Frequently Asked Questions
Discover answers to commonly asked questions about immunization requirements for school admittance to ensure your child meets all necessary criteria, and access the same detailed information in the downloadable PDF.
Discover answers to commonly asked questions about immunization requirements for school admittance to ensure your child meets all necessary criteria, and access the same detailed information in the downloadable PDF.
Provisional enrollment is a component of the rules adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the minimum immunization requirements for school entry. Provisional enrollment allows a student meeting certain criteria to be admitted to school on a temporary basis for up to 30 days. During this 30-day period, the parent is responsible for ensuring that the student receives the necessary vaccine(s) as fast as is medically feasible, provides a complete and current immunization record to the school, or has a valid vaccine exemption on file. Texas schools are also responsible for ensuring that immunization records are sent to requesting Texas schools within the 30-day period.
Provisional enrollment allows a student to enroll in school for 30 days under the following situations:
1. Transfer Students
Students transferring from one Texas public or private school to another Texas school.
2. Homeless Students
Students who are defined as homeless according to the federal McKinney-Vento Act, 42 U.S.C. §11302.
3. Active Duty Dependents
Students who are dependent on active duty service members and are waiting on the transfer of their immunization records.
4. Children in Foster Care
Students who are in foster care and are waiting on the transfer of their immunization record.
3. Students In-Progress
Students who have received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by the DSHS rules. To remain enrolled, students must complete the required subsequent doses of each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to the school. A school nurse or school administrator shall review the immunization status of a provisionally enrolled student every 30 days to ensure continued compliance in completing the required doses of vaccination. If, at the end of the 30-day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until the required dose(s) is (are) administered.
No. The child must obtain the first doses of the required vaccines and then they can be admitted provisionally as long as they are progressing towards receiving the remaining required vaccines as fast as is medically feasible.
The answer to the question is more detailed in the PDF document.
The student will be required to receive the necessary vaccinations or have a valid vaccine exemption on file in order to enroll or start school. If the student has started the series and is on schedule, he or she can enroll provisionally until it is medically feasible to receive the next vaccine dose.
Acceptable documentation of immunizations is any record of immunizations validated by a physician or his/her designee, or public health personnel. The record must show the month, day, and year when each immunization was received.
No. If more than the maximum amount of time to receive the next dose has expired, the student cannot attend school until he/she received the required dose.
Parents should contact their children's physician. Alternatively, they can contact their local health department or the nearest DSHS Health Service Regional Office for information.
The conscientious exemption is valid for two years.
No. Religious exemptions dated prior to September 1, 2003 are lifelong exemptions.
According to the Texas Attorney General Opinion No. GA-0178, only the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), formerly the Texas Department of Health (TDH) may adopt rules relating to provisional admission.
Yes. Admission to a school is not allowed until records are produced showing (1) that the child has been immunized in accordance with the rules; (2) the child has an exemption from immunization requirements on file with the school in accordance with the rules; or (3) that the child is entitled to provisional enrollment.
For more information about immunization requirements, contact the Immunization Branch at (512) 458-7284 or (800) 252-9152.