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2017 ELC Epidemiology Workshop

ELC Epidemiology Workshop

Commons Learning Center

Austin, Texas 

Plenary Session, Tuesday, October 3, 2017, 8:30 am - 5 pm

 8:00             Registration

 8:30             Welcome

 8:45             Mumps, Mumps, and more Mumps

                      Chip Cohlmia, EAIDB, Heidi Honza, HSR 2/3, and Daphne Lynch, Collin Co HCS

 9:45              Break

10:00             Legionellosis Outbreaks and Environmental Health Assessments 

                       EAIDB, Houston, Vaidehi Shah, Waco-McLennan Co PHD

11:00              Containing Novel Resistance

                       Cal Ham, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, Antimicrobial Resistance Team, Prevention and Response Branch,

                       Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC

12:00             Lunch, on your own

 1:15              Keynote - Risk, Crisis, and Emergency Communication: Principles and Tools

                       Vincent Covello, PhD, Center for Risk Communication

  2:15              Exercising Epidemiology (Epi and Preparedness Coordination)

                        Carol Davis and Bonnie Morehead, HS7, Kahler Stone, TX A&M SPH 

  3:15               Break

  3:30               Cyclospora (Strikes Again)

  4:00              An Update of Zika Investigation and Response in Texas 

                        Kelly Broussard, ZCB, Raquel Castillo and Isabel Huerta, Cameron Co HD 

 5:00               Adjourn

Breakout Sessions, Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 8:30am - 5pm


Track 1

Track 2

Track 3


Emerging Healthcare-Associated Pathogens in Texas: What are our facilities doing to prevent the spread?    (PPT)

Innovative and Quality Practices

Student Internships, Practicums, and Volunteer Opportunities

HSR 7, Waco, and EAIDB

Handwashing Media Campaign

Wichita Co PHD

Outbreak Management in Detention, Correctional, and School Settings

Excel for Epidemiologists   (Intermediate)

 Andy Mauney

 Greg Leos


Enrollment is limited to 20, must bring your laptop.






Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak Scenario


Zoonotic Select Agents

 Zoonosis Control Branch


Lunch, on your own


Specimen Submission Requirements Update and Lab Discussion

Biostatistics for Epidemiologists

 Dr. Rich Taylor 

 UT, Austin

Excel for Epidemiologists  (Intermediate)

 Andy Mauney

 Greg Leos

(This is a repeat session)

Enrollment is limited to 20, must bring your laptop.  







Interviewer Training

Foodborne Team

Vectorborne Zoonoses

Zoonosis Control Branch

Presentation & Session descriptions

Track 1

Emerging Healthcare-Associated Pathogens in Texas: What are our facilities doing to prevent the spread? (8:30-10am):  Overview of emerging healthcare associated pathogens and public health response; review epidemiological case studies of emerging antibiotic resistant infections in Texas from state, regional, and local health department perspective; summary of Texas Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) findings.

Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak Scenario (10:15-11:45am):  This session will provide some background on Legionnaires’ disease, what constitutes a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, and guidance for handling a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak response. Attendees will be given a scenario to learn how to conduct a full Legionnaires’ disease outbreak investigation.  

Submission Requirements Update and Lab Discussion (1:00-2:30pm): This session will provide information on isolates which are required to submit to DSHS lab in Austin or another approved public health laboratory with a focus on specimen submissions for Vaccine Preventable Diseases. This session will also discuss DSHS Austin Lab capabilities and testing protocols.

Interviewer Training (2:45-4:15pm):   This session will provide training and guidance for conducting enteric disease case interviews with a focus on utilizing the Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire and will provide strategies for engaging the case-patient and maximizing their response rate.


Innovative and Quality Practices (8:30-10am):  This session will focus on Innovative and Quality Practices in Public Health and will include presentations and discussion on three topics:  Student Internships, Practicums, and Volunteer Opportunities; a Handwashing Media Campaign; and Outbreak Management in Detention, Correctional, and School Settings.

Zoonotic Select Agents (10:15-11:45am):  A review of key zoonotic select agents (i.e. Brucella, Tularemia, etc) and the lessons learned from recent investigations and exposure responses, including examples of rare agents. ZCB will review case definitions, testing and investigation recommendations for the zoonotic select agents.

Biostatistics for Epidemiologists (1:00-2:30pm):  A review of basic and intermediate statistical concepts with an emphasis on applications in Epidemiology.

Vectorborne Zoonoses (2:45-4:15pm):  An overview of the Lyme disease case definition and testing recommendations and review of the recommended arbovirus testing in Texas.


(8:30-11:45am) and (1:00-4:15pm) 

Excel for Epidemiologists: (8:30 -11:45am Wednesday) and (1:00-4:15pm, Wednesday)

The course covers formulas, pivot tables, and charts commonly used in Epi Investigations and include quick tips. Registered attendees will be invited to submit questions before the conference.

The course will be repeated in the afternoon.  Each session is limited to 20 participants. Participants must bring their laptop.