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Data Resources

Quantitative data provides evidence for the community need in your grant proposal. It shows that your organization understands the population you plan to serve. Choose trustworthy sources that include accurate, timely, and relevant data. Use county and local statistics where possible to reinforce the size of the problem in your community. Overall, the data you choose should be simple to understand and explain.

General Health Data

Demographic Data

Vital Events

  • Birth Data - Counts of live births in Texas.
  • Death Data - Counts and characteristics of deaths in Texas.

Public Health Infrastructure

Disease Surveillance

  • COVID-19 - Information on COVID-19 cases, COVID-19-associated fatalities, and hospitalizations.
  • Cancer - Information on cancer incidence for Texas counties and the state.
  • New HIV Diagnoses, People Living with HIV - Information collected by the Texas HIV surveillance program on people living with and/or diagnosed with HIV in Texas.
  • Respiratory Viruses - Trends in illnesses from influenza, COVID-19 and RSV, the “big three” respiratory viruses most likely to cause serious disease at this time of year. Data includes emergency room visits, hospitalizations and deaths. 

Drugs and Alcohol

  • Opioids - Data available on accidental drug-related deaths, opioid-related emergency department visits, and opioid-related poison center calls.
  • Fentanyl - Information on statewide fentanyl trends.

Disclaimer: External links to other sites are intended to be informational and are not endorsed by the Department of State Health Services. These sites may also not be accessible to persons with disabilities.

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