ranged from 23 to 93 years. Articles were diverse in race and geographical locations. The articles were derived from cross-sectional studies, randomized studies, and experimental studies, and they focused on the relationship between humor and depression, and the reduced risk of depression in the study population. The articles identified different aspects of the relationship between humor and depression. The willingness of patients with depression to recognize or participate in humor could be defective resulting in abnormal social interactions such as withdrawal. However, there was some significant influence of humor or its styles on patients with depression either mitigating depressive symptoms or having no impact at all.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. Methodology to estimate natural- and vaccine-induced antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a large geographic region. PLoS One. 2022 Sep 9;17(9):e0273694. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0273694
Accurate estimates of natural and/or vaccine-induced antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are difficult to obtain. Although model-based estimates of seroprevalence have been proposed, they require inputting unknown parameters including viral reproduction number, longevity of immune response, and other dynamic factors. In contrast to a model-based approach, the current study presents a data-driven detailed statistical procedure for estimating total seroprevalence (defined as antibodies from natural infection or from full vaccination) in a region using prospectively collected serological data and state-level vaccination data. Specifically, we conducted a longitudinal statewide serological survey with 88,605 participants 5 years or older with 3 prospective blood draws beginning September 30, 2020. Along with state vaccination data, as of October 31, 2021, the estimated percentage of those 5 years or older with naturally occurring antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in Texas is 35.0% (95% CI = (33.1%, 36.9%)). This is 3× higher than, state-confirmed COVID-19 cases (11.83%) for all ages. The percentage with naturally occurring or vaccine-induced antibodies (total seroprevalence) is 77.42%. This methodology is integral to pandemic preparedness as accurate estimates of seroprevalence can inform policy-making decisions relevant to SARS-CoV-2.
Babalola F, et al. The role of cognitive behavioral therapy in the management of psychosis. Cureus. 2022 Sep 7;14(9):e28884. doi:10.7759/cureus.28884
Cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp) as a modality of treatment is gaining attention. A number of authors have reported their experiences, including challenges, in administering CBTp for psychotic patients. With CBTp still evolving a lot more research is ongoing to fine-tune its benefits while mitigating the limitations to its use. The objectives of this review are to determine the role of CBTp in the overall improvement of a patient's quality of life, ascertain the number of hospitalizations with acute symptoms after the start of CBTp; and address the common drawbacks to CBTp in the management of psychosis. It was found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) use can prevent the first episode of psychosis in ultra-high risk (UHR) and is effective in improving depression, self-esteem, and psychological well-being. Its use was associated with positive changes in thinking and mood, and sleep quality leading to improved everyday life. Patients who underwent CBT had fewer hospitalizations with a higher number of voluntary hospitalizations as compared to patients with usual care, who underwent a higher number of involuntary hospitalizations. Drawbacks included cost-ineffectiveness and resource limitation.
Canfield M, et al. Associations between maternal reports of periconceptional fever from miscellaneous causes and structural birth defects. Birth Defects Res. 2022 Sep 1;114(15):885-894. Epub 2022 Aug 6. doi:10.1002/bdr2.2068
Background: Associations between birth defects and fevers attributed to colds, influenza, and urinary tract infections (UTIs) have been observed in previous studies. Our aim was to study associations between birth defects and fevers attributed to other causes.
Methods: We analyzed data from 34,862 participants in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, a multistate case-control study of major structural birth defects. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed the association between maternal report of fever during early pregnancy due to causes other than colds, influenza, or UTI and 36 categories of birth defects.
Results: Maternal reports of fever due to other causes were associated with significantly elevated odds ratios ranging from 1.93 to 10.60 for 8 of 36 birth defects, primarily involving the spine, limbs, and heart (spina bifida, intestinal atresia, intercalary limb deficiency, transverse limb deficiency, congenital heart defect with heterotaxy, tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia and atrial septal defect, not otherwise specified).
Conclusion: Our data suggests fever itself or other physiologic changes associated with many infections are associated with some birth defects. Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant may want to consider speaking with their healthcare provider about the best ways to avoid infections that may cause fever and for guidance on how to treat fevers during pregnancy.
Davis KR, White SL, et al. Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of monkeypox cases - United States, May 17-July 22, 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022;71(32):1018-1022. Published 2022 Aug 12. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7132e3
Monkeypox, a zoonotic infection caused by an orthopoxvirus, is endemic in parts of Africa. On August 4, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the U.S. monkeypox outbreak, which began on May 17, to be a public health emergency (1,2). After detection of the first U.S. monkeypox case), CDC and health departments implemented enhanced monkeypox case detection and reporting. Among 2,891 cases reported in the United States through July 22 by 43 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia (DC), CDC received case report forms for 1,195 (41%) cases by July 27. Among these, 99% of cases were among men; among men with available information, 94% reported male-to-male sexual or close intimate contact during the 3 weeks before symptom onset. Among the 88% of cases with available data, 41% were among non-Hispanic White (White) persons, 28% among Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) persons, and 26% among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) persons. Forty-two percent of persons with monkeypox with available data did not report the typical prodrome as their first symptom, and 46% reported one or more genital lesions during their illness; 41% had HIV infection. Data suggest that widespread community transmission of monkeypox has disproportionately affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and racial and ethnic minority groups. Compared with historical reports of monkeypox in areas with endemic disease, currently reported outbreak-associated cases are less likely to have a prodrome and more likely to have genital involvement. CDC and other federal, state, and local agencies have implemented response efforts to expand testing, treatment, and vaccination. Public health efforts should prioritize gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, who are currently disproportionately affected, for prevention and testing, while addressing equity, minimizing stigma, and maintaining vigilance for transmission in other populations. Clinicians should test patients with rash consistent with monkeypox, regardless of whether the rash is disseminated or was preceded by prodrome. Likewise, although most cases to date have occurred among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, any patient with rash consistent with monkeypox should be considered for testing. CDC is continually evaluating new evidence and tailoring response strategies as information on changing case demographics, clinical characteristics, transmission, and vaccine effectiveness become available..
Gill M, et al. Associations between variety of fruits and vegetables consumed, diet quality, and sociodemographic factors among 8th and 11th grade adolescents in Texas Public Health Nutr. 2022;1-25. Epub 2022 Aug 18. doi:10.1017/S1368980022001690
Objective: To examine demographic and dietary correlates of consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables (FV) among Texas adolescents. Different types of FV are needed for adequate dietary intake of vitamins and phytochemicals for proper development and functioning throughout the lifespan.
Design: Cross-sectional analysis from the Texas Surveillance of Physical Activity and Nutrition (Texas SPAN) data comparing consumption of a variety of fruit and vegetables by gender, race/ethnicity, and region (Texas-Mexico border/non-border).
Setting: Middle, high schools in Texas.
Participants: 8th, 11th grade Texas adolescents (n=9,056 representing N=659,288) mean age 14.8 years.
Results: Within this sample, mean fruit and vegetable variety scores (0-7) ranged from 2.47-2.65. Boys consumed a significantly greater variety of fruit than girls (m=1.12 compared to 1.04). Adolescents in non-border regions consumed a greater variety of vegetables and FV compared to those in border regions. FV variety was associated with healthier eating in the full sample, particularly in the highest Socioeconomic Status (SES) tertile. Within the highest SES tertile, a one-unit increase in variety of fruit, vegetable, and FV was associated with significant increases (p<0.001) in a healthy eating measure, the SPAN Healthy Eating Index: Fruit variety (β=1.33, SE=.29), Vegetable variety (β=0.90, SE=0.28), and FV Variety (β=.81, SE=0.19).
Conclusions: Consumption of a greater variety of FV appears to be associated with a healthier overall diet. Associations of FV variety with healthy eating were most significant in the highest SES tertile. These findings support the need to further examine consuming a variety of FV within healthy eating behavior.
Cantu Y, et al. Successes and challenges of latent TB screening and treatment in a high-prevalence US region. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2022 Aug 1;26(8):720-726. doi:10.5588/ijtld.21.0454
Background: South Texas has higher TB disease incidence than much of the United States. We evaluated a multi-site South Texas interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA)-based testing and latent TB infection (LTBI) treatment program targeting high-risk populations.
Methods: Number of IGRA tests, test results, LTBI confirmation, and treatment outcomes were collected over 2.5 years. Sixteen semi-structured patient interviews and 10 site-based focus groups were conducted with providers, nurses, and administrators. Grounded theory identified themes associated with successful outcomes.
Results: Of 9,050 IGRA tests, 687 (8%) were positive; 340 (49%) confirmed as LTBI; 191 initiated LTBI treatment; and 130 (68% of initiators) completed treatment. Patient barriers to treatment completion included lack of knowledge, misconceptions, and treatment toxicities. Clinic staff concurred that toxicity was a barrier to treatment and requiring new processes with limited resources were implementation barriers.
Conclusions: Over 9,000 patients were screened with a high prevalence of IGRA positivity, but confirming LTBI, initiating, and completing treatment were challenging. Qualitative evaluation supports low literacy patient education on LTBI and toxicities and expanded support for process implementation and provider training. These findings highlight challenges at all levels of the LTBI care cascade and provide patient, staff, and provider perspectives on implementation of these programs.
Cantu C, Surita K, Buendia J. Factors that increase risk of an HIV diagnosis following a diagnosis of syphilis: A population-based analysis of Texas men. AIDS Behav. 2022 Aug;10.1007/s10461-022-03593-w. Epub 2022 Feb 2. doi:10.1007/s10461-022-03593-w
Studies have consistently shown that diagnosis of a syphilis infection increases the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. This study examines patterns in HIV incidence among men following a Primary and Secondary (P&S) syphilis diagnosis. P&S syphilis cases among men reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services between January 2010 and June 2018 were linked to the Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System. Risk factors for HIV diagnosis were identified using univariate and multivariate extended Cox proportional hazards models. The 9113 men with syphilis without a concurrent or prior HIV diagnosis contributed a cumulative 35,674 person-years with a mean follow-up time of 3.9 years. The multivariate model showed that among men with a P&S syphilis diagnosis, age, race/ethnicity, transmission risk, comorbid STDs, subsequent STDs, and syphilis diagnosing facility were independently associated with a new HIV diagnosis. The results highlight disparities in HIV diagnoses, despite current prevention recommendations. Reducing these disparities will require multi-level, comprehensive interventions that are appropriate for the diverse populations around the state.
Maness T, Stewart J, Sidwa T, et al. Low risk of acquiring melioidosis from the environment in the continental United States. PLoS One. 2022 Jul 29;17(7):e0270997. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0270997
Melioidosis is an underreported human disease of tropical and sub-tropical regions caused by the saprophyte Burkholderia pseudomallei. Although most global melioidosis cases are reported from tropical regions in Southeast Asia and northern Australia, there are multiple occurrences from sub-tropical regions, including the United States (U.S.). Most melioidosis cases reported from the continental U.S. are the result of acquiring the disease during travel to endemic regions or from contaminated imported materials. Only two human melioidosis cases from the continental U.S. have likely acquired B. pseudomallei directly from local environments and these cases lived only ~7 km from each other in rural Texas. In this study, we assessed the risk of acquiring melioidosis from the environment within the continental U.S. by surveying for B. pseudomallei in the environment in Texas where these two human melioidosis cases likely acquired their infections. We sampled the environment near the homes of the two cases and at additional sampling locations in surrounding counties in Texas that were selected based on ecological niche modeling. B. pseudomallei was not detected at the residences of these two cases or in the surrounding region. These negative data are important to demonstrate that B. pseudomallei is rare in the environment in the U.S. even at locations where locally acquired human cases likely have occurred, documenting the low risk of acquiring B. pseudomallei infection from the environment in the continental U.S.
Garza E, et al. Changes to timeliness and completeness of infectious disease reporting in Texas after implementation of an epidemiologic capacity program. Public Health Reports. 2022 Jul-Aug;137(4):679-686. Epub 2021 Apr 30. doi:10.1177/00333549211009490
Objectives: The objective of this study was to characterize the changes in timeliness and completeness of disease case reporting in Texas in response to an increasing number of foodborne illnesses and high-consequence infectious disease investigations and the Texas Department of State Health Services’ new state-funded epidemiologist (SFE) program.
Methods: We extracted electronic disease case reporting data on 42 conditions from 2012 through 2016 in all local health department (LHD) jurisdictions. We analyzed data on median time for processing reports and percentage of complete reports across time and between SFE and non-SFE jurisdictions using Mann–Whitney t tests and z scores.
Results: The median time of processing improved from 13 days to 10 days from 2012 to 2016, and the percentage of disease case reports that were complete improved from 19.6% to 27.7%. Most reports were for foodborne illnesses; both timeliness (11 to 7 days) and completeness (20.9% to 23.5%) improved for these reports.
Conclusions: Disease reporting improvements in timeliness and completeness were associated with the SFE program and its enhancement of epidemiologic capacity. SFEs were shown to improve surveillance metrics in LHDs, even in jurisdictions with a high volume of case reports. Adding epidemiologist positions in LHDs produces a tangible outcome of improved disease surveillance.
Chapman LE, Hu J, Seidel SE. Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Texas households. Texas Public Health Journal. 2022; 74(3):14-21.
COVID-19 vaccinations are an important tool for alleviating the effects of the pandemic. However, many Americans, including many Texans, are hesitant to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. This study examined who, among Texans, is most likely to experience COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and determined the reasons behind COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Texans. To address our objectives, we used six weeks of repeated cross-sectional data from January 6, 2021, through March 29, 2021, from the United States Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey. An average of 4,145 Texas households responded to the survey each week. We found that 52 percent of Texans who had not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine (as of January - March 2021) reported vaccine hesitancy. Female and black Texans had the highest odds of reporting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, while Texans of Asian descent, Texans who have college degrees or higher, and Texans 40 years and older had lower odds of reporting hesitancy. The most common reasons for vaccine hesitancy among Texans were: they plan to wait and see if the vaccine is safe, and they may get it later; they are concerned about possible side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine; and they think other people need the vaccine more than they do at the present moment. Efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination in Texas may benefit from a focus on black, female, and younger (<40 years) Texans. Additionally, to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates, public health messages could address the two most commonly reported reasons for Texans’ vaccine hesitancy: (1) I plan to wait and see if it is safe and may get it later, and (2) I am concerned about possible side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Seidel SE, Archer N, Lawrence E, Bojes HK, et al. (2022). Quantitative reverse transcription PCR surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in wastewater of two counties in Texas, United States. ACS EST Water. 2022 Jul 6:2(1):2211-2224. doi.org/10.1021/acsestwater.2c00103
After its emergence in late November/December 2019, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus (SARS-CoV-2) rapidly spread globally. Recognizing that this virus is shed in the feces of individuals and that viral RNA is detectable in wastewater, testing for SARS-CoV-2 in sewage collection systems has allowed for the monitoring of a community’s viral burden. Over 9 months, the influents of two regional wastewater treatment facilities were concurrently examined for wild-type SARS-CoV-2 along with variants B.1.1.7 and B.1.617.2 incorporated as they emerged. Epidemiological data including new confirmed COVID-19 cases and associated hospitalizations and fatalities were tabulated within each location. RNA from SARS-CoV-2 was detectable in 100% of the wastewater samples, while variant detection was more variable. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) results align with clinical trends for COVID-19 cases and increases in COVID-19 cases were positively related to increases in SARS-CoV-2 RNA load in wastewater, although the strength of this relationship was location specific. Our observations demonstrate that clinical and wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 wild type and constantly emerging variants of concern can be combined using RT-qPCR to characterize population infection dynamics. This may provide an early warning for at-risk communities and increase COVID-19-related hospitalizations.
Pont SJ, Shuford JA, et al. Antibody duration after infection from SARS-CoV-2 in the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey. J Infect Dis. 2022. Epub 2022 May 6. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiac167
Understanding the duration of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is important to controlling the current pandemic. Participants from the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey (Texas CARES) with at least one nucleocapsid protein antibody test were selected for a longitudinal analysis of antibody duration. A linear mixed model was fit to data from participants (n= 4,553) with one to three antibody tests over 11 months (10/1/2020-9/16/2021), and model fit showed that expected antibody response after COVID-19 infection robustly increases for 100 days post-infection, and predicts individuals may remain antibody positive from natural infection beyond 500 days, depending on age, body mass index, smoking or vaping use, and disease severity (hospitalized or not; symptomatic or not).
Lee R, Keehn A, et al. COVID-19 pandemic-related impacts on newborn screening public health surveillance. Int J Neonatal Screen. 2022 Apr 15;8(2):28. doi:10.3390/ijns8020028
Newborn screening (NBS) is an essential public health service that performs screening to identify those newborns at increased risk for a panel of disorders, most of which are genetic. The goal of screening is to link those newborns at the highest risk to timely intervention and potentially life-saving treatment. The global COVID-19 pandemic led to disruptions within the United States public health system, revealing implications for the continuity of newborn screening laboratories and follow-up operations. The impacts of COVID-19 across different states at various time points meant that NBS programs impacted by the pandemic later could benefit from the immediate experiences of the earlier impacted programs. This article will review the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information during the COVID-19 pandemic facilitated by a national, centralized technical assistance and resource center for NBS programs.
Surita K, et al. The organization, content, and case-finding effectiveness of HIV-assisted partner services in high HIV morbidity areas of the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 Apr 15;89(5):498-504. doi:10.1097/QAI.0000000000002904
Background: The contemporary effectiveness of assisted partner notification services (APS) in the United States is uncertain.
Setting: State and local jurisdictions in the United States that reported ≥300 new HIV diagnoses in 2018 and were participating in the Ending the Epidemic Initiative.
Methods: The study surveyed health departments to collect data on the content and organization of APS and aggregate data on APS outcomes for 2019. Analyses defined contact and case-finding indices (i.e., sex partners named and newly diagnosed per index case receiving APS) and estimated staff case-finding productivity.
Results: Sixteen (84%) of 19 jurisdictions responded to the survey, providing APS outcome data for 14 areas (74%). Most health departments routinely integrated APS with the linkage of cases and partners to HIV care (88%) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (88%). A total of 19,164 persons were newly diagnosed with HIV in the 14 areas. Staff initiated APS investigations on 14,203 cases (74%) and provided APS to 9937 cases (52%). Cases named 6799 partners (contact index = 0.68), of whom 1841 (27%) had previously been diagnosed with HIV, 2202 (32%) tested HIV negative, 541 (8% of named and 20% of tested partners) were newly diagnosed with HIV, and 2215 (33%) were not known to have tested. Across jurisdictions, the case-finding index was 0.054 (median = 0.05, range 0.015-0.12). Health departments employed 292 full-time equivalent staff to provide APS. These staff identified a median of 2.0 new HIV infections per staff per year. APS accounted for 2.8% of new diagnoses in 2019.
Conclusions: HIV case-finding resulting from APS in the United States is low.
Drumgoole R, et al. Ecological niche model of Bacillus cereus group isolates containing a homologue of the pXO1 anthrax toxin genes infecting metalworkers in the United States. Pathogens. 2022 Apr 14;11(4):470. doi:10.3390/pathogens11040470
While Bacillus cereus typically causes opportunistic infections in humans, within the last three decades, severe and fatal infections caused by isolates of the B. cereus group harboring anthrax toxin genes have been reported in the United States. From 1994 to 2020, seven cases of anthrax-like illness resulting from these isolates have been identified. With one exception, the cases have occurred in the Gulf States region of the United States among metalworkers. We aimed to develop an ecological niche model (ENM) to estimate a spatial area conducive to the survival of these organisms based on the presence of known human infections and environmental variables. The estimated ecological niche for B. cereus was modeled with the maximum entropy algorithm (Maxent). Environmental variables contributing most to the model were soil characteristics (cation exchange capacity, carbon content, soil pH), temperature, enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and land surface temperature (LST). Much of the suitable environments were located throughout the Gulf Coast Plain, Texas Backland Prairies, East Central Texas Plains, Edwards Plateau, Cross Timbers, Mississippi Alluvial Plain, and Central Great Plains. These findings may provide additional guidance to narrow potential risk areas to efficiently communicate messages to metalworkers and potentially identify individuals who may benefit from the anthrax vaccine.
Massey J, et al. Monkeypox in a traveler returning from Nigeria - Dallas, Texas, July 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2022 Apr 8;71(14):509-516. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm7114a1
Monkeypox is a rare, sometimes life-threatening zoonotic infection that occurs in West and Central Africa. It is caused by the Monkeypox virus, an orthopoxvirus similar to the Variola virus (the causative agent of smallpox) and Vaccinia virus (the live virus component of orthopoxvirus vaccines) and can spread to humans. After 39 years without detection of human disease in Nigeria, an outbreak involving 118 confirmed cases was identified during 2017-2018 (1); sporadic cases continue to occur. During September 2018-May 2021, six unrelated persons traveling from Nigeria received diagnoses of monkeypox in non-African countries: four in the United Kingdom and one each in Israel and Singapore. In July 2021, a man who traveled from Lagos, Nigeria, to Dallas, Texas, became the seventh traveler to a non-African country with diagnosed monkeypox. Among 194 monitored contacts, 144 (74%) were flight contacts. The patient received tecovirimat, an antiviral for the treatment of orthopoxvirus infections, and his home required large-scale decontamination. Whole genome sequencing showed that the virus was consistent with a strain of the Monkeypox virus known to circulate in Nigeria, but the specific source of the patient's infection was not identified. No epidemiologically linked cases were reported in Nigeria; no contact received postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) with the orthopoxvirus vaccine ACAM2000.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Association between maternal smoking and survival among infants with trisomy 21. Birth Defects Res. 2022 Apr;114(7):249-258. Epub 2022 Feb 24. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1993
Background: Trisomy 21 (T21) is common, with affected infants having an increased risk of infant mortality (5.9-7.1%). Maternal smoking is associated with infant mortality in the general population, and we evaluated if similar associations were present among infants with T21.
Methods: We identified infants with T21 from the Texas Birth Defects Registry, and maternal smoking and infant vital status were obtained from linked birth and death certificate data, respectively. Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to calculate hazard ratios between maternal smoking and death between 0 to ≤ 364 days, 28-364 days, and 0-27 days.
Results: We found a significant association between maternal smoking and death between 0 to ≤ 364 (unadjusted HR 1.72, 95% CI 1.07, 2.77), which was no longer statistically significant after adjustment for covariates (adjusted HR 1.55, 95% CI 0.94, 2.56). A similar pattern was observed for death between 28-364 days (adjusted HR: 1.68, 95% CI 0.93, 3.03), whereas the association for 0-27 days (adjusted HR: 1.30, 95% CI 0.51, 3.29) was not statistically significant before and after adjustment.
Conclusions: The observed magnitudes of associations were similar to previous estimates among the general population. Further work considering the role of other maternal and infant risk factors and social determinants of health is necessary to better understand the observed results.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Birth defect co-occurrence patterns among infants with cleft lip and/or palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2022 Apr;59(4):417-426. Epub 2021 Apr 28. doi:10.1177/10556656211010060
Objective: To investigate 2- to 5-way patterns of defects co-occurring with orofacial clefts using data from a population-based registry.
Design: We used data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry for deliveries between 1999 and 2014 to Texas residents, including 1884 cases with cleft palate (CP) and 5289 cases with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL±P) without a known syndrome. We identified patterns of defects co-occurring with CP and with CL±P observed more frequently than would be expected if these defects occurred independently. We calculated adjusted observed-to-expected (O/E) ratios to account for the known tendency of birth defects to cluster nonspecifically.
Results: Among infants without a syndrome, 23% with CP and 21% with CL±P had at least 1 additional congenital anomaly. Several combinations of defects were observed much more often than expected. For example, the combination of CL±P, congenital hydrocephaly, anophthalmia, and other nose anomalies had an O/E ratio of 605. For both CP and CL±P, co-occurrence patterns with the highest O/E ratios involved craniofacial and brain abnormalities, and many included the skeletal, cardiovascular, and renal systems.
Conclusions: The patterns of defects we observed co-occurring with clefts more often than expected may help improve our understanding of the relationships between multiple defects. Further work to better understand some of the top defect combinations could reveal new phenotypic subgroups and increase our knowledge of the developmental mechanisms that underlie the respective defects.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. The epidemiology of biliary atresia: Exploring the role of developmental factors on birth prevalence. J Pediatr. 2022 Jul;S0022-3476(22)00288-8. Epub 2022 Mar 29. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.03.038
Objectives: To identify key epidemiological factors relevant to fetal development that are associated with biliary atresia.
Study design: This population-based registry study examined infants born in Texas between 1999 and 2014. Epidemiological data relevant to fetal development was compared between cases of biliary atresia identified in the Texas Birth Defects Registry (n=305) versus all live births (n=4,689,920), and Poisson regression was used to calculate prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
Results: The prevalence of BA was 0.65 per 10,000 live births over the study period. BA was positively associated with female sex (adjusted PR 1.68, 95% CI: 1.33-2.12), delivery before 32-37 weeks gestation (adjusted PR 1.64, 95%CI 1.18-2.29), delivery before 32 weeks gestation (adjusted PR 3.85, 95%CI 2.38-6.22), and non-Hispanic Black versus non-Hispanic White maternal race/ethnicity (adjusted PR 1.54, 95%CI 1.06-2.24), and BA was inversely associated with season of conception in the fall relative to spring (adjusted PR 0.62, 95%CI 0.45-0.86). In addition, BA was associated with maternal diabetes (adjusted PR 2.34, 95%CI 1.57-3.48), with a stronger association with pre-gestational compared with gestational diabetes. In sub-group analyses, these associations were present in isolated BA cases which do not have any additional birth defects.
Conclusions: BA is associated with multiple factors related to fetal development, including pre-gestational maternal diabetes, female sex, and preterm birth. These associations were also observed in isolated cases of biliary atresia without other malformations or laterality defects. Our results are consistent with early life events influencing the pathogenesis of biliary atresia and support further studies investigating in-utero events to better understand the etiology and time of onset.
Fegan-Bohm K, et al. Peer-support intervention for African American and Latino parents to improve the glycemic control trajectory among school-aged children with type 1 diabetes: A pilot and feasibility protocol. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 May;116:106739. Epub 2022 Mar 25. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2022.106739
Background: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a common, chronic pediatric health condition with complicated management demands. African American and Latino children with T1D have troubling disparities in glycemic outcomes and acute complications. While there are empirically supported behavioral interventions to support disease management in youth with T1D, there are few that specifically aim to reduce health disparities in this population. While collaborative parent involvement with the child with T1D management tasks is important to promote optimal glycemic outcomes during childhood, our formative research identified multiple individuals, family, and broader system factors that impede or facilitate collaborative parental involvement among African American and Latino parents of children with T1D.
Methods: This paper describes the development, design, and study protocol for the Type 1 Diabetes Empowerment And Management (TEAM) pilot trial. The TEAM intervention is a novel, group-based behavioral intervention designed to enhance collaborative involvement in T1D management for African American and Latino parents of children aged 5-10. This randomized pilot trial's primary aim is to evaluate the TEAM intervention's feasibility and acceptability. The secondary aim is to examine preliminary intervention outcomes (i.e., children's HbA1c, treatment adherence, collaborative parent involvement in T1D management, parent/child quality of life, and parent's diabetes-related distress, depressive symptoms, and self-efficacy) compared to usual T1D care.
Discussion: The trial will provide preliminary information about whether optimizing appropriate parent involvement during the school-age years may increase T1D treatment adherence and stabilize or improve glycemic control in African American and Latino school-aged children.
Broussard KR, et al. Tick-borne encephalitis among US travelers, 2010-20. J Travel Med. 2022 Mar 21;29(2):taab167. doi:10.1093/jtm/taab167
Background: Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an arboviral disease that is focally endemic in parts of Europe and Asia. TBE cases among US travelers are rare, with previous reports of only six cases among civilian travelers through 2009 and nine military-related cases through 2020. A TBE vaccine was licensed in the USA in August 2021. Understanding TBE epidemiology and risks among US travelers can help with the counseling of travelers going to TBE-endemic areas.
Methods: Diagnostic testing for TBE in the USA is typically performed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) because no commercial testing is available. Diagnostic testing for TBE at CDC since 2010 was reviewed. For individuals with evidence of TBE virus infection, information was gathered on demographics, clinical presentations, and risk factors for infection.
Results: From 2010-20, six patients with TBE were identified. Cases occurred among both pediatric and adult travelers and all were male. Patients were diagnosed with meningitis (n = 2) or encephalitis (n = 4); none died. Cases had traveled to various countries in Europe or Russia. Three cases reported visiting friends or relatives. Activities reported included hiking, camping, trail running, or working outdoors, and two cases had a recognized tick bite.
Conclusions: TBE cases among US travelers are uncommon, with these six cases being the only known TBE cases among civilian travelers during these 11 years. Nonetheless, given potential disease severity, pre-travel counseling for travelers to TBE-endemic areas should include information on measures to reduce the risk for TBE and other tick-borne diseases, including possible TBE vaccine use if a traveler's itinerary puts them at higher risk for infection. Clinicians should consider the diagnosis of TBE in a patient with a neurologic or febrile illness recently returned from a TBE-endemic country, particularly if a tick bite or possible tick exposure is reported.
Shuford JA, Pont SJ, et al. The durability of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from natural infection in children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2022 Jun 1;10.1542/peds.2021-055505. Epub 2022 Mar 18. doi:10.1542/peds.2021-055505
As of January 27, 2022, over 11.4 million children in the United States (US) have tested positive for COVID-19.1 COVID-19 cases among US children have seen an exponential increase in December 2021 and January 2022, a very short period that far exceeds previous peaks of infection.1 These recent data suggest the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant is more transmissible compared to the delta (B.1.617.2) and alpha (B.1.1.7) variants.1 These data are particularly troubling as they coincide with school re-openings after the 2021-22 holiday break across the country. Information about the durability of SARS-CoV-2-specific natural immune responses in children is important to inform community-based transmission mitigation and pediatric vaccination strategies, for both current and potential future variants. However, the true incidence and longitudinal presence of natural (not-vaccine induced) antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection is not known in the pediatric population due to the high proportion of asymptomatic infection2 and prioritization of testing for adults and those with severe illness early in the pandemic. This is important information for the field as not all parents can or will choose to vaccinate their children.
Monterosso A, et al. Epidemiology of cervical adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma among women living with human immunodeficiency virus compared with the general population in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 9;74(5):814-820. doi:10.1093/cid/ciab561
Background: Although cervical cancer risk overall is elevated among women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; WLH), it is unclear whether risks are similarly elevated across histologic subtypes.
Methods: Data from the HIV/AIDS Cancer Match Study, a linkage of 12 US HIV and cancer registries during 1996 -2016, were used. Cervical cancers were categorized as adenocarcinoma (AC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or other histologic subtype. Standardized incidence ratios compared rates of AC and SCC in WLH to those in the general population. For WLH, risk factors for AC and SCC were evaluated using Poisson regression. Five-year survival was estimated by HIV status and histology.
Results: Overall, 62 615 cervical cancers were identified, including 609 in WLH. Compared with the general population, the incidence of AC was 1.47 times higher (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03-2.05) and SCC was 3.62 times higher among WLH (95% CI: 3.31-3.94). Among WLH, there was no difference in AC rates by race/ethnicity or HIV transmission group, although SCC rates were lower among White women (vs Black) and higher among women who inject drugs (vs heterosexual transmission). Among WLH, 5-year overall survival was similar for AC (46.2%) and SCC (43.8%) but notably lower than for women not living with HIV.
Conclusions: Among WLH, AC rates were modestly elevated, whereas SCC rates were greatly elevated compared with the general population. These findings suggest there may be differences in the impact of immunosuppression and HIV in the development of AC versus SCC, given their common etiology in human papillomavirus infection.
Gee JE, Bower WA, Kunkel A, et al. Multistate outbreak of melioidosis associated with imported aromatherapy spray. N Engl J Med. 2022 Mar 3;386(9):861-868. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2116130
Melioidosis, caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, is an uncommon infection that is typically associated with exposure to soil and water in tropical and subtropical environments. It is rarely diagnosed in the continental United States. Patients with melioidosis in the United States commonly report travel to regions where melioidosis is endemic. We report a cluster of four non-travel-associated cases of melioidosis in Georgia, Kansas, Minnesota, and Texas. These cases were caused by the same strain of B. pseudomallei that was linked to an aromatherapy spray product imported from a melioidosis-endemic area.
Saxton DL, Archer NP. The effect of postpartum depressive symptoms (PDS) on maternal health practices after childbirth, Texas pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system, 2012-2015. Matern Child Health J. 2022 Mar;26(3):537-544. Epub 2022 Jan 10. doi:10.1007/s10995-021-03304-2
Objectives: This study examined the contribution of postpartum depressive symptoms (PDS) on select maternal health practices among Texas women, using 2012-2015 survey data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System.
Methods: Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the effect of PDS on postpartum checkups, postpartum dental visits, and the use of postpartum birth control. Covariates included maternal age, race/ethnicity, marital status, education, and depression before birth.
Results: Data from 4679 respondents were used in analyses, and the prevalence of women reporting PDS was 13.8 percent. Women without PDS were more likely to attend a postpartum checkup (adjusted OR = 1.5; 95% CI 1.1-2.1) or have a postpartum dental visit (adjusted OR = 1.4, 95% CI 1.0-1.8) than women with PDS. There was insufficient evidence to conclude any association between PDS and the use of postpartum birth control.
Conclusions: These findings highlight the adverse effects of PDS on maternal health practices not previously studied. Results stress the importance of healthcare professionals monitoring the moods and actions of women of childbearing age to provide early interventions for women experiencing PDS, and emphasizing positive maternal health practices after childbirth.
Langlois PH, Marengo L, Canfield MA, et al. Evaluating the proportion of isolated cases among a spectrum of birth defects in a population-based registry. Birth Defects Res. 2023 Jan 1;10.1002/bdr2.1990. Epub 2022 Feb 26. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1990
Introduction: Because the etiology and outcomes of birth defects may differ by the presence vs. absence of co-occurring anomalies, epidemiologic studies often attempt to classify cases into isolated versus non-isolated groupings. This report describes a computer algorithm for such classification and presents results using data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR).
Methods: Each of the 1,041 birth defects coded by the TBDR was classified as chromosomal, syndromic, minor, or "needs review" by a group of three clinical geneticists. A SAS program applied those classifications to each birth defect in a case (child/fetus), and then hierarchically combined them to obtain one summary classification for each case, adding isolated and multiple defect categories. The program was applied to 136,121 cases delivered in 2012-2017.
Results: Of the total cases, 49% were classified by the platform as isolated (having only one major birth defect). This varied widely by birth defect; of those examined, the highest proportion classified as isolated was found in pyloric stenosis (87.6%), whereas several cardiovascular malformations had low proportions, including tricuspid valve atresia/stenosis (2.3%).
Discussion: This is one of the first and largest attempts to identify the proportion of isolated cases across a broad spectrum of birth defects, which can inform future epidemiologic and genomic studies of these phenotypes. Our approach is designed for easy modification for use with any birth defects coding system and category definitions, allowing scalability for different studies or birth defects registries, which often do not have resources for individual clinical review of all case records.
Nunley KA, et al. Neural correlates of slower gait in middle-aged persons with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus: the impact of accelerated brain aging. J Diabetes Complications. 2022 Feb;36(2):108084. Epub 2021 Nov 14. doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2021.108084
Aims: We aimed to determine if neuroimaging characteristics of gray and white matter are associated with gait speed in middle-aged individuals with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes (T1D), and whether associations are independent of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) status.
Methods: In a cohort of 100 middle-aged adults with childhood-onset T1D (aged 49.2 ± 7.0 years, 50F/50M), we assessed cross-sectional associations of DPN, severity of white matter hyperintensities (WMH; Fazekas score), and regional gray matter volume (GMV) with gait speed. Associations were tested separately and combined in linear regression models adjusted for diabetes duration and locomotor risk factors.
Results: Average gait speed was 1.3 m/s, with 52% of participants walking below the age-appropriate range of 1.3-1.5 m/s. In separate models, higher WMH severity (β = -0.27, p = 0.01) and smaller caudate GMV (β = -0.21, p = 0.04), but not DPN (β = -0.20, p = 0.08) were associated with slower gait speed. When combined, only WMH severity remained significant (β = -0.22, p = 0.04).
Conclusions: More than half of the participants walked more slowly than expected based on age. Gait speed was slower among those with more severe WMH independent of locomotor risk factors. Gait slowing in middle-aged persons with T1D may reflect brain changes, and thus, deserve further attention.
Franco G, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and practices of self-breast examination in Nicaragua. Cureus. 2022 Jan 17;14(1):e21317. doi:10.7759/cureus.21317
Self-breast examination (SBE) has been recommended as an important preventative practice for the early identification of breast cancer in women. However, our understanding of women's knowledge, attitudes, and practices of self-breast examination in Nicaragua is limited. In the present study, we conducted a cross-sectional study of women aged 18 years and over (n=500) living in selected urban and rural areas of Nicaragua. Measures included in the survey reflected knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and practices related to self-breast examination. We compared these measures between women living in urban and rural areas and women aged 18-39 years and 40+ years. Using a t-test, we tested the significance of these differentials. Results indicate widespread and significant differentials in basic knowledge and behaviors on self-breast examination practices among women living in rural and urban locations in Nicaragua. Further, while younger women reported significant and lower overall knowledge about breast cancer (BC), purpose and reasons for SBE, characteristics of women who tend to be at higher risk for BC, and strategies and steps women take performing SBE compared to women who were in the 40+ age group. Study results call for location and population-specific programs and policies addressing disparities in breast cancer prevention efforts in the country.
Sanchez MLN, et al. Prevalence of critical congenital heart defects and selected co-occurring congenital anomalies, 2014-2018: a U.S. population-based study. Birth Defects Res. 2022 Jan 15;114(2):45-56. Epub 2022 Jan 19. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1980
Background: Critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs) are one of the most common types of birth defects and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality along with surgical or catheter interventions within the first year of life. This report updates previously published estimates of CCHD prevalence with the latest population-based surveillance data from 19 birth defect surveillance programs.
Methods: The U.S. population-based surveillance programs submitted data on identified cases of 12 CCHDs and co-occurring cardiovascular and chromosomal birth defects from 2014 to 2018. We estimated prevalence by program type and maternal and infant characteristics. Among nine programs with active case ascertainment that collect more than live births, we estimated the percentage of co-occurring cardiovascular and chromosomal birth defects for the 12 CCHDs.
Results: We identified 18,587 cases of CCHD among all participating programs. Overall CCHD prevalence was 19.6 per 10,000 live births among all 19 programs and 20.2 per 10,000 live births among active programs. Among maternal racial/ethnic groups, infants/fetuses born to American Indian/Alaska Native mothers showed the highest overall prevalence for all CCHDs (28.3 per 10,000) along with eight of the 12 individual CCHDs. Among 7,726 infants/fetuses with CCHD from active case ascertainment programs, 15.8% had at least one co-occurring chromosomal birth defect.
Conclusion: Our study provides prevalence estimates for CCHDs by maternal and infant characteristics along with co-occurrence with cardiovascular and chromosomal birth defects among infants/fetuses with CCHD using one of the largest and most recent cohorts since the implementation of widespread CCHD screening. These data can provide a basis for future research to better understand risk factors for these defects.
Ethen MK, et al. Interpregnancy interval and prevalence of selected birth defects: a multistate study. Birth Defects Res. 2022 Jan 15;114(2):69-79. Epub 2021 Oct 21. doi.org/10.1002/bdr2.1960
Background: Both short and long interpregnancy intervals (IPIs) have been associated with adverse birth outcomes. We undertook a multistate study to describe the prevalence of selected birth defects by IPI.
Methods: We obtained data from nine population-based state birth defects registries for singleton live births in 2000-2009 among mothers with a previous live birth identified through birth certificates. IPI was calculated as the difference between the prior birthdate and the start of the current pregnancy (conception date). We estimated the prevalence of selected defects per 10,000 live births and prevalence ratios (PRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) overall and stratified by maternal age at previous birth and race/ethnicity. Primary analyses focused on short IPI < 6 months and long IPI ≥ 60 months compared to 18-23 months (referent). Sensitivity analyses are limited to active-surveillance states and those with<10% missing IPI.
Results: Among 5,147,962 eligible births, 6.3% had short IPI while 19.8% had long IPI. Compared to referent, prevalence with short IPI was elevated for gastroschisis (3.7, CI: 3.0-4.5 vs. 2.0, CI: 1.6-2.4) and with both short and long IPI for tetralogy of Fallot (short: 3.4, 2.8-4.2 long: 3.8, 3.4-4.3 vs. 2.7, 2.3-3.2) and cleft lip ± palate (short: 9.9, 8.8-11.2 long: 9.2, 8.5-9.8 vs. 8.4, 7.6-9.2). Stratified analyses identified additional associations, including the elevated prevalence of anencephaly with short IPI in younger mothers and limb defects with long IPI in those ages 25-34 at prior birth. Sensitivity
analyses showed similar results.
Conclusion: In this population-based study, we observed an increased prevalence of several birth defects with short and long IPI.
(In date order with the most recent first):
Pont SJ, Shuford JA, et al. Strategies to estimate prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a Texas vulnerable population: Results from Phase I of the Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey. Front Public Health. 2021;9:753487. Published 2021 Dec 14. doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.753487
Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and immunity remain uncertain in populations. The state of Texas ranks 2nd in infection with over 2.71 million cases and has seen a disproportionate rate of death across the state. The Texas CARES project was funded by the state of Texas to estimate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody status in children and adults. Identifying strategies to understand natural as well as vaccine-induced antibody responses to COVID-19 is critical.
Materials and Methods: The Texas CARES (Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey) is an ongoing prospective population-based convenience sample from the Texas general population that commenced in October 2020. Volunteer participants are recruited across the state to participate in a 3-time point data collection Texas CARES to assess antibody response over time. We use the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoassay to determine SARS-CoV-2 antibody status.0
Results: The crude antibody positivity prevalence in Phase I was 26.1% (80/307). The fully adjusted seroprevalence of the sample was 31.5%. Specifically, 41.1% of males and 21.9% of females were seropositive. For age categories, 33.5% of those 18-34; 24.4% of those 35-44; 33.2% of those 45-54; and 32.8% of those 55+ were seropositive. In this sample, 42.2% (89/211) of those negative for the antibody test reported having had a COVID-19 test.
Conclusions: In this survey we enrolled and analyzed data for 307 participants, demonstrating a high survey and antibody test completion rate, and ability to implement a questionnaire and SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing within clinical settings. We were also able to determine our capability to estimate the cross-sectional seroprevalence within Texas's federally qualified community centers (FQHCs). The crude positivity prevalence for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in this sample was 26.1% indicating potentially high exposure to COVID-19 for clinic employees and patients. Data will also allow us to understand sex, age and chronic illness variation in seroprevalence by natural and vaccine-induced. These methods are being used to guide the completion of a large longitudinal survey in the state of Texas with implications for practice and population health.
Hughes MJ, Birhane MG, Dorough L, et al. Extensively drug-resistant typhoid fever in the United States. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021;8(12):ofab572. Published 2021 Nov 16. doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofab572
Cases of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) typhoid fever have been reported in the United States among patients who did not travel internationally. Clinicians should consider if and where the patient traveled when selecting empiric treatment for typhoid fever. XDR typhoid fever should be treated with a carbapenem, azithromycin, or both.
Mutebi JP, Godsey M, Rose D, et al. Entomological investigation following a Zika outbreak in Brownsville, Texas. J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 2021;37(4):286-290. doi.org/10.2987/21-6980
In November and December 2016, an outbreak of locally transmitted Zika occurred in Brownsville, TX. The Texas Department of State Health Services requested for a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Epi Aid, and as part of that Epi Aid a team of CDC entomologists was deployed in January 2017. The mission was to improve mosquito-based arbovirus surveillance and evaluate the possibility of continuing local Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission in the city. The mosquito-based arbovirus surveillance program was expanded from 4 to 40 BG-Sentinel traps evenly distributed throughout the city. Over a 2-wk period, 15 mosquito species were detected; the most abundant species were Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti, and Ae. albopictus, which accounted for 66.7%, 16.2%, and 5.7% of the total mosquito collection, respectively. The relative abundance of Ae. aegypti (1.0 mosquitoes/trap/day) and Ae. albopictus (0.4 mosquitoes/trap/day) was very low and unlikely to initiate and/or sustain ZIKV transmission. Zika virus was not detected in the mosquitoes collected, suggesting no or extremely low ZIKV transmission at that time.
Wendel KA, Mauk K, Amsterdam L, et al. Enhancing gonococcal antimicrobial resistance surveillance in cisgender women, strengthening the US response to resistant gonorrhea, 2018 to 2019. Sex Transm Dis. 2021;48(12S Suppl 2):S104-S110. doi.org/10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001554
Background: Cisgender women have been underrepresented in antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea (ARGC) surveillance systems. Three of 8 project sites (City of Milwaukee [MIL], Guilford County [GRB], Denver County [DEN]), funded under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Strengthening the US Response to Resistant Gonorrhea (SURRG), focused efforts to better include cisgender women in ARGC surveillance.
Methods: MIL, GRB, and DEN partnered with diverse health care settings and developed gonorrhea culture criteria to facilitate urogenital specimen collection in cisgender women and men. Regional laboratories within the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network performed agar dilution antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) of gonococcal isolates. Data from 2018 and 2019 were analyzed.
Results: In SURRG, 90.5% (11,464 of 12,667) of the cisgender women from whom urogenital culture specimens were collected were from MIL, GRB, and DEN. Of women in SURRG whose gonococcal isolates underwent AST, 70% were from these 3 sites. In these 3 sites, a substantial proportion of cisgender women with positive urogenital cultures and AST were from health care settings other than sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics (non-STD clinics; MIL, 56.0%; GRB, 80.4%; and DEN, 23.5%). Isolates with AST were obtained from 5.1%, 10.2%, and 2.4% of all diagnosed gonorrhea cases among cisgender women in MIL, GRB, and DEN, respectively, and were more often susceptible to all antibiotics than those from cisgender men from each of these sites.
Conclusions: With focused efforts and partnerships with non-STD clinics, 3 SURRG sites were able to include robust ARGC surveillance from cisgender women. These findings may guide further efforts to improve gender equity in ARGC surveillance.
Ihongbe TO, Olayinka PO, Curry S. Association between bully victimization and vaping among Texas high school students. Am J Prev Med. 2021;61(6):910-918. doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2021.06.004
Introduction: Bullying and vaping among adolescents in Texas is a major public health concern. Bully victimization has been associated with substance use in adolescents; however, research examining the association between bully victimization and vaping in adolescents is sparse. This study aims to examine the independent association between bully victimization and vaping among Texas high school students.
Methods: Pooled data from the 2017 and 2019 Texas Youth Risk Behavior Survey (N=3,486) were analyzed in July 2020. Past-year bully victimization was categorized into 4 mutually exclusive groups: no bully victimization, school bully victimization only, cyberbully victimization only, and both school bully and cyberbully victimization. Current vape use was measured as a binary variable. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the association.
Results: In the total sample, the past-year prevalence of school bully victimization only, cyberbully victimization only, and both school bully and cyberbully victimization was 8.3%, 4.6%, and 7.7%, respectively. Approximately 1 in 7 students (14.5%) reported vaping during the past 30 days. Female students who experienced both school bullying and cyberbullying had 68% greater odds of vaping than female students who did not experience bullying (AOR=1.68, 95% CI=1.02, 3.41). Bully victimization was not significantly associated with vaping in male students.
Conclusions: Female Texas high school students who are victims of both school bullying and cyberbullying have a greater likelihood of vaping. Healthcare providers, school counselors, and educators should be aware of the association and sex differences that exist while developing intervention programs to address bullying and vaping in high school students.
Pont SJ, Kolsin J, McCormick DW, et al. Deaths in children and adolescents associated with COVID-19 and MIS-C in the United States. Pediatrics. 2021;148(5):e2021052273. doi.org/10.1542/peds.2021-052273
Objectives: To describe the demographics, clinical characteristics, and hospital course among persons <21 years of age with a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-associated death.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective case series of suspected SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths in the United States in persons <21 years of age during February 12 to July 31, 2020. All states and territories were invited to participate. We abstracted demographic and clinical data, including laboratory and treatment details, from medical records.
Results: We included 112 SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths from 25 participating jurisdictions. The median age was 17 years (IQR 8.5-19 years). Most decedents were male (71, 63%), 31 (28%) were Black (non-Hispanic) persons, and 52 (46%) were Hispanic persons. Ninety-six decedents (86%) had at least 1 underlying condition; obesity (42%), asthma (29%), and developmental disorders (22%) were most commonly documented. Among 69 hospitalized decedents, common complications included mechanical ventilation (75%) and acute respiratory failure (82%). The sixteen (14%) decedents who met multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) criteria were similar in age, sex, and race and/or ethnicity to decedents without MIS-C; 11 of 16 (69%) had at least 1 underlying condition.
Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2-associated deaths among persons <21 years of age occurred predominantly among Black (non-Hispanic) and Hispanic persons, male patients, and older adolescents. The most commonly reported underlying conditions were obesity, asthma, and developmental disorders. Decedents with coronavirus disease 2019 were more likely than those with MIS-C to have underlying medical conditions.
Erickson TA, Mayes B, Murray KO, Gunter SM. The epidemiology of human ehrlichiosis in Texas, 2008-2017. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2021;12(6):101788. doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2021.101788
Tick-borne diseases in the United States, including ehrlichiosis, represent a growing public health problem. The purpose of this study was to examine the contemporary epidemiology of human ehrlichiosis in Texas by analyzing cases reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services. In Texas, 101 cases of ehrlichiosis were reported during 2008-2017. We observed geographic grouping of cases as well as an increasing trend of reported cases occurring annually from 2009 to 2017. Notably, 27 cases occurred in 2008 in south Texas with unique patient characteristics in that they were younger, less likely to be hospitalized, and presented with disease earlier in the year than typically seen. Our findings highlight the importance of disease awareness and prevention of tick bites as well as further investigation into transmission risk and future disease patterns.
Washburn DJ, Callaghan T, Schmit C, Thompson E, Martinez D, Lafleur M. Community health worker roles and their evolving interprofessional relationships in the United States [published online ahead of print, 2021 Oct 15]. J Interprof Care. 2021;1-7. doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2021.1974362
In the United States, growing attention to the cost of care, the social determinants of health, prevention, and population health, signals a refocusing f efforts on value-based care. Just as Accountable Care Organizations and alternative payment models exemplify this shift in attention, so does the increasing integration of Community Health Workers (CHWs) into the US health are system. CHWs are often referred to as "bridge figures," helping clients to navigate what are oftentimes complicated pathways to access a variety of needed services. The integration of CHWs into interprofessional care teams is a process that takes time, and can lead to conflict as traditional care models are disrupted. Through focus groups with CHWs in rural and urban areas of four states, this work identifies and describes three early stages in the evolving interprofessional relationships between CHWs and other care providers. These stages are characterized by: (1) a lack of knowledge and understanding of CHW roles, (2) conflict and competition, and (3) engagement and integration of CHWs into patient care teams. A better understanding of the evolving process of CHW integration is critical to facilitate education and training that will more quickly encourage the development and efficacy of modern models of interprofessional care that include CHWs.
Tadese BK, Nutt A, Chaudhary I, Offiong C, Darkoh C. Regional outbreak of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas Aeruginosa [published online ahead of print, 2021 Oct 1]. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021;1-3. doi.org/10.1017/ice.2021.394
Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing P. aeruginosa (KPC-CRPA) are rare in the United States. An outbreak of KPC-CRPA was investigated in Texas using molecular and epidemiologic methods and 17 cases of KPC-CRPA were identified. The isolates were genetically related and harbored the emerging P. aeruginosa multilocus sequence type 235, the first in the United States.
Dunn M, Peterson Johnson E, Smith B, Cooper M, Bhakta N. Perspectives on workforce development needs for community health workers (CHWs): Results from a statewide survey of CHW employers. J Community Health. 2021;46(5):1020-1028. doi.org/10.1007/s10900-021-00986-1
We conducted a survey of community health worker (CHW) employers in Texas to understand the employment context and workforce development needs of Texas CHWs. An electronic, mixed-methods survey was emailed to 841 CHW employers across Texas in Spring 2020. The survey consisted of 51 questions. The response rate was 22% (n = 182). Responses were analyzed using SPSS, Microsoft Excel, and N.Vivo. We found that most CHW employers directly employ their CHWs, and CHWs are typically part of a multidisciplinary healthcare team. Most respondents required their CHWs be certified by the state's health department and have at least a high school diploma or GED. The most common services that CHWs provide are health education/promotion and information referral. The main health issues that CHWs address are diabetes, hypertension, and mental/behavioral health. Current CHW workforce development needs include continued training on topics including chronic disease self-management and health promotion. CHW employers differ in their capacity to implement workforce development activities. There is significant variety in the employment context and workforce development needs of CHWs across Texas. Results reinforce previous findings on the need for specialized, continuing training for CHWs and the development of pathways, resources, and opportunities that could advance the CHW profession even more. These results can inform those interested in employing CHWs in their CHW program development. Findings from this study can be used to guide development of tailored curriculum for continuing education units, specialized certifications, or other professional development resources for CHWs.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. A comprehensive assessment of co-occurring birth defects among infants with non-syndromic anophthalmia or microphthalmia. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2021;28(5):428-435. doi.org/10.1080/09286586.2020.1862244
Purpose: Infants with anophthalmia or microphthalmia frequently have co-occurring birth defects. Nonetheless, there have been few investigations of birth defect patterns among these children. Such studies may identify novel multiple malformation syndromes, which could inform future research into the developmental processes that lead to anophthalmia/microphthalmia and assist physicians in determining whether further testing is appropriate.
Methods: This study includes cases with anophthalmia/microphthalmia identified by the Texas Birth Defects Registry from 1999 to 2014 without clinical or chromosomal diagnoses of recognized syndromes. We calculated adjusted observed-to-expected ratios for two - through five-way birth defect combinations involving anophthalmia/microphthalmia to estimate whether these combinations co-occur more often than would be expected if they were independent. We report combinations observed in ≥5 cases.
Results: We identified 653 eligible cases with anophthalmia/microphthalmia (514 [79%] with co-occurring birth defects), and 111 birth defect combinations, of which 44 were two-way combinations, 61 were three-way combinations, six were four-way combinations and none were five-way combinations. Combinations with the largest observed-to-expected ratios were those involving central nervous system (CNS) defects, head/neck defects, and orofacial clefts. We also observed multiple combinations involving cardiovascular and musculoskeletal defects.
Conclusion: Consistent with previous reports, we observed that a large proportion of children diagnosed with anophthalmia/microphthalmia have co-occurring birth defects. While some of these defects may be part of a sequence involving anophthalmia/microphthalmia (e.g., CNS defects), other combinations could point to as yet undescribed susceptibility patterns (e.g., musculoskeletal defects). Data from population-based birth defect registries may be useful for accelerating the discovery of previously uncharacterized malformation syndromes.
Shuford, JA, Neuman BW, Brashear WA, et al. Case report: Paucisymptomatic college-age population as a reservoir for potentially neutralization-resistant severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2021;105(5):1227-1229. Published 2021 Sep 20. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.21-0542
To better understand the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variant lineage distribution in a college campus population, we carried out viral genome surveillance over a 7-week period from January to March 2021. Among the sequences were three novel viral variants: BV-1 with a B.1.1.7/20I genetic background and an additional spike mutation Q493R, associated with a mild but longer-than-usual COVID-19 case in a college-age person, BV-2 with a T478K mutation on a 20B genetic background, and BV-3, an apparent recombinant lineage. This work highlights the potential of an undervaccinated younger population as a reservoir for the spread and generation of novel variants. This also demonstrates the value of whole genome sequencing as a routine disease surveillance tool.
Peprah S, Engels EA, Horner MJ, et al. Kaposi sarcoma incidence, burden, and prevalence in United States people with HIV, 2000-2015. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2021;30(9):1627-1633. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0008
Background: The introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has led to a significant reduction in Kaposi sarcoma (KS) incidence among people with HIV (PWH). However, it is unclear if incidence has declined similarly across key demographic and HIV transmission groups and the annual number of incident and prevalent KS cases remains unquantified.
Methods: Using population-based registry linkage data, we evaluated temporal trends in KS incidence using adjusted Poisson regression. Incidence and prevalence estimates were applied to CDC HIV surveillance data, to obtain the number of incident (2008-2015) and prevalent (2015) cases in the United States.
Results: Among PWH, KS rates were elevated 521-fold [95% confidence intervals (CI), 498-536] compared with the general population and declined from 109 per 100,000 person-years in 2000 to 47 per 100,000 person-years in 2015, at an annual percentage change of -6%. Rates declined substantially (P trend < 0.005) across all demographic and HIV transmission groups. Of the 5,306 new cases estimated between 2008 and 2015, 89% occurred among men who have sex with men. At the end of 2015, 1,904 PWH (0.20%) had been diagnosed with KS in the previous 5 years.
Conclusions: A consistent gradual decline in KS incidence has occurred among PWH in the United States during the current cART era. This decrease is uniform across key demographic and HIV transmission groups, though rates remain elevated relative to the general population.
Impact: Continued efforts to control HIV through early cART initiation and retention in care need to be maintained and possibly expanded to sustain declines.
Benavides E, Lupo PJ, Sosa M, et al. Urban-rural residence and birth defects prevalence in Texas: A phenome-wide association study. [published online ahead of print, 2021 Aug 16] [published correction appears in Pediatr Res. 2021 Oct 28;:]. Pediatr Res. 2021;10.1038/s41390-021-01700-6. doi.org/10.1038/s41390-021-01700-6
Background: Some assessments indicate the prevalence of certain birth defects varies by urban-rural status. We evaluated associations between urban-rural residence and a spectrum of birth defects, using a phenome-wide association study approach in Texas, a state with large urban centers and expansive rural areas.
Methods: Data for birth defects and livebirths during 1999-2015 were obtained from the Texas Birth Defects Registry and the Center for Health Statistics. Maternal residence was classified as urban or rural, and prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for any defect and 140 specific defects by Poisson regression.
Results: Overall, birth defects were less frequent in rural compared to urban counties (PR = 0.88, 95% CI: 0.87-0.89). Twelve specific defects were less prevalent in rural counties, including ventricular septal defects (VSDs; PR = 0.76, 95% CI: 0.73-0.79) and hypospadias (PR = 0.86, 95% CI: 0.82-0.89). For some birth defects, including VSDs, there was evidence of decreasing prevalence with decreasing population size.
Conclusions: In our large population-based assessment, we demonstrated that several birth defects were less prevalent in rural counties, suggesting that characteristics of urban settings may be relevant to their etiologies, diagnosis, or surveillance. Further research is needed to identify specific exposures underlying these associations.
Impact: There are few studies of birth defects prevalence in urban versus rural settings. To address this, we investigated a comprehensive range of birth defects, including several rare defects that have not been previously studied, in a large and diverse population. We identified 12 structural birth defects that were less prevalent in rural areas. Findings suggest possible differential exposures among urban and rural women, and/or possible underdiagnosis of certain birth defects in rural areas. Findings highlight the need for further study of geographically referenced risk factors for birth defects, and of the completeness of birth defects ascertainment in rural areas.
Bollling, BG, Qualls WA, Tyler R, et al. Increasing public health mosquito surveillance in Hidalgo County, Texas to monitor vector and arboviral presence. Pathogens. 2021 Aug 13;10(8):1022. doi: 10.3390/pathogens10081022
From 2016 to 2018, Hidalgo County observed the emergence of Zika virus (ZIKV) infections along with sporadic cases of Dengue virus (DENV) and West Nile virus (WNV). Due to the emergence of ZIKV and the historical presence of other mosquito-borne illnesses, Hidalgo County obtained funding to enhance mosquito surveillance and educate residents on arboviruses and travel risks. During this time period, Hidalgo County mosquito surveillance efforts increased by 1.275%. This increase resulted in >8000 mosquitoes collected, and 28 mosquito species identified. Aedes aegypti, Ae albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus made up approximately two-thirds of the mosquitoes collected in 2018 (4122/6171). Spatiotemporal shifts in vector species composition were observed as the collection period progressed. Significantly, temperature variations (p < 0.05) accounted for associated variations in vector abundance, whereas all other climate variables were not significant.
Belay ED, Abrams J, et al. Trends in geographic and temporal distribution of US children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA Pediatr. 2021 Aug 1;175(8):837-845. doi.org/10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.0630
Importance: Multiple inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) occurs in association with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics and geographic and temporal distribution of the largest cohort of patients with MIS-C in the United States to date.
Design, setting, and participants: Cross-sectional analysis was conducted on clinical and laboratory data collected from patients with MIS-C. The analysis included patients with illness onset from March 2020 to January 2021 and met MIS-C case definition.
Main outcomes and measures: Geographic and temporal distribution of MIS-C was compared with that of COVID-19 nationally, by region, and level of urbanicity by county. Clinical and laboratory findings and changes over time were described by age group and by presence or absence of preceding COVID-19.
Results: A total of 1733 patients with MIS-C were identified; 994 (57.6%) were male and 1117 (71.3%) were Hispanic or non-Hispanic Black. Gastrointestinal symptoms, rash, and conjunctival hyperemia were reported by 53% (n = 931) to 67% (n = 1153) of patients. A total of 937 patients (54%) had hypotension or shock, and 1009 (58.2%) were admitted for intensive care. Cardiac dysfunction was reported in 484 patients (31.0%), pericardial effusion in 365 (23.4%), myocarditis in 300 (17.3%), and coronary artery dilatation or aneurysms in 258 (16.5%). Patients aged 0 to 4 years had the lowest proportion of severe manifestations, although 171 patients (38.4%) had hypotension or shock and 197 (44.3%) were admitted for intensive care. Patients aged 18 to 20 years had the highest proportions with myocarditis (17 [30.9%]), pneumonia (20 [36.4%]), acute respiratory distress syndrome (10 [18.2%]), and polymerase chain reaction positivity (39 [70.9%]). These older adolescents also had the highest proportion reporting preceding COVID-19-like illness (63%). Nationally, the first 2 MIS-C peaks followed the COVID-19 peaks by 2 to 5 weeks. The cumulative MIS-C incidence per 100 000 persons younger than 21 years was 2.1 and varied from 0.2 to 6.3 by state. Twenty-four patients (1.4%) died.
Conclusions and relevance: In this cross-sectional study of a large cohort of patients with MIS-C, 2 peaks that followed COVID-19 peaks by 2 to 5 weeks were identified. The geographic and temporal association of MIS-C with the COVID-19 pandemic suggested that MIS-C resulted from delayed immunologic responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The clinical manifestations varied by age and by presence or absence of preceding COVID-19.
Norkin SK, Benson S, et al. Inadequate engagement in HIV care among people with HIV newly diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease: A multijurisdictional analysis. Sex Transm Dis. 2021 Aug 1;48(8):601-605. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001381
Background: Esophageal atresia (EA) affects around 2.3-2.6 per 10,000 births world-wide. Infants born with this condition require surgical correction soon after birth. Most survival studies of infants with EA are locally or regionally based. We aimed to describe survival across multiple world regions.
Methods: We included infants diagnosed with EA between 1980 and 2015 from 24 birth defects surveillance programs that are members of the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research. We calculated survival as the proportion of liveborn infants alive at 1 month, 1- and 5-years, among all infants with EA, those with isolated EA, those with EA and additional anomalies or EA and a chromosomal anomaly or genetic syndrome. We also investigated trends in survival over the decades, 1980s-2010s.
Results: We included 6,466 liveborn infants with EA. Survival was 89.4% (95% CI 88.1-90.5) at 1-month, 84.5% (95% CI 83.0-85.9) at 1-year and 82.7% (95% CI 81.2-84.2) at 5-years. One-month survival for infants with isolated EA (97.1%) was higher than for infants with additional anomalies (89.7%) or infants with chromosomal or genetic syndrome diagnoses (57.3%) with little change at 1- and 5-years. Survival at 1 month improved from the 1980s to the 2010s, by 6.5% for infants with isolated EA and by 21.5% for infants with EA and additional anomalies.
Conclusions: Almost all infants with isolated EA survived to 5 years. Mortality was higher for infants with EA and an additional anomaly, including chromosomal or genetic syndromes. Survival improved from the 1980s, particularly for those with additional anomalies.
Shuford JA, et al. Use of Drug-level Testing and Single-genome Sequencing to Unravel a Case of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seroconversion on Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. Clin Infect Dis. 2021;72(11):2025-2028. doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1011
Cases of seroconversion on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) should be carefully investigated, given their public health implications and rarity. We report a case of transmitted drug resistance causing seroconversion on PrEP in spite of high adherence, confirmed with dried blood spot and segmental hair drug-level testing and single-genome sequencing.
Canfield MA, et al. Survival of infants born with esophageal atresia among 24 international birth defects surveillance programs. Birth Defects Res. 2021 Jul 15;113(12):945-957. Epub 2021 Mar 18. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1891
Background: Esophageal atresia (EA) affects around 2.3-2.6 per 10,000 births worldwide. Infants born with this condition require surgical correction soon after birth. Most survival studies of infants with EA are locally or regionally based. We aimed to describe survival across multiple world regions.
Methods: We included infants diagnosed with EA between 1980 and 2015 from 24 birth defects surveillance programs that are members of the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research. We calculated survival as the proportion of liveborn infants alive at 1 month, 1- and 5 years, among all infants with EA, those with isolated EA, those with EA and additional anomalies or EA, and a chromosomal anomaly or genetic syndrome. We also investigated trends in survival over the decades, from the 1980s-2010s.
Results: We included 6,466 liveborn infants with EA. Survival was 89.4% (95% CI 88.1-90.5) at 1 month, 84.5% (95% CI 83.0-85.9) at 1 year, and 82.7% (95% CI 81.2-84.2) at 5 years. One-month survival for infants with isolated EA (97.1%) was higher than for infants with additional anomalies (89.7%) or infants with chromosomal or genetic syndrome diagnoses (57.3%) with little change at 1- and 5 years. Survival at 1 month improved from the 1980s to the 2010s, by 6.5% for infants with isolated EA and by 21.5% for infants with EA and additional anomalies.
Conclusions: Almost all infants with isolated EA survived to 5 years. Mortality was higher for infants with EA and an additional anomaly, including chromosomal or genetic syndromes. Survival improved from the 1980s, particularly for those with additional anomalies.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Birth defect co-occurrence patterns in the Texas Birth Defects Registry. Pediatr Res. 2021 Jun 30. [published online ahead of print]. doi: 10.1038/s41390-021-01629-w
Background: The population-level landscape of co-occurring birth defects among infants without a syndromic diagnosis is not well understood.
Methods: We analyzed data from 40,771 infants with two or more major birth defects in the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR; 1999-2014). We calculated adjusted observed-to-expected (O/E) ratios for all two, three, four, and five-way combinations of 138 major defects.
Results: Among 530 patterns with the highest adjusted O/E ratios (top 5% of 10,595 patterns), 66% included only defects co-occurring within one organ system and 28% were suggestive of known patterns (e.g., midline developmental defects). Of the remaining patterns, the combination of defects with the highest O/E ratio (193.8) encompassed the diaphragm, spine, spleen, and heart defects. Fourteen patterns involved heart and spine defects with or without rib defects. Ten additional patterns primarily involved two hallmark components of VACTERL association (specifically, vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, renal, or limb defects, but not tracheoesophageal fistula).
Conclusions: Our analyses provide a description of the birth defect co-occurrence patterns in a multi-ethnic, population-based sample, and revealed several patterns of interest. This work complements prior work that has suggested etiologic connections between select defects (e.g., diaphragmatic hernia and heart and spleen anomalies; heart and spine defects).
Impact: In this large-scale, population-based study of birth defect co-occurrence patterns, we found several birth defect combinations of potential interest that warrant further investigation: congenital diaphragmatic hernia, heart, spine, and spleen defects and scimitar syndrome with vertebral defects. The majority of patterns of co-occurring defects observed more frequently than expected involved multiple defects within the same system and combinations suggestive of known associations. Nearly all of the top patterns (beyond the same system and those suggestive of known associations) involved organ systems that are components of the VACTERL association, with heart, spine, and rib defect patterns being the most common.
Rositch AF, Levinson K, et al. Epidemiology of cervical adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma among women living with HIV compared to the general population in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Jun 18:ciab561. [published online ahead of print]. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab561
Objectives: Cervical cancer risk overall is elevated among women living with HIV (WLH). However, it is unclear whether risks of cervical cancer are similarly elevated across histologic subtypes.
Methods: Data were utilized from the HIV/AIDS Cancer Match Study, a linkage of 12 US HIV and cancer registries during 1996-2016. Cervical cancers were categorized as adenocarcinoma (AC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) or other histologic type. Standardized incidence ratios were estimated to compare rates of AC and SCC in WLH compared to the general population. For WLH, risk factors for AC and SCC were evaluated using Poisson regression. All-cause 5-year survival was estimated by HIV status and histology.
Results: Overall, 62,615 cervical cancers were identified, including 609 in WLH. Compared to the general population, incidence of AC was 1.47-times higher (95%CI: 1.03-2.05) and incidence of SCC was 3.62-times higher among WLH (95%CI: 3.31-3.94). Among WLH, there was no difference in AC rates by race/ethnicity or HIV transmission group, although SCC rates were lower among White women (vs. Black, adjusted rate ratio (aRR)=0.53; 95%CI: 0.38-0.73) and higher among women who inject drugs (vs. heterosexual transmission; aRR=1.44; 95%CI: 1.17-1.78). Among WLH, 5-year overall survival was similar for AC (46.2%) and SCC (43.8%), but notably lower than women without HIV.
Conclusions: Among WLH, AC rates were modestly elevated whereas SCC rates were greatly elevated compared to the general population. These findings suggest that there may be differences in the impact of immunosuppression and HIV status in the development of AC compared to SCC, given their common etiology in HPV infection.
Canfield MA, et al. Sixth grade academic achievement among children conceived with IVF: a population-based study in Texas, USA. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021 Jun;38(6):1481-1492. Epub 2021 Apr 2. doi: 10.1007/s10815-021-02170-9
Purpose: To compare academic achievement in reading and mathematics at the end of sixth grade and progress from third to sixth grade by children conceived with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to those conceived naturally.
Methods: This was a retrospective population-based cohort study of IVF-conceived singleton and twin children who took the 3rd grade and 6th grade public school standardized reading and mathematics testing in Texas.
Results: There were 6,623 children with reading scores in both the third and sixth grades and 6,374 children with mathematics scores in both the third and sixth grades. Mean (± SE) scaled test scores for IVF and control singleton children for reading were 1544.6 ± 3.4 and 1527.7 ± 1.9, respectively, in third grade and 1701.2 ± 3.6 and 1681.0 ± 2.0, respectively, in sixth grade; for mathematics, the scores were 1564.4 ± 3.7 and 1548.9 ± 2.1, respectively, in third grade and 1774.0 ± 4.2 and 1752.0 ± 2.3, respectively, in sixth grade. In multivariate models, singleton IVF children scored significantly higher than control children in reading and mathematics, averaging 17.7 ± 4.0 points and 20.1 ± 4.1 points higher, respectively, in reading in third and sixth grades and 17.8 ± 4.4 points and 25.0 ± 4.8 points higher, respectively, in mathematics in third and sixth grades.
Conclusions: Children conceived with IVF and aged 8-9 years and aged 10-12 years performed as well on third and sixth grade reading and mathematics assessments as their counterparts conceived naturally.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Patterns of congenital anomalies among individuals with trisomy 13 in Texas. Am J Med Genet A. 2021 Jun;185(6):1787-1793. Epub 2021 Mar 22. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62175
Few population-based studies have analyzed patterns of co-occurring birth defects among those with trisomy 13. We evaluated the frequency of all possible combinations of any one, two, three, or four additional co-occurring birth defects among 736 individuals with trisomy 13 using data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry for deliveries during 1999-2014. We calculated the observed-to-expected ratio for each combination, adjusting for the known tendency for birth defects to cluster non-specifically. To address potential ascertainment differences among live births and non-live births, we repeated analyses specifically among live births. The combination of defects with the largest observed-to-expected ratio was microcephalus, reduction deformities of brain (e.g., holoprosencephaly), anomalies of nose, and polydactyly. As expected, most of the highest 30 observed-to-expected ratios involved combinations with documented features of trisomy 13, including defects of the scalp (e.g., aplasia cutis) and heart. Results were similar among sensitivity analyses restricted to live births. Our findings may help further delineate the phenotypic spectrum for trisomy 13 and may inform future research related to improving screening and counseling for the condition.
Vallabhaneni S, Huang JY, et al. Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles to predict the presence of carbapenemase genes among carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. J Clin Microbiol. 2021 May 19;59(6):e02874-20. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02874-20
Detection of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) with carbapenemase-producing (CP) genes is critical for preventing transmission. Our objective was to assess whether certain antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) profiles can efficiently identify CP-CRPA. We defined CRPA as P. aeruginosa with imipenem or meropenem MICs of ≥8 μg/ml; CP-CRPA was CRPA with CP genes (bla KPC/bla IMP/bla NDM/bla OXA-48/bla VIM). We assessed the sensitivity and specificity of AST profiles to detect CP-CRPA among CRPA isolates collected by CDC's Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network (AR Lab Network) and the Emerging Infections Program (EIP) during 2017 to 2019. Three percent (195/6,192) of AR Lab Network CRPA isolates were CP-CRPA. Among CRPA isolates, adding not susceptible (NS) to cefepime or ceftazidime to the definition had 91% sensitivity and 50% specificity for identifying CP-CRPA; adding NS to ceftolozane-tazobactam had 100% sensitivity and 86% specificity. Of 965 EIP CRPA isolates evaluated for CP genes, 7 were identified as CP-CRPA; 6 of the 7 were NS to cefepime and ceftazidime, and all 7 were NS to ceftolozane-tazobactam. Among 4,182 EIP isolates, clinical laboratory AST results were available for 96% of them for cefepime, 80% for ceftazidime, and 4% for ceftolozane-tazobactam. The number of CRPA isolates needed to test (NNT) to identify one CP-CRPA isolate decreased from 138 to 64 if the definition of NS to cefepime or ceftazidime was used and to 7 with NS to ceftolozane-tazobactam. Adding not susceptible to cefepime or ceftazidime to CRPA carbapenemase testing criteria would reduce the NNT by half and can be implemented in most clinical laboratories; adding not susceptible to ceftolozane-tazobactam could be even more predictive once AST for this drug is more widely available.
Sanchez R, Ranjit N, Kelder SH, Gill M, Hoelscher DM. Intention to lose weight and use of electronic cigarettes among adolescents. Prev Med Rep. 2021;23:101406. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101406
Electronic cigarette use among American adolescents is a major public health concern given the negative health consequences of nicotine in youth. Recent literature has shown that weight control may be one motivation for use in this population. This study examined associations between intention to lose weight and e-cigarette use among adolescents having overweight or obesity from an ethnically diverse sample of Texas youth by gender. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of a state representative sample of 9056 eighth and eleventh grade students from the 2015-2016 Texas School Physical Activity and Nutrition (Texas SPAN) study. Validated survey items assessed weight intentions and e-cigarette use. Staff collected anthropometric measures. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the relationship between e-cigarette use and weight intentions with gender interaction, adjusting for grade, race/ethnicity, economic status, weight-behaviors and stratified by BMI class. More than half (50.9%) of the weighted sample were Hispanic and 12.5% were Non-Hispanic Black; 8.5% used e-cigarettes; and 50.0% intended to lose weight. Of the 40.2% of the sample having overweight or obesity, 82.9% intended to lose weight. Among respondents with obesity, use of e-cigarettes was significantly higher among males intending to lose weight than among females intending to lose weight (12% versus 6%, p = 0.007). These findings contrast with previous research suggesting that e-cigarette use in females is more likely to be motivated by an intent to lose weight. The ethnic diversity of the Texas SPAN population may explain this discrepancy.
Canfield MA, et al. Causes of neonatal and postneonatal death among infants with birth defects in Texas. Birth Defects Res. 2021 May 15;113(9):665-675. Epub 2021 Feb 15. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1879
Background: The proportion of deaths attributed to various causes has not been quantified among infants with birth defects. We sought to describe the causes of neonatal and postneonatal death among infants in the Texas Birth Defects Registry.
Methods: We calculated frequencies and percentages for both underlying causes and all causes (underlying or contributing) of neonatal (0-27 days) and postneonatal (28-364 days) death listed on death certificates among infants born alive with birth defects and delivered in Texas during 1999-2013 (n = 8,389 deaths). Analyses were repeated separately for infants with isolated, multiple, and syndromic defects.
Results: After birth defects, the most frequently listed causes of neonatal death were preterm/low birth weight (10%), circulatory system diseases (8%), and sepsis (5%). The leading postneonatal causes of death beyond birth defects were circulatory system diseases (32%), sepsis (11%), and renal failure (7%).
Conclusions: Improved understanding of the causes of mortality among infants with birth defects may help identify priorities for postnatal care. Our results suggest that potentially modifiable causes of death (e.g., circulatory system diseases, sepsis) contribute substantially to mortality in this population. Prioritizing continued improvements in prevention, diagnosis, and management of preventable conditions may reduce mortality among infants born with birth defects.
Buendia JR, Sears S, Griffin E, Mgbere OO. Prevalence and risk factors of type II diabetes mellitus among people living with HIV in Texas. AIDS Care. 2021 May 11:1-8. [published online ahead of print]. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2021.1925212
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among people living with HIV (PLWH). Cross-sectional data of 989 PLWH in Texas obtained from the 2015-2017 Texas and Houston Medical Monitoring Project were examined. T2DM was identified by formal medical chart diagnosis, insulin/oral hypoglycemic prescriptions, or most recent fasting blood glucose ≥126 mg/dL. T2DM adjusted prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using multiple logistic regression. Participants were mostly male (72%), ≥40 years (68%), overweight (31%) or obese (28%) and virally suppressed (62%). T2DM prevalence was 15% with variations by age, body mass index, education and health insurance (p < 0.05 for all). Compared to PLWH ≥60 years, 18-39-year-olds had significantly lower likelihood of T2DM (p < 0.001). Overweight and obese PLWH were 2.11 (95% CI: 1.23-3.63) and 3.89 times (95% CI: 2.30-6.56) more likely to have T2DM compared to normal weight PLWH. Over 1 in 6 PLWH in Texas had T2DM, with age and BMI as significant predictors. Since DM is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and PLWH are living longer, increased education and lifestyle modification interventions are warranted to prevent T2DM development among PLWH.
Ivanova M, Oh B, Khan IUH, et al. Draft genome assemblies of two Campylobacter novaezeelandiae and four unclassified thermophilic campylobacter isolates from Canadian agricultural surface water. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2021 Apr 29;10(17):e00249-21. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00249-21
This report presents the draft genome sequences of two Campylobacter novaezeelandiae and four unclassified Campylobacter isolates from Canadian agricultural surface water. Phylogenomic analysis revealed that the six isolates formed unique clades, closely related to the disease-causing species C. jejuni, C. coli, and C. hepaticus.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Birth defect co-occurrence patterns among infants with cleft lip and/or palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2021 Apr 28:10556656211010060. [published online ahead of print]. doi: 10.1177/10556656211010060
Objective: To investigate 2- to 5-way patterns of defects co-occurring with orofacial clefts using data from a population-based registry.
Design: We used data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry for deliveries between 1999 and 2014 to Texas residents, including 1884 cases with cleft palate (CP) and 5289 cases with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL±P) without a known syndrome. We identified patterns of defects co-occurring with CP and with CL±P observed more frequently than would be expected if these defects occurred independently. We calculated adjusted observed-to-expected (O/E) ratios to account for the known tendency of birth defects to cluster nonspecifically.
Results: Among infants without a syndrome, 23% with CP and 21% with CL±P had at least 1 additional congenital anomaly. Several combinations of defects were observed much more often than expected. For example, the combination of CL±P, congenital hydrocephaly, anophthalmia, and other nose anomalies had an O/E ratio of 605. For both CP and CL±P, co-occurrence patterns with the highest O/E ratios involved craniofacial and brain abnormalities, and many included the skeletal, cardiovascular, and renal systems.
Conclusions: The patterns of defects we observed co-occurring with clefts more often than expected may help improve our understanding of the relationships between multiple defects. Further work to better understand some of the top defect combinations could reveal new phenotypic subgroups and increase our knowledge of the developmental mechanisms that underlie the respective defects.
Canfield MA, et al. Risks of nonchromosomal birth defects, small-for-gestational age birthweight, and prematurity with in vitro fertilization: effect of number of embryos transferred and plurality at conception versus at birth. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021 Apr;38(4):835-846. Epub 2021 Feb 5. doi: 10.1007/s10815-021-02095-3
Purpose: Excess embryos transferred (ET) (> plurality at birth) and fetal heartbeats (FHB) at 6 weeks' gestation are associated with reductions in birthweight and gestation, but prior studies have been limited by small sample sizes and limited IVF data. This analysis evaluated associations between excess ET, excess FHB, and adverse perinatal outcomes, including the risk of nonchromosomal birth defects.
Methods: Live births conceived via IVF from Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, and Texas included 138,435 children born 2004-2013 (Texas), 2004-2016 (Massachusetts and North Carolina), and 2004-2017 (New York) were classified by ET and FHB. Major birth defects were reported by statewide registries within the first year of life. Logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and 95% CIs of the risks of a major nonchromosomal birth defect, small-for-gestational age birthweight (SGA), low birthweight (LBW), and preterm birth (≤36 weeks), by excess ET, and excess ET + excess FHB, by plurality at birth (singletons and twins).
Results: In singletons with [2 ET, FHB =1] and [≥3 ET, FHB=1], risks [AOR (95% CI)] were increased, respectively, for major nonchromosomal birth defects [1.13 (1.00-1.27) and 1.18 (1.00-1.38)], SGA [1.10 (1.03-1.17) and 1.15 (1.05-1.26)], LBW [1.09 (1.02-1.13) and 1.17 (1.07-1.27)], and preterm birth [1.06 (1.00-1.12) and 1.14 (1.06-1.23)]. With excess ET + excess FHB, risks of all adverse outcomes except major nonchromosomal birth defects increased further for both singletons and twins.
Conclusion: Excess embryos transferred are associated with increased risks for nonchromosomal birth defects, reduced birthweight, and prematurity in IVF-conceived births.
Garcia F, et al. Efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and safety over 48 weeks with ibalizumab-based therapy in treatment-experienced adults infected with HIV-1: A Phase 2a study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Apr 1;86(4):482-489. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002591
Ibalizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting CD4, blocks HIV-1 entry into cells and is the first Food and Drug Administration-approved long-acting agent for HIV-1 treatment. In this phase 2a study, 82 HIV-infected adults failing antiretroviral therapy were assigned an individually optimized background regimen (OBR) and randomized 1:1:1 to arm A (15 mg/kg ibalizumab q2wk), arm B (10 mg/kg weekly for 9 weeks, then q2wk), or placebo. Subjects with an inadequate response at week 16 were permitted to cross over to a new OBR plus 15 mg/kg ibalizumab q2wk. At week 16, viral load (VL) reduction was significantly greater than placebo (0.26 log10) in arms A (1.07 log10; P = 0.002) and B (1.33 log10; P < 0.001); CD4+ T cell counts increased significantly in arm A. After week 16, 11/27 (arm B) and 19/27 (placebo) subjects crossed over to OBR plus 15 mg/kg ibalizumab; 8/28 in arm A initiated a new OBR. Ibalizumab treatment resulted in VL reduction at week 24 (-0.77 and -1.19 log10 for arms A and B, respectively, versus -0.32 log10 for placebo) and 48 weeks (-0.54 and -0.77 versus -0.22 log10). Compared with placebo, VL differences were statistically significant for arm B at week 24 (P = 0.001) and week 48 (P = 0.027). CD4+ T cell counts increased significantly by week 48 in both arm A and arm B, relative to placebo. No ibalizumab-related serious adverse events were reported. The durable antiviral activity and tolerability of ibalizumab support its use in treating individuals harboring multidrug-resistant HIV-1.
Canfield MA, et al. Prevalence and mortality in children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a multicountry study. Ann Epidemiol. 2021 Apr;56:61-69.e3. Epub 2020 Nov 27. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.11.007
Purpose: This study determined the prevalence, mortality, and time trends of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).
Methods: Twenty-five hospital- and population-based surveillance programs in 19 International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research member countries provided birth defects mortality data between 1974 and 2015. CDH cases included live births, stillbirths, or elective termination of pregnancy for fetal anomalies. Prevalence, cumulative mortality rates, and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using Poisson regression and a Kaplan-Meier product-limit method. Joinpoint regression analyses were conducted to assess time trends.
Results: The prevalence of CDH was 2.6 per 10,000 total births (95% CI: 2.5-2.7), slightly increasing between 2001 and 2012 (average annual percent change = 0.5%; 95% CI:-0.6 to 1.6). The total percent mortality of CDH was 37.7%, with hospital-based registries having more deaths among live births than population-based registries (45.1% vs. 33.8%). Mortality rates decreased over time (average annual percent change = -2.4%; 95% CI: -3.8 to 1.1). Most deaths due to CDH occurred among 2- to 6-day-old infants for both registry types (36.3%, hospital-based; 12.1%, population-based).
Conclusions: The mortality of CDH has decreased over time. Mortality remains high during the first week and varied by registry type.
Garza E, et al. Epidemiology surveillance and capacity improvement: A characterization of Texas, 2017. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2021 Mar 17:1-8. [published online ahead of print]. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2020.471
Objectives: In response to increasing caseloads of foodborne illnesses and high consequence infectious disease investigations, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) requested funding from the Texas Legislature in 2013 and 2015 for a new state-funded epidemiologist (SFE) program.
Methods: Primary cross-sectional survey data were collected from 32 of 40 local health departments (LHDs) via an online instrument and analyzed to quantify roles, responsibilities, and training of epidemiologists in Texas in 2017 and compared to similar state health department assessments.
Results: Sixty-six percent of SFEs had epidemiology-specific training (eg, master's in public health) compared to 45% in state health department estimates. For LHDs included in this study, the mean number of epidemiologists per 100,000 was 0.73 in medium LHDs and 0.46 in large LHDs. SFE positions make up approximately 40% of the LHD epidemiology workforce of all sizes and 56% of medium-sized LHD epidemiology staff in Texas specifically.
Conclusions: Through this program, DSHS increased epidemiology capacity almost twofold from 0.28 to 0.47 epidemiologists per 100,000 people. These findings suggest that capacity funding programs like this improve epidemiology capacity in local jurisdictions and should be considered in other regions to improve general public health preparedness and epidemiology capacity.
Hall N, et al. Myopericarditis associated with smallpox vaccination among US Army personnel - Fort Hood, Texas, 2018. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2021 Mar 15:1-7. [published online ahead of print]. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2020.478
Objective: In March 2018, the US Department of Defense (DOD) added the smallpox vaccination, using ACAM2000, to its routine immunizations, increasing the number of persons receiving the vaccine. The following month, Fort Hood reported a cluster of 5 myopericarditis cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the DOD launched an investigation.
Methods: The investigation consisted of a review of medical records, establishment of case definitions, causality assessment, patient interviews, and active surveillance. A 2-sided exact rate ratio test was used to compare myopericarditis incidence rates.
Results: This investigation identified 4 cases of probable myopericarditis and 1 case of suspected myopericarditis. No alternative etiology was identified as a cause. No additional cases were identified. There was no statistically significant difference in incidence rates between the observed cluster (5.23 per 1000 vaccinated individuals, 95% CI: 1.7-12.2) and the ACAM2000 clinical trial outcomes for symptomatic persons, which was 2.29 per 1000 vaccinated individuals (95% CI: 0.3-8.3).
Conclusions: Vaccination with ACAM2000 is the presumptive cause of this cluster. Caution should be exercised before considering vaccination campaigns for smallpox given the clinical morbidity and costs incurred by a case of myopericarditis. Risk of myopericarditis should be carefully weighed with risk of exposure to smallpox.
Shuford JA, Prot E, Cuevas E, et al. Travel from the United Kingdom to the United States by a symptomatic patient infected with the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant - Texas, January 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021 Mar 12;70(10):348-349. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7010e2
In December 2020, the B.1.1.7 genetic variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was first reported after emergence and rapid circulation in the United Kingdom (1). Evidence suggests that the B.1.1.7 variant is more efficiently transmitted than are other SARS-CoV-2 variants, and widespread circulation could thereby increase SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization rates (1,2). The first reported SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant case in the United States was confirmed by sequencing in Colorado on December 29, 2020.* This report describes a person who traveled from the United Kingdom to the United States after experiencing COVID-19-compatible symptoms† and was eventually confirmed to be infected with the B.1.1.7 variant.
Stoner D, et al. Cost-Effectiveness of the Wellness Incentives and Navigation (WIN) Program. Value Health. 2021 Mar;24(3):361-368. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2020.06.019
Objectives: Promoting patient involvement in managing co-occurring physical and mental health conditions is increasingly recognized as critical to improving outcomes and controlling costs in this growing chronically ill population. The main objective of this study was to conduct an economic evaluation of the Wellness Incentives and Navigation (WIN) intervention as part of a longitudinal randomized pragmatic clinical trial for chronically ill Texas Medicaid enrollees with co-occurring physical and mental health conditions.
Methods: The WIN intervention used a personal navigator, motivational interviewing, and a flexible wellness expense account to increase patient activation, that is, the patient's knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing their self-care and co-occurring physical and mental health conditions. Regression models were fit to both participant-level quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and total costs of care (including the intervention) controlling for demographics, health status, poverty, Medicaid managed care plan, intervention group, and baseline health utility and costs. Incremental costs and QALYs were calculated based on the difference in predicted costs and QALYs under intervention versus usual care and were used to calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Confidence intervals were calculated using Fieller's method, and sensitivity analyses were performed.
Results: The mean ICER for the intervention compared with usual care was $12,511 (95% CI $8,971-$16,842), with a sizable majority of participants (70%) having ICERs below $40,000. The WIN intervention also produced higher QALY increases for participants who were sicker at baseline compared to those who were healthier at baseline.
Conclusion: The WIN intervention shows considerable promise as a cost-effective intervention in this challenging chronically ill population.
Sardell R, Miller P, et al. Texas has the highest hepatocellular carcinoma incidence rates in the USA. Dig Dis Sci. 2021 Mar;66(3):912-916. doi: 10.1007/s10620-020-06231-4
Background: Texas is the second largest state by area and population in the USA and is reported to have high incidence and mortality rates for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The reasons for the increasingly high burden of HCC in Texas are not clear.
Aims: We explored trends and demographic and regional variations in HCC incidence to better understand reasons for the high burden in Texas.
Methods: We analyzed Texas Cancer Registry incidence data from 2001 to 2015 and compared results to the U.S. National Program of Cancer Registries and SEER for the same period. Rates were stratified by sex, race/ethnicity, and age at diagnosis. Rates were also compared between the US/Mexico border region of Texas and the rest of Texas.
Results: Texas had the highest HCC age-adjusted incidence rate of all states, 13.2/100,000, which was 45% higher than the national average. In Texas and nationally, rates increased by 4% per year between 2001 and 2015. Rates in Texas were 26-37% greater than national rates for Hispanics, African-Americans, and non-Hispanic whites. Among Hispanics in states with the largest percentage of Hispanics, Texas-based Hispanics had the highest HCC incidence rate in 2015 (21.2/100,000) compared with Hispanics in New Mexico, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida. Incidence rates were highest in South Texas and US/Mexico border regions.
Conclusions: Increasing rates in the large Hispanic population may explain why Texas now has the highest HCC incidence rate in the USA.
Waldrup K, et al. Surveillance of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomine vectors, feral dogs and cats, and wild animals in and around El Paso county, Texas, and New Mexico. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2021 Feb 18;15(2):e0009147. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009147
The causative agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, is transmitted by triatomine vectors. The insect is endemic in the Americas, including the United States, where epidemiological studies are limited, particularly in the Southwestern region. Here, we have determined the prevalence of T. cruzi in triatomines, feral cats and dogs, and wild animals, the infecting parasite genotypes and the mammalian host bloodmeal sources of the triatomines at four different geographical sites in the U.S.-Mexico border, including El Paso County, Texas, and nearby cities in New Mexico. Using qualitative polymerase chain reaction to detect T. cruzi infections, we found 66.4% (n = 225) of triatomines, 45.3% (n = 95) of feral dogs, 39.2% (n = 24) of feral cats, and 71.4% (n = 7) of wild animals positive for T. cruzi. Over 95% of T. cruzi genotypes or discrete typing units (DTUs) identified were TcI and some TcIV. Furthermore, Triatoma rubida was the triatomine species most frequently (98.2%) collected in all samples analyzed. These findings suggest a high prevalence of T. cruzi infections among triatomines, and feral and wild animals in the studied sites. Therefore, our results underscore the urgent need for implementation of a systematic epidemiological surveillance program for T. cruzi infections in insect vectors, and feral and wild animals, and Chagas disease in the human population in the southwestern region of the United States.
Canfield MA, et al. Maternal hypertension-related genotypes and congenital heart defects. Am J Hypertens. 2021 Feb 18;34(1):82-91. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpaa116
Background: Maternal hypertension has been associated with congenital heart defect occurrence in several studies. We assessed whether maternal genotypes associated with this condition were also associated with congenital heart defect occurrence.
Methods: We used data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study to identify non-Hispanic white (NHW) and Hispanic women with (cases) and without (controls) a pregnancy in which a select simple, isolated heart defect was present between 1999 and 2011. We genotyped 29 hypertension-related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We conducted logistic regression analyses separately by race/ethnicity to assess the relationship between the presence of any congenital heart defect and each SNP and an overall blood pressure genetic risk score (GRS). All analyses were then repeated to assess 4 separate congenital heart defect subtypes.
Results: Four hypertension-related variants were associated with congenital heart defects among NHW women (N = 1,568 with affected pregnancies). For example, 1 intronic variant in ARHGAP2, rs633185, was associated with conotruncal defects (odds ratio [OR]: 1.3, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1-1.6). Additionally, 2 variants were associated with congenital heart defects among Hispanic women (N = 489 with affected pregnancies). The GRS had a significant association with septal defects (OR: 2.1, 95% CI: 1.2-3.5) among NHW women.
Conclusions: We replicated a previously reported association between rs633185 and conotruncal defects. Although additional hypertension-related SNPs were also associated with congenital heart defects, more work is needed to better understand the relationship between genetic risk for maternal hypertension and congenital heart defects occurrence.
Langlois P, Canfield M, et al. Patterns of co-occurring birth defects among infants with hypospadias [published correction appears in J Pediatr Urol. 2021 Aug;17(4):e1]. J Pediatr Urol. 2021;17(1):64.e1-64.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2020.11.015
Introduction: Hypospadias, one of the most common male genital birth defects, occurs in 1 out of every 200 male births in the United States and is increasing in prevalence globally.
Objective: This study aimed to characterize the combinations of birth defects that co-occur with hypospadias more often than expected by chance, while accounting for the complex clustering patterns of congenital defects.
Study design: We analyzed cases with hypospadias and at least one additional co-occurring defect from the Texas Birth Defect Registry born between 1999 and 2014. For each combination, we calculated adjusted observed-to-expected (O/E) ratios, using Co-Occurring Defect Analysis (CODA).
Results: Among 16,442 cases with hypospadias and without known syndromes, 2,084 (12.7%) had at least one additional defect. Many of the birth defect combinations within the highest adjusted O/E ratios included cardiac, musculoskeletal, and additional urogenital defects. For example, a top combination with an adjusted O/E of 139.0 included renal agenesis and dysgenesis, reduction defects of the upper limb, and other anomalies of upper limb (including shoulder girdle). High adjusted O/E ratios were also observed in combinations that included defects outside of the urogenital developmental field. For instance, the combination with the highest O/E ratio included buphthalmos, and congenital cataract and lens anomalies (adjusted O/E ratio: 192.9). Similar results were obtained when we restricted our analyses to cases with second- or third-degree hypospadias.
Discussion: Many combinations in the top results were expected (e.g., multiple urogenital defects); however, some combinations with seemingly unrelated patterns of defects may suggest the presence of some etiologic mechanisms yet to be identified.
Conclusion: In summary, this study described patterns of co-occurring defect combinations with hypospadias that can inform further study and may provide insights for screening and diagnostic practices.
Johnson EP, et al. ChicagO Multiethnic Prevention and Surveillance Study (COMPASS): Increased response rates among African American residents in low socioeconomic status neighborhoods. Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2021 Feb;8(1):186-198. doi: 10.1007/s40615-020-00770-2
African American (AA) populations experience persistent health disparities in the USA. Low representation in bio-specimen research precludes stratified analyses and creates challenges in studying health outcomes among AA populations. Previous studies examining determinants of bio-specimen research participation among minority participants have focused on individual-level barriers and facilitators. Neighborhood-level contextual factors may also inform bio-specimen research participation, possibly through social norms and the influence of social views and behaviors on neighbor's perspectives. We conducted an epidemiological study of residents in 5108 Chicago addresses to examine determinants of bio-specimen research participation among predominantly AA participants solicited for participation in the first 6 years of ChicagO Multiethnic Prevention and Surveillance Study (COMPASS). We used a door-to-door recruitment strategy by interviewers of predominantly minority race and ethnicity. Participants were compensated with a $50 gift card. We achieved response rates of 30.4% for non-AA addresses and 58.0% for AA addresses, with as high as 80.3% response among AA addresses in low socioeconomic status (SES) neighborhoods. After multivariable adjustment, we found approximately 3 times the odds of study participation among predominantly AA addresses in low vs. average SES neighborhoods (odds ratio (OR) = 3.06; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.20-4.24). Conversely, for non-AA addresses, we observed no difference in the odds of study participation in low vs. average SES neighborhoods (OR = 0.89; 95% CI = 0.69-1.14) after multivariable adjustment. Our findings suggest that AA participants in low SES neighborhoods may be recruited for bio-specimen research through door-to-door approaches with compensation. Future studies may elucidate best practices to improve bio-specimen research participation among minority populations.
Pont, SJ, et al. School-based gardening, cooking and nutrition intervention increased vegetable intake but did not reduce BMI: Texas sprouts - a cluster randomized controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021 Jan 23;18(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01087-x
Background: Although school garden programs have been shown to improve dietary behaviors, there has not been a cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted to examine the effects of school garden programs on obesity or other health outcomes. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of a one-year school-based gardening, nutrition, and cooking intervention (called Texas Sprouts) on dietary intake, obesity outcomes, and blood pressure in elementary school children.
Methods: This study was a school-based cluster RCT with 16 elementary schools that were randomly assigned to either the Texas Sprouts intervention (n = 8 schools) or to control (delayed intervention, n = 8 schools). The intervention was one school year long (9 months) and consisted of: a) Garden Leadership Committee formation; b) a 0.25-acre outdoor teaching garden; c) 18 student gardening, nutrition, and cooking lessons taught by trained educators throughout the school-year; and d) nine monthly parent lessons. The delayed intervention was implemented the following academic year and received the same protocol as the intervention arm. Child outcomes measured were anthropometrics (i.e., BMI parameters, waist circumference, and body fat percentage via bioelectrical impedance), blood pressure, and dietary intake (i.e., vegetable, fruit, and sugar sweetened beverages) via survey. Data were analyzed with complete cases and with imputations at random. Generalized weighted linear mixed models were used to test the intervention effects and to account for clustering effect of sampling by school.
Results: A total of 3135 children were enrolled in the study (intervention n = 1412, 45%). Average age was 9.2 years, 64% Hispanic, 47% male, and 69% eligible for free and reduced lunch. The intervention compared to control resulted in increased vegetable intake (+ 0.48 vs. + 0.04 frequency/day, p = 0.02). There were no effects of the intervention compared to control on fruit intake, sugar sweetened beverages, any of the obesity measures or blood pressure.
Conclusion: While this school-based gardening, nutrition, and cooking program did not reduce obesity markers or blood pressure, it did result in increased vegetable intake. It is possible that a longer and more sustained effect of increased vegetable intake is needed to lead to reductions in obesity markers and blood pressure.
Clinical trials number: NCT02668744
Le M, et al. Prevalence of structural birth defects among infants with Down syndrome, 2013-2017: A US population-based study. Birth Defects Res. 2021 Jan 15;113(2):189-202. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1854
Background: Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder at birth and is often accompanied by structural birth defects. Current data on major structural defects in this population are limited.
Methods: States and territorial population-based surveillance programs submitted data on identified cases of Down syndrome and identified structural birth defects during 2013-2017. We estimated prevalence by program type and maternal and infant characteristics. Among programs with active case ascertainment, we estimated the prevalence of birth defects by organ system and for specific defects by maternal age (<35, ≥35) and infant sex.
Results: We identified 13,376 cases of Down syndrome. Prevalence among all programs was 12.7 per 10,000 live births. Among these children, 75% had at least one reported co-occurring birth defect diagnosis code. Among 6,210 cases identified by active programs, 66% had a cardiovascular defect with septal defects being the most common: atrial (32.5%), ventricular (20.6%), and atrioventricular (17.4%). Defect prevalence differed by infant sex more frequently than by maternal age. For example, atrioventricular septal defects were more common in female children (20.1% vs. 15.1%) while limb deficiencies were more prevalent in male children (0.4% vs. 0.1%).
Conclusions: Our study provides updated prevalence estimates for structural defects, including rare defects, among children with Down syndrome using one of the largest and most recent cohorts to date. These data may aid clinical care and surveillance.
Langlois PH, et al. Associations between cumulative environmental quality and ten selected birth defects in Texas. Birth Defects Res. 2021 Jan 15;113(2):161-172. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1788
Background: Causes of most birth defects are largely unknown. Genetics, maternal factors (e.g., age, smoking) and environmental exposures have all been linked to some birth defects, including neural tube, oral cleft, limb reduction, and gastroschisis; however, the contribution of cumulative exposures across several environmental domains in association with these defects is not well understood.
Methods: The Environmental Quality Index (EQI) and its domains (air, water, land, sociodemographic, built) were used to estimate county-level cumulative environmental exposures from 2006-2010 and matched to birth defects identified from Texas Birth Defects Registry and live birth records from births in years 2007-2010 (N = 1,610,709). Poisson regression models estimated prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for associations between 10 birth defects and the EQI.
Results: We observed some positive associations between worst environmental quality and neural tube, anencephaly, spina bifida, oral cleft, cleft palate, cleft lip with and without cleft palate, and gastroschisis [PR range: 1.12-1.55], but near null associations with limb reduction defects. Among domain specific results, we observed the strongest positive associations with the sociodemographic domain across birth defects but varied positive associations among the air and water domains, and negative or null associations with the land and built domains. Overall, few exposure-response patterns were evident.
Conclusions: Our results highlight the complexities of cumulative, simultaneous environmental exposures in the prevalence rates of 10 selected birth defects. We were able to explore the impact of overall and domain specific environmental quality on birth defects and identify potential domain specific drivers of these associations.
Ethen MK, Canfield MA, et al. The risk of birth defects with conception by ART. Hum Reprod. 2021 Jan 1;36(1):116-129. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deaa272
Study question: What is the association between ART conception and treatment parameters and the risk of birth defects?
Summary answer: Compared to naturally conceived singleton infants, the risk of a major nonchromosomal defect among ART singletons conceived with autologous oocytes and fresh embryos without use of ICSI was increased by 18%, with increases of 42% and 30% for use of ICSI with and without male factor diagnosis, respectively.
What is known already: Prior studies have indicated that infertility and ART are associated with an increased risk of birth defects but have been limited by small sample size and inadequate statistical power, failure to differentiate results by plurality, differences in birth defect definitions and methods of ascertainment, lack of information on ART treatment parameters or study periods spanning decades resulting in a substantial historical bias as ART techniques have improved.
Study size, design, duration: This was a population-based cohort study linking ART cycles reported to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinic Outcome Reporting System (SART CORS) from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2015 that resulted in live births from 1 September 2004 to 31 December 2016 in Massachusetts and North Carolina and from 1 September 2004 to 31 December 2015 for Texas and New York: these were large and ethnically diverse States, with birth defect registries utilizing the same case definitions and data collected, and with high numbers of ART births annually. A 10:1 sample of non-ART births were chosen within the same time period as the ART birth. Naturally conceived ART siblings were identified through the mother's information. Non-ART children were classified as being born to women who conceived with ovulation induction (OI)/IUI when there was an indication of infertility treatment on the birth certificate, but the woman did not link to the SART CORS; all others were classified as being naturally conceived.
Participants/materials, setting, methods: The study population included 135 051 ART children (78 362 singletons and 56 689 twins), 23 647 naturally conceived ART siblings (22 301 singletons and 1346 twins) and 9396 children born to women treated with OI/IUI (6597 singletons and 2799 twins) and 1 067 922 naturally conceived children (1 037 757 singletons and 30 165 twins). All study children were linked to their respective State birth defect registries to identify major defects diagnosed within the first year of life. We classified children with major defects as either chromosomal (i.e. presence of a chromosomal defect with or without any other major defect) or nonchromosomal (i.e. presence of a major defect but having no chromosomal defect), or all major defects (chromosomal and nonchromosomal). Logistic regression models were used to generate adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and 95% CI to evaluate the risk of birth defects due to conception with ART (using autologous oocytes and fresh embryos), and with and without the use of ICSI in the absence or presence of male factor infertility, with naturally conceived children as the reference. Analyses within the ART group were stratified by combinations of oocyte source (autologous, donor) and embryo state (fresh, thawed), with births from autologous oocytes and fresh embryos as the reference. Analyses limited to fresh embryos were stratified by oocyte source (autologous, donor) and the use of ICSI. Triplets and higher-order multiples were excluded.
Main results and the role of chance: A total of 21 998 singleton children (1.9%) and 3037 twin children (3.3%) had a major birth defect. Compared to naturally conceived children, ART singletons (conceived from autologous oocytes, fresh embryos without the use of ICSI) had increased risks of a major nonchromosomal birth defect (AOR 1.18, 95% 1.05, 1.32), cardiovascular defects (AOR 1.20, 95% CI 1.03, 1.40), and any birth defect (AOR 1.18, 95% CI 1.09, 1.27). Compared to naturally conceived children, ART singletons conceived (from autologous oocytes, fresh embryos) with the use of ICSI, the risks were increased for a major nonchromosomal birth defect (AOR 1.30, 95% CI 1.16, 1.45 without male factor diagnosis; AOR 1.42, 95% CI 1.28, 1.57 with male factor diagnosis); blastogenesis defects (AOR 1.49, 95% CI 1.08, 2.05 without male factor; AOR 1.56, 95% CI 1.17, 2.08 with male factor); cardiovascular defects (AOR 1.28, 95% CI 1.10,1.48 without male factor; AOR 1.45, 95% CI 1.27, 1.66 with male factor); in addition, the risk for musculoskeletal defects was increased (AOR 1.34, 95% CI 1.01, 1.78 without male factor) and the risk for genitourinary defects in male infants was increased (AOR 1.33, 95% CI 1.08, 1.65 with male factor). Comparisons within ART singleton births conceived from autologous oocytes and fresh embryos indicated that the use of ICSI was associated with increased risks of a major nonchromosomal birth defect (AOR 1.18, 95% CI 1.03, 1.35), blastogenesis defects (AOR 1.65, 95% CI 1.08, 2.51), gastrointestinal defects (AOR 2.21, 95% CI 1.28, 3.82) and any defect (AOR 1.11, 95% CI 1.01, 1.22). Compared to naturally conceived children, ART singleton siblings had increased risks of musculoskeletal defects (AOR 1.32, 95% CI 1.04, 1.67) and any defect (AOR 1.15, 95% CI 1.08, 1.23). ART twins (conceived with autologous oocytes, fresh embryos, without ICSI) were at increased risk of chromosomal defects (AOR 1.89, 95% CI 1.10, 3.24) and ART twin siblings were at increased risk of any defect (AOR 1.26, 95% CI 1.01, 1.57). The 18% increased risk of a major nonchromosomal birth defect in singleton infants conceived with ART without ICSI (∼36% of ART births), the 30% increased risk with ICSI without male factor (∼33% of ART births), and the 42% increased risk with ICSI and male factor (∼31% of ART births) translates into an estimated excess of 386 major birth defects among the 68 908 singleton children born by ART in 2017.
Limitations, reasons for caution: In the SART CORS database, it was not possible to differentiate method of embryo freezing (slow freezing vs vitrification), and data on ICSI was only available in the fresh embryo ART group. In the OI/IUI group, it was not possible to differentiate type of non-ART treatment utilized, and in both the ART and OI/IUI groups, data were unavailable on duration of infertility.
Wider implications of the findings: The use of ART is associated with increased risks of a major nonchromosomal birth defect, cardiovascular defect and any defect in singleton children, and chromosomal defects in twins; the use of ICSI further increases this risk, the most with male factor infertility. These findings support the judicious use of ICSI only when medically indicated. The relative contribution of ART treatment parameters versus the biology of the subfertile couple to this increased risk remains unclear and warrants further study.
Study finding/competing interest(s): This project was supported by grant R01 HD084377 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, or the National Institutes of Health, nor any of the State Departments of Health which contributed data. E.W. is a contract vendor for SART; all other authors report no conflicts.
Langlois PH, Canfield MA, et al. Risk factors and time trends for isolated craniosynostosis. Birth Defects Res. 2021 Jan 1;113(1):43-54. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1824
Background: We sought to investigate associations between maternal/infant characteristics and isolated craniosynostosis as well as its subtypes sagittal, metopic, and coronal synostosis, and assess trends in the prevalence of these conditions.
Methods: We identified cases in the Texas Birth Defects Registry from 1999 to 2014. We used Poisson regression to identify associations between maternal/infant characteristics and craniosynostosis. We used joinpoint regression and unadjusted Poisson regression to evaluate temporal trends. Finally, we computed adjusted Poisson models to evaluate whether temporal trends were evident after accounting for changes in the population distributions of maternal/infant characteristics over time.
Results: Relative to all live births in the general population, cases were more frequently male or preterm. Mothers of cases were more frequently non-Hispanic white and more frequently obese. Non-Hispanic black or Hispanic maternal race/ethnicity was associated with a lower prevalence of all craniosynostosis subtypes. Previous live births were associated with sagittal synostosis; residence on the U.S.-Mexico border was associated with sagittal and coronal synostosis. The prevalence of any isolated craniosynostosis increased (average annual percent change estimated from joinpoint regression [AAPC]: 2.9%), as did the prevalences of sagittal (AAPC: 3.3%) and metopic synostosis (AAPC: 5.4%). In crude Poisson models, the same temporal trends were observed, however these were attenuated after adjusting for maternal/infant characteristics.
Conclusions: Prevalence of isolated craniosynostosis increased from 1999 to 2014. The largest AAPC was observed for metopic synostosis. Changes in the population distribution of associated maternal/infant characteristics may explain these trends.
Langlois PH, et al. Comprehensive assessment of the associations between maternal diabetes and structural birth defects in offspring: A phenome-wide association study. Ann Epidemiol. 2021 Jan;53:14-20.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.08.006
Purpose: Our objective was to comprehensively evaluate the risk of a broad range of birth defects among offspring of women with diabetes, overall and stratified by pregestational versus gestational diagnosis, using the phenome-wide association (PheWAS) methodology.
Methods: We performed a registry linkage study of all live births (>6,500,000) and birth defects cases (>290,000) in Texas, 1999-2015. We ascertained diabetes from birth and fetal death certificates. We calculated prevalence rate ratios (PRR) for phenotypes with ≥10 cases among exposed offspring (n = 130).
Results: Diabetes was associated with the prevalence of any defect (PRR 1.40, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.38-1.42), multiple defects (PRR 1.86, 95% CI 1.81-1.91), and 60 specific phenotypes, including novel (hypospadias, mitral stenosis) and previously reported phenotypes (renal a-/dysgenesis, spinal anomalies). Pregestational diabetes was a stronger risk factor for any defect (PRR 2.00, 95% CI 1.93-2.07), multiple defects (PRR 3.27, 95% CI 3.11-3.44), and the 60 specific phenotypes evaluated. Gestational diabetes was associated with any defect (PRR 1.21, 95% CI 1.19-1.23) and 47 specific birth defects phenotypes, although associations were weaker than for pregestational diabetes.
Conclusions: The PheWAS is an efficient way to identify risk factors for disease using population-based registry data. Pregestational diabetes is associated with a broader range of phenotypes than previously reported. Because diabetes is diagnosed in 1% of women prior to pregnancy and 6%-9% during pregnancy, our results highlight a significant public health concern.